12° Nicosia,
06 June, 2024


Displaying results 1-28 of 28 matches for query Arctic.

1. Beluga whale trapped in Seoul skyscraper aquarium

In the heart of Seoul's bustling cityscape, Bella the beluga whale resides on the ground floor of the world's sixth-highest skyscraper, where she has spent a decade swimming aimlessly in a small, barren enclosure at the Aquarium of Another Life....

2. Navalnaya accuses Putin of lies, theft, and murder

Exiled Kremlin critic, Yulia Navalnaya, launched scathing accusations against Vladimir Putin today, branding him as a ''liar, thief, murderer,'' just moments before the commencement of his fifth presidential inauguration, marking his return to the helm of Russia....

3. Polar bears stranded on land as sea ice vanishes

If you’ve ever wanted to experience a day in the life of a polar bear, you’re in luck. ...

4. Navalny's unfinished story to speak beyond the grave

A memoir written by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny before his death will be published later this year....

5. Tight security as Russia bids farewell to Navalny

Hundreds gathered in Moscow to say their goodbyes to Alexei Navalny at a funeral under heavy police presence. Navalny, a prominent critic of President Vladimir Putin, died under unexplained circumstances in an Arctic penal colony....

6. Lawyer for Navalny’s family detained by Russian police

A lawyer who helped the mother of a dead Russian activist get his body was arrested in Moscow on Tuesday....

7. Russian detain over 300 paying tribute to Alexei Navalny

Amidst global outcry, Russians mourn the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, detained in an Arctic prison, as more than 300 individuals face arrest for paying their respects....

8. Navalny's bruised body uncovered, investigation gains momentum

In a dramatic turn of events, the body of Alexei Navalny has been discovered following yesterday's thriller where his relatives claimed he was not returned to them by Russian authorities....

9. Protests erupt worldwide over Navalny's death

Hundreds of demonstrators, many Russian expatriates, took to the streets in various cities globally on Friday to denounce the demise of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny....

10. Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny dies in Arctic prison

In a shocking development, Alexey Navalny, the prominent Russian opposition leader and fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin, has died at the age of 47, according to the Russian prison service. ...

11. Amateur UK photographer's arctic encounter wins prestigious Wildlife Award

Nima Sarikhani, an amateur photographer from the UK, clinched the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year award with his captivating snapshot capturing a polar bear snoozing in a makeshift bed carved into a small iceberg off Norway's Svalbard archipelago. ...

12. Ancient 'zombie viruses' stir beneath melting permafrost

In a chilling revelation, scientists have unearthed a concerning array of ancient pathogens from beneath the permafrost in Siberia, indicating a potential threat of a bizarre new pandemic looming on humanity’s horizon....

13. Finland and Sweden hit -40°C, breaking winter records°c-breaking-winter-records

In an unprecedented turn of weather events, Finland and Sweden were plunged into the depths of winter as temperatures hit a bone-chilling minus 40 degrees Celsius, marking the coldest recorded temperatures of the season. ...

14. Heavy snow triggers major incident and icy chaos in the UK

In a wintry turn of events, the UK experiences an Alpine transformation as heavy snow blankets Cumbria, leading to abandoned cars and a declared major incident by local police....

15. Sea-lice disaster hits Iceland's prominent salmon farm

Images of severely diseased, dead and dying salmon at an Icelandic fish farm, obtained by the Guardian, have been described by one veterinary expert as an “animal welfare disaster” on a scale never previously seen....

16. First pictures of Titan's Wreckage revealed after ROVs discover chambers

Debris from the Titan was brought ashore by deep-sea robots on Wednesday as the US Coast Guard continues recovery operations following the sub’s catastrophic implosion....

17. British military intelligence reveals Russian navy's use of combat dolphins

British military spies on Friday said Russia appears to be training combat dolphins in the annexed Crimean peninsula to counter Ukrainian forces....

18. Zero-hour for the Titan submersible as oxygen levels dwindle

Oxygen on Titan is now feared to have run out - but the desperate search for the missing Titanic submersible and the brave adventurers on board reached the floor of the Atlantic today - just as the desperate deadline passed....

19. Cyprus praises visit by US guided-missile destroyer

Cyprus Defence Minister, Michalis Giorgallas, has said that the call which class guided-missile destroyer USS Arleigh Burke paid on Wednesday at Limassol port, is a proof of the strong position which Cyprus has in the region...

20. The red warning from the beaches of Protaras

First and foremost, let me state that I am not an environmental expert. As an active citizen, I am recording my concerns about the changes brought about by climate change...

21. US to appoint Arctic ambassador, first time in history

The United States is ready to appoint its first-ever American ambassador to the Arctic region, a State Department official has announced, with the move coming at a time when both the Russians and the Chinese are strengthening their presence in the region....

22. Extreme freakish heat in both north and south poles

Earth's poles are undergoing simultaneous freakish extreme heat with parts of Antarctica more than 70 degrees (40 degrees Celsius) warmer than average and areas of the Arctic more than 50 degrees (30 degrees Celsius) warmer than average....

23. Conde Nast: 3 Greek Beaches Among Europe’s Most Beautiful

Porto Katsiki, Lefkada, Kleftiko beach, Milos, and Seitan Limania beach in Crete have been listed among Europe’s top beaches, according to London-based travel gurus Condé Nast Traveller....

24. Car-flipping winds likely to continue in arctic Cyprus

A cold front will remain in Cyprus until midweek, as strong winds and chances of local showers and thunderstorms continue to dominate the forecast along with low temperatures and snow in the mountains...

25. Climate change reshaped Earth with extreme weather this year

Fires raged. Rivers flooded. Ice melted. Droughts baked. Storms brewed. Temperatures soared. And people died....

26. Resurrecting the hairy mammoth

The return of hairy mammoths, a species that became extinct 4,000 years ago, in the icy Arctic soils, is envisioned by a new American company, Colossal....

27. EU-US summit mentions eastern Mediterranean

In a move to restore transatlantic ties, the US commander-in-chief and his two EU counterparts stressed the need for “sustainable de-escalation' of tensions in the eastern Mediterranean, with a final draft making reference to Turkey and international law after some words were left out...

28. US against two-state deal on Cyprus, Heather A. Conley tells Kathimerini

Heather A. Conley is no stranger to Greece as she has made a point of visiting the country every year and also participated in the 2019 Delphi Forum – the last that actually took place in Delphi. A Washington veteran, she is senior vice president for Europe, Eurasia and the Arctic and director of the Europe, Russia and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)....