12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 1-8 of 8 matches for query minsitry.

1. Extra 4 weeks maternity leave approved by Cabinet

The Cabinet today approved a bill increasing the period of paid maternity leave from 18 weeks to 22 weeks....

2. Adoption of halloumi PDO by mid-April, EC spokesperson says

The adoption and publication of halloumi and hellim as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product is expected mid-April, Miriam Garcia Ferre, European Commission spokesperson for trade and agriculture said Tuesday....

3. Turks reject European resolution on Varosha

Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot administration have criticized a European Parliament vote on Varosha, saying the EPP resolution ignores Turkish Cypriots on the island and 'unjustly' accuses Turkey...

4. Seven new COVID-19 cases confirmed Friday night

Seven new coronavirus cases were confirmed late on Friday night, raising the total figure to 26 across the divide....

5. All schools islandwide to close their doors on Friday

All schools islandwide will be shutting their doors as of Friday for one week, as per the decision taken on Wednesday by the Education Ministry in a bid to contain the coronavirus outbreak, as cases spiralled to six in government-controlled areas....

6. Cyprus scrambles to assert coronavirus policy

More Cypriots are resisting government plans aimed at establishing a local quarantine facility for the coronavirus, while foreign officials warn the Wuhan outbreak may be reaching pandemic levels...

7. Officials deny weak spots in virus front lines

State health officials have denounced questions in the media over the handling of the coronavirus risk at airports, saying the image of the Republic of Cyprus was at stake...

8. Defence minister rolls out reforms

Exam grades will no longer be a factor in promoting military commissioned officers, while reservists will have more flexibility to show up for training according to upcoming changes...