12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 93 matches for query ELAM.

1. DISY cautions against indirect AKEL support

As Cyprus gears up for the upcoming elections, the focus among party insiders has shifted to what will secure victory for the traditional parties and their leaders and what factors will influence voter turnout. ...

2. Pelekanos stirs debate with rejection of bi-zonal federation

Marios Pelekanos's recent revelation in the Legalmatters podcast that he opposes the Bi-zonal Bicommunal Federation (BBF) as a form of solution for Cyprus, instead supporting a unitary state, has ignited significant debate. ...

3. AKEL accused of anti-European populism ahead of elections

In the past week, Annita Demetriou presented DISY's positions for the European elections while launching a simultaneous offensive against AKEL....

4. ELAM's surge is shaking up Cyprus politics

According to a report today by Marina Economidou in this Sunday's Kathimerini, with Cyprus gearing up for elections, the surge of the far-right party ELAM has become a central focus, particularly as it threatens to displace DIKO from its third-place position. ...

5. DISY and AKEL neck-and-neck, as third place up for grabs

With just two weeks remaining until the elections, a Kathimerini poll reveals a crucially divided electoral landscape in Cyprus, marked by high rates of voter abstention and competitive races for the top political positions....

6. Small parties gain traction in Kathimerini poll this Sunday

This Sunday, a significant survey conducted by Kathimerini and Symmetron Market Research sheds light on the upcoming European elections, offering valuable insights into voter sentiment and political dynamics....

7. Nominations underway for June European elections

Nominations for the June European elections are being submitted today from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the General Election Commissioner, located at the "Filoxenia" Conference Centre....

8. Government halts Syrian asylum reviews amid tensions

As tensions escalated in Lebanon and refugee boats continued to arrive in Cyprus, the President of the Republic made a significant......

9. European elections add twist to Cyprus polls

On June 9, Cyprus goes to the polls in the most complicated elections in its history as the European elections and the local government elections are held in parallel, following the reform passed by the Parliament....

10. Former DISY Vice President joins ELAM for European Elections

Former Vice President of the Democratic Rally (DISY), Marios Pelekanou, has joined the electoral list of the National Popular Front (ELAM) for the upcoming European elections, sparking a flurry of reactions and criticisms within the political sphere....

11. A state held hostage

While society was glued to shocking videos from the Monastery of Saint Avvakoum, sending a message that an entire financial - and not only - fraud was staged to the detriment of the faithful, the President of the Republic visited Mount Athos. ...

12. Blurred lines between the church, state, and scandal in Cyprus

Last week, amid the shadow of scandals in the Church, ELAM President Christos Christou ensured to provide full coverage to Metropolitan Isaias, ...

13. Police spokesman updates Avvakoum Monastery investigation

Police Spokesman Christos Andreou provided updates on the ongoing investigation into the Monastery of Saint Abbacum, highlighting significant developments in the case....

14. Cyprus rocked by abbey scandal

Cyprus is grappling with the fallout from a series of unsettling revelations involving the Abbey of Avvakum, a scandal that has implicated the state, the Church of Cyprus, and the nation’s political sphere, raising serious questions about oversight, responsibility, and the need for swift action....

15. Exploring the possibility of same-sex marriage in Cyprus

In today's Sunday edition of Kathimerini, journalist Ioanna Kyriakou delves into the complex landscape surrounding the feasibility and readiness for same-sex marriage in Cyprus, ...

16. Fodder for the beasts

Last week, Nicos Anastasiades demanded through his lawyer the withdrawal of the books of Makarios Drousiotis, an apology and compensation....

17. The controversy over the ''homophobic'' school video and societal issues

In Cyprus, a heated debate has ensued over a school video labeled as homophobic. Despite the Minister of Education asserting no wrongdoing, tensions escalated on social media and in Parliament...

18. Christodoulides faces declining ratings amid citizen discontent

Marina Economidou, Director of 'Kathimerini,' has commented on the recent poll results indicating a decline in the ratings of President Nikos Christodoulides. ...

19. ELAM's shadow: Unveiling the far-right's fascist roots

''Nazis or just another populist party?'' This has been the question in Germany for years regarding the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD)....

20. Foreclosure fate tied to 'Mortgage-to-Rent' scheme

Cyprus' parliament has given the green light to a groundbreaking law aimed at empowering homeowners and offering relief in the face of mortgage challenges....

21. 2024 budget gets green light – Inside scoop on state wage proposals–-inside-scoop-on-state-wage-proposals

The 2024 budget was passed into law relatively comfortably, with a total of 37 MPs voting for it, while 19 were opposed. ...

22. How Geert Wilders is redefining Dutch politics

Geert Wilders' far-right triumph in Dutch elections reverberates across Europe, marking a trend of growing electoral success. The Party for Freedom (PVV) gains prominence, aligning with European far-right leaders like Orban, Meloni, and Le Pen....

23. Could Kasselakis be the catalyst for resolving the Cyprus problem?

Stefanos Kasselakis, the newly elected President of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, is currently on a two-day visit to Cyprus, marking his first international trip since assuming office as the President of SYRIZA-PS....

24. Cyprus admits failures in immigration crisis

Those who followed the fascist incidents in Chloraka and Limassol were provoked, not just by the lack of a plan to handle this major crisis....

25. Will Justice Minister and Chief of Police lose jobs over viral video?

When the video of Nikos Christodoulides' meeting at the Presidential Palace went viral the day after Limassol riots, many people thought that the Minister of Justice and the Chief of police might lose their jobs soon....

26. Confronting racism and the far-right threat

The awful attacks on migrants, refugees, and others in Chloraka and Limassol were not sudden but rather a predictable continuation of a long-standing problem....

27. Alive and kicking! Cyprus' political system under the spotlight

The recent public debate in Famagusta Municipality has become a vital reality check on the state of Cyprus' political system over time. The decision to invite Suleiman Ulutsai, the so-called mayor of Famagusta and a Turkish Cypriot vocal about Turkish actions in Varosha...

28. Sparks fly as invitation sent to T/C 'mayor' of Famagusta

Simos Ioannou disclosed, during an interview on RIK's radio program, that he informed the President about Suleiman Ulutsai's attendance at the event, and the President's response was, "Okay, we will hold our anti-occupation event, and I will talk to the man."...

29. Cyprus elections: End of a political era?

The Intermediate parties are facing survival problems, introspection, and doubts, despite being part of the coalition government....

30. Cyprus Parliament rejects bills on borrowers' rights

The Cyprus Parliament voted against two non-government bills regarding borrowers' rights on Thursday, disregarding warnings from the government and the Central Bank about potential threats to the stability of the financial sector....