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New website launched for registration of Cypriots abroad

Cyprus nationals overseas are called to register for communication and assistance in emergency situations


A new online platform, connect2cy, for the registration of Cypriot nationals abroad was launched on Tuesday.

The Foreign Ministry called on all Cypriots abroad to visit and register.

In the midst of the international crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, the registration of all Cypriots abroad through the online platform is considered highly essential, as the Foreign Ministry can accurately map the presence of Cyprus nationals across the globe in order to provide effective consular assistance in cases of need, also through the network of Diplomatic Missions abroad.

The new online platform, which launched on Tuesday at 1pm, establishes of channel of direct communication between the island and its citizens abroad, informing them of important matters that may interest or concern them.

For more information and technical assistance, the public can contact the national crisis management centre at (+357) 22 801000.

Cyprus  |  nationals  |  abroad  |  registration  |  website  |  emergency  |  coronavirus

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