12° Nicosia,
21 September, 2024


Displaying results 1-29 of 29 matches for query pushbacks.

1. UNHCR concerns over asylum-seekers trapped in buffer zone

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has raised alarms over the safety and well-being of 31 asylum-seekers, including seven children, who are reportedly stranded in the UN Buffer Zone in Cyprus....

2. EU-Lebanon migration deal sparks fury over alleged pushbacks

A recent EU-Lebanon agreement has come under intense scrutiny from NGOs and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), who decry its ''brutal border control'' measures aimed at facilitating the ''voluntary return'' of Syrian refugees to contested ''safe areas'' in Syria, according to a report by Pavlos Xanthoulis in today's printed edition of Kathimerini....

3. Cypriot delegation pounded with human rights questions

Cyprus’ law commissioner says her delegation received praise last week at a UN committee hearing in Geneva, but she also admitted that no country had a perfect record on human rights following a bombardment of questions on human rights...

4. Europe urged to preserve access to protection on World Refugee Day

On this World Refugee Day, Caritas Europa is calling for Europe to prioritize access to protection within its territory and overhaul its asylum system to prioritize the rights of individuals. ...

5. Ex ‘superminister’ defends proposal after boat disaster‘superminister-defends-proposal-after-boat-disaster

A Cypriot former minister known for his tough stance on migration wants a yay or nay on his proposal where asylum applications could be filed abroad, a measure not supported by some capitals including Berlin, which may be having second thoughts in the aftermath of a boat disaster in Greece...

6. Echoes of silence: The unheard cries of drowning children

The tragedy off the coast of Pylos is beyond words. The act of people drowning at sea, especially children, is a haunting curse in the Mediterranean Sea that is unfortunately not unfamiliar....

7. Green Line border agents get ready for action

Over two hundred Green Line border agents will report on duty later this month on the Greek Cypriot side of the UN buffer zone, but the newly-hired sergeants will only focus on irregular migrants, leaving drug trafficking and other crimes off the agenda...

8. US report on Cyprus notes rise of antisemitism

A US report on Cyprus highlights significant human rights issues including reports of abuse and harsh conditions in detention centers for asylum seekers...

9. Greece, Turkey at it again over shocking refugee photo

A shocking image of fully naked refugees picked up by Greek police has puzzled officials and the media, with Athens pointing the finger at Turkish authorities and Ankara firing back accusing Greece of covering up human rights violations...

10. Suspicion over Turkish fishing boats in migrant drownings

Hellenic Coast Guard officers have told Kathimerini they were investigating the role of Turkish fishing boats that were close to the location where a dinghy sunk late Wednesday and a confirmed 18 people drowned, the deadlier of the two incidents involving migrants....

11. 22 dead, dozens missing, after 2 migrant ships sink

Bodies floated amid splintered wreckage in the wind-tossed waters off a Greek island Thursday as the death toll from the separate sinkings of two migrant boats rose to 22, with many still missing....

12. Turkey pushed migrants into Greece, according to minister

A group of 38 migrants, including a heavily pregnant woman, have been found stranded on a tiny, unnamed island along the Turkish-Greek border....

13. Cyprus defends migration stance for ‘love of country’‘love-of-country

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris says he would be happy if the Republic of Cyprus could bring down irregular migration by following the example of Greece, a country facing EU criticism over ‘violent’ deportations, with the Cypriot official calling on fellow citizens to show their 'love of country'...

14. Head of EU border agency offers to resign after accusations of rights abuse, sources say

The head of the European Union’s border agency Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri, has offered to resign, a source told Reuters on Friday, after accusations that the body mistreated migrants on the external frontiers of the bloc....

15. Pope flies to Cyprus to set tone on migration

Pope Francis flies to Cyprus on Thursday in a show of support for migrants on the island, where debate on asylum seekers has been intense, with reports saying his entourage has arranged for dozens of refugees to fly back to Italy...

16. Cyprus wants asylum right curbed for irregular migrants

Cyprus wants action to curb irregular migration to the island, including a suspension of asylum applications for persons entering illegally, a government official said...

17. Greek PM defends migration policy in heated exchange with journalist (video)

Mitsotakis, whose center-right New Democracy party came to power in 2019, defended his government’s migration policy, calling it “tough but fair”, and said Greece was rescuing hundreds of people at sea since 2015 when it was on the frontline of Europe’s migration crisis....

18. Asylum seekers stuck in Cyprus' buffer zone

Cypriot Interior Minister Nikos Nouris says the ordeal of three Cameroonians currently stuck in the buffer zone could end if EU fellow members agreed to take them in, with reports saying the bloc is still looking for consensus on migration policy but nothing has been agreed to date...

19. Cyprus turns refugee boat back to Lebanon

Dozens of refugees who were on board a vessel spotted off Cyprus on Sunday returned to their point of departure in Lebanon, contradicting earlier reports that the boat had been escorted to Cape Greco...

20. Syrian refugees reach Cyprus by boat

Dozens of newly arrived refugees from Syria in a wooden boat made it to Cyprus, just days after Lebanese police said they blocked over 50 undocumented Syrians from attempting to each the island...

21. Syrian refugees escorted to Cape Greco

A total of 75 undocumented migrants from Syria reached the Republic of Cyprus on Monday, after a Cypriot coast guard vessel escorted their wooden boat to Cape Greco...

22. EU frontline ministers talk migration in Athens

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris is in Athens this weekend where he is attending a MED5 meeting on immigration, with some of the bloc’s Mediterranean members tackling issues stemming from Brussels’ new migration proposals that divide the union...

23. Cyprus scrambles to reduce asylum backlog

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris says the government is moving forward with rejections of asylum applications under new, faster procedures to clear a system backlog, with Europe seeking a comprehensive solution and a commissioner calling on Cypriot authorities to investigate illegal pushbacks...

24. Brussels concerned over Pournara refugees

The Republic of Cyprus’ handling of asylum seekers at Pournara camp remains on Brussels’ radar, with a host of different challenges raising questions over how the European Union and some member states can get on the same page without resorting to legal battles...

25. Council of Europe report critical of Greece's migrant pushbacks, detention conditions

A Council of Europe report, released Thursday, calls on Greece to stop pushbacks of migrants and calls out the country on the conditions in several migrant detention centers....

26. Commission presents new migration plan for EU

The European Union's executive proposed on Wednesday overhauling the bloc's broken migration and asylum rules, seeking to end years of feuds and bitterness over the many people fleeing conflict and poverty in the Middle East and Africa....

27. ECHR asks Cyprus to explain boat incidents

The European Court of Human Rights has asked the government of the Republic of Cyprus to answer questions concerning recent refoulement of undocumented travelers at sea, in response to a request of an interim measure from a local attorney handling another case...

28. Urgent meeting after weekend refugee arrivals

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris has called for an emergency meeting following a number of arrivals of undocumented migrants over the weekend, with some of them transported back to Lebanon and others facing the prospect of crowding into an already maxed-out facility...

29. Boat carrying refugees pushed back by Cyprus, ends up in UN area

A boat carrying 21 refugees from Lebanon and Syria that reached the Paralimni shore on Monday was pushed back by marine and port police, only to disembark in a nearby UN-controlled area on Tuesday....