12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 46 matches for query fertilizer.

1. The feathered ''employees'' of Akaki Grove

When Elena Christoforou was five years old, her godfather, who lived in England, had given her a BBC videotape, a series narrated by David Attenborough ...

2. Cypriot farmers' protests send ripples across Europe

The surge of farmers' fury has reverberated in a manner unprecedented for Brussels, the nerve center of European decision-making....

3. Cypriot scientist revolutionizes agriculture with soil-free crop growth

Growing crops without soil may sound like a contradiction, but for the research team "Eplants" (Electronic Plants) at Linköping University, Sweden, led by Associate Professor Eleni Stavrinidou, it is not only possible, but also groundbreaking....

4. Veganism: From fringe movement to global phenomenon

The launch of Burger King's Impossible Whopper in 2019 was a 'pinch me' moment for longtime vegan advocate Toni Vernelli....

5. Mobile units lead the way in sustainable disposal and awareness

Four mobile units are set to embark on a crucial mission across Cyprus, collecting hazardous household waste as part of a groundbreaking initiative established by the Ministry of Agriculture....

6. Christodoulides celebrates Cyprus as a maritime powerhouse at Maritime Cyprus 2023

President Nikos Christodoulides addressed the Maritime Cyprus 2023 Conference in Limassol, highlighting Cyprus as a major ship management center in Europe and worldwide. ...

7. Russian warning sparks Black Sea grain export tensions

Russia warned that from Thursday any ships traveling to Ukraine's Black Sea ports will be seen as possibly carrying military cargoes after Ukraine said it was setting up a temporary shipping route to try and continue its grain exports....

8. Wheat soars 2.14%, Russia exits deal

The price of wheat has increased for the third consecutive day, surpassing 2%, as of Thursday....

9. US monitoring of UN Secretary-General Guterres revealed in leaked documents

Leaked Pentagon files indicate the United States was monitoring UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres because it believed he was too soft on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine....

10. 'Buy Nothing Project' gaining ground worldwide

It was not until after Angela Parker, 53, had raced across her north Atlanta neighborhood to nab eight leftover, thick-cut slices of ham with gravy from the porch of someone she didn't know that she began to ask herself some questions. Was it weird to eat a stranger's porch ham? Was it safe? Would the ham be worth it?...

11. Averof Neofytou speaks to Oriana Papantoniou on 'Diaspora News'

The candidate for the Presidency of the Republic and President of DISY, Averof Neofytou, gave an interview with "SPOR FM 95.0" and the show "DIASPORA NEWS" with journalist Oriana Papantoniou at noon on Tuesday (31/01)....

12. Accountability at last? - Former Lebanon PM charged with homicide

The investigation into the Beirut port explosion has taken a new turn, with the judge overseeing the probe charging a former prime minister and two other former ministers with homicide with probable intent. ...

13. Ukraine's grain agreement with Russia extended 4 months

A diplomatic agreement that restarted Ukraine's maritime food exports will continue for at least another four months, keeping the economic lifeline open as the major food producer faces its first full winter at war with Russia....

14. The ECB's next steps were documented in Limassol

The two-day conference of Central Bank Governors in Limassol is a strong contender to serve as the foundation for decisions on monetary policy and inflation strategy to be made in the coming period. ...

15. House scrambles to keep ships under Cyprus flag

The House health committee in the Republic of Cyprus is scrambling to amend healthcare legislation in a race against the clock, following reports that ship owners are trying to take their business elsewhere to avoid having to pay GESY tax...

16. EU flip flops on Russian coal after Cyprus cries foul

The shipping industry in the Republic of Cyprus can breathe a sigh of relief after the European Commission eased sanctions against Russian coal, following objection from Nicosia that saw stricter guidelines as a direct blow to its competitive advantage...

17. Europe's vegetable farmers warn of shortages as energy crisis bites

Emmanuel Lefebvre produces thousands of tonnes of endives on his farm in northern France annually, but this year he may abandon his crop because of the crippling energy costs required to freeze the harvested bulbs....

18. Presidential candidates on the move as campaign heats up

The presidential election campaign trail over the weekend ended with the Cyprus Green Party deciding next month on the name of the presidential candidate it will support. ...

19. What is causing the unexpected drop in global food prices?

Six months after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the inflationary shock is still causing a "headache" for markets, government staff and households, with the price of natural gas hitting new record levels yesterday....

20. Ukraine's first grain export is a fraction of what it needs to sell

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismissed the importance of the first grain export shipment from his country since Russia invaded, saying it was carrying a fraction of the crop Kyiv must sell to help salvage its shattered economy....

21. First ship carrying Ukrainian grain leaves Odesa port

A ship carrying grain left the Ukrainian port of Odesa for Lebanon on Monday under a safe passage agreement, Ukrainian and Turkish officials said, the first departure since the Russian invasion blocked shipping through the Black Sea five months ago....

22. Ukraine grain export coordination center opens in Istanbul

Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar on Wednesday unveiled a center in Istanbul to oversee the export of Ukrainian grains after a landmark U.N. deal last week, with the first shipment expected to depart from Black Sea ports within days....

23. Ukraine, Russia set to sign deal on resuming grain exports

Russian and Ukrainian officials were poised Friday to sign deals designed to clear millions of tons of desperately needed grain for export, ending a standoff brought on by the war in Ukraine that threatened food security around the globe....

24. Sri Lankan president flees country amid devastating economic crisis

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled the country on Wednesday and hundreds of protesters stormed the prime minister's office demanding his ouster, as a people's uprising over a devastating economic crisis overwhelmed security forces....

25. Russia accuses West of spreading lies about cause of world's food crisis

Russia on Wednesday said the West was spreading lies about the causes of the global food crisis which Moscow said was being stoked by the sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States and European Union due to the invasion of Ukraine....

26. Russia will free up Ukrainian ports to allow grain exports

Russia and Turkey on Wednesday voiced support for the creation of a safe maritime corridor in the Black Sea so Ukraine can export grain to global markets amid an escalating world food crisis....

27. Lavrov in Turkey to discuss plans to ship Ukrainian grain

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is due to hold talks Wednesday with Turkish officials on a plan that could allow Ukraine to export its grain through the Black Sea to global markets amid an escalating food crisis....

28. Nouris: Over 150,000 migrants expected this year in southern Europe

Mediterranean countries on major migrant routes into Europe expect over 150,000 arrivals this year as food shortages caused by the Ukraine conflict threaten a new migration wave from Africa and the Middle East....

29. Moscow won't open Ukrainian ports for grain export unless sanctions are reviewed

Moscow said on Thursday that sanctions on Russia would have to be reviewed if it were to heed a U.N. appeal to open access to Ukraine's Black Sea ports so that grain could be exported, according to an Interfax news agency report....

30. Thousands of Britain's 'fish and chip' shops could close within a year

The United Kingdom's fish-and-chip shops are under severe strain as the prices of key ingredients — including cod and cooking oil — soar as a result of the Russian assault on Ukraine....