12° Nicosia,
21 September, 2024


Displaying results 1-5 of 5 matches for query Mijatovic.

1. 2,162 nameless bodies exposed in EU borders investigation

In a startling revelation, The Guardian uncovered a distressing reality – over the past decade, at least 1,015 refugees and migrants who perished at Europe's borders were laid to rest in unmarked graves....

2. Cyprus turns refugee boat back to Lebanon

Dozens of refugees who were on board a vessel spotted off Cyprus on Sunday returned to their point of departure in Lebanon, contradicting earlier reports that the boat had been escorted to Cape Greco...

3. Syrian refugees reach Cyprus by boat

Dozens of newly arrived refugees from Syria in a wooden boat made it to Cyprus, just days after Lebanese police said they blocked over 50 undocumented Syrians from attempting to each the island...

4. EU frontline ministers talk migration in Athens

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris is in Athens this weekend where he is attending a MED5 meeting on immigration, with some of the bloc’s Mediterranean members tackling issues stemming from Brussels’ new migration proposals that divide the union...

5. Cyprus scrambles to reduce asylum backlog

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris says the government is moving forward with rejections of asylum applications under new, faster procedures to clear a system backlog, with Europe seeking a comprehensive solution and a commissioner calling on Cypriot authorities to investigate illegal pushbacks...