12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 67 matches for query detainee.

1. Dimitroui regains consciousness every 5 minutes

Dimitris Andronikou, popularly known as ''Dimitroui,'' remains hospitalized in a serious but stable condition following a criminal incident that occurred......

2. New suspect sought in attempted murder of Andronikou

Another suspect sought in attempted murder case of 34-year-old Dimitris Andronikou, known as "Dimitroui," which occurred on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, on the road from Palechoriou to Anthoupolis. ...

3. Haiti declares state of emergency amid violence and prison breaks

Haiti has plunged into a state of emergency as the capital city witnessed intense violence, prompting the government to take drastic measures....

4. Surge in custody escapes sparks government response

Once again, the spotlight shines on the issue of escapes from police custody, ignited by the daring getaway of a 17-year-old from the Kokkinotrimithia......

5. Prisons department takes action following attempts to smuggle contraband

The Prisons Department in Cyprus has heightened security measures following recent incidents involving the attempted smuggling of mobile phones and drugs into the prison area. ...

6. Outcry erupts over treatment of Palestinian prisoners

A series of videos aired by Israeli television networks, depicting numerous Palestinian detainees clad only in underwear and blindfolded, has ignited a social media storm of criticism....

7. Hostage release delayed as Hamas demands aid access

Hamas's armed wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam brigades, has announced a delay in the second release of hostages scheduled for Saturday....

8. Central prison under scrutiny in Kalogeropoulos murder investigation

In a harrowing turn of events, the communities of Nicosia and Limassol find themselves on edge following two shocking murders that have left residents and law enforcement agencies deeply unsettled....

9. Syrian man causes havoc at Nicosia bank

A 44-year-old man from Syria created chaos when he entered a bank branch in Nicosia on Friday, putting the police on alert....

10. Qatar initiates talks on Israeli hostage swap with Hamas

In a bid to secure the release of Israeli women and children who were kidnapped by the Palestinian armed group and have been held in Gaza, Qatari mediators have engaged in talks with Hamas officials both in Doha and Gaza. ...

11. The controversial path to 1,704 new Cypriot ''citizens''

In the period spanning from November 5, 2021, to June 19, 2023, a total of 1,704 "citizenships" were granted with the approval of the ''Ministry of Interior'', according to the Dursun Oguz. This information was reported by Kibris....

12. Viral image adds intrigue to Syrian man's controversy

A 47-year-old Syrian man has captured headlines due to his public threats following the Chloraka incidents, sparking a whirlwind of responses....

13. Rights groups alarmed by Chlorakas' anti-refugee incidents

In the wake of the recent incidents in Chloraka, Cyprus, where tensions have escalated leading to anti-refugee actions, international human rights organizations have expressed "severe concern" over the situation....

14. Calls for redress in Irish mother and baby home scandal

Ten years after a dark discovery was made in the west of Ireland, Euronews takes a look at the grim legacy of the maternity homes that were still in operation until the end of the 20th century. ...

15. Manhunt in Cyprus after detainees escape

Three detainees managed to escape during their transfer from the court in Nicosia to the central prisons, prompting a manhunt by the so-called "police authorities" of the pseudo-state....

16. Island remembers camps for Holocaust survivors

Cyprus and Israel commemorated on Thursday the 74th anniversary of the closure of the concentration camps for Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors, who fled Europe after World War II for Israel...

17. Another Briton jailed for sex crimes dies in Cyprus

A convicted sex offender who was serving a prison sentence in Cyprus died on Friday, marking the second death of a British national within the island’s penitentiary system this year in connection with sex crimes...

18. Cyprus records another prison death as suicide

Officials in Nicosia Central Prisons in the Republic of Cyprus went on alert on Friday following the death of an inmate, whose body was found hanged in the shower...

19. Criticism and unknowns emerge in latest prison death

Cyprus Police have not ruled out foul play in the death of a British inmate, who was found hanged last Friday, while reports suggested the case was filled with conflicting information including a suggestion that no effort had been made to resuscitate...

20. Prosecutors say Cidan was tortured to give up password

Cypriot state prosecutors say an inmate who was killed inside Nicosia’s prison had been cruelly tortured for two days by a felon who demanded a password to check if nude photos of his wife were on the victim’s phone...

21. Handcuffed man dies of heart attack in police car

A man who tried to evade arrest on Sunday died after suffering a heart attack, with police saying he stopped running after he got tired while the family is seeking more answers and accusing officers of ignoring his medical condition...

22. COVID protests spreading across China

From Shanghai to Beijing, protests have erupted across China in a rare show of dissent against the ruling Communist Party sparked by anger over the country’s increasingly costly zero-Covid policy....

23. Suspect in Nicosia prison murder case cries foul

The main suspect in the death of a Turkish Cypriot inmate in Nicosia has leveled multiple accusations during a court appearance on Monday, when reporters also heard him screaming at police and asking to be transferred to a different jailhouse...

24. Dad’s hurried deportation stirs debate in Cyprus

The hasty deportation of a detained man, whose wife and teenage son remain in Cyprus, has stirred up debate this week, bringing the child commissioner head to head with the state’s law enforcement authorities and even the interior minister himself...

25. Suspected sex offender facing trafficking charges

Police are keeping a tight lid on an arrest in connection with a sex exploitation case after a man was arrested on Sunday on indecent assault and rape charges...

26. Chinese embassy in Cyprus speaks out on extradition

The Chinese embassy in Cyprus has responded to reports in local media that accused Beijing of using scare tactics on the island to get a suspect extradited, with an official statement pointing to fake news and offering a different side to the story...

27. Cyprus to deport asylees on safety grounds

Dozens of refugees in the Republic of Cyprus have been denied access to asylum, with reports saying they have been transported to a deportation facility while the nature of their crimes was still unknown...

28. House committee condemns sidelining of prison warden

There was an odd twist during a House committee hearing on Tuesday, after it emerged that the prison warden had been told to sit out a crucial part regarding ankle bracelet legislation, with members crying foul over the arrangement...

29. ISIS 'Beatles' member expected to plead guilty

An Islamic State jihadist of Cypriot origins and member of the terrorist cell “The Beatles” is rumored to have changed his plea to guilty, thus foregoing trial in a US courtroom...

30. Police under scrutiny over media attack

Cyprus police moved quickly to arrest a dozen suspects in the aftermath of an attack on a local media building in Nicosia, but questions remained over what law enforcement knew ahead of time and how prepared were riot police to face the assaul...