The mayor of Limassol has expressed concerns over the ''Pay As You Throw'' program. Oh, for heaven’s sake. Personally, I believe Limassolians should pay double what everyone else pays—and without complaints. ...
Stefanos Kasselakis, leader of the Movement for Democracy and former president of SYRIZA, is set to appear before the Athens Misdemeanor Court on May 8...
The NATO debate in Cyprus has always been polarizing. Unlike the real debate on membership in the North Atlantic Alliance—which requires preconditions and an invitation, not just an "application"—...
Averof Neofytou and Annita Demetriou have crossed swords once again, this time over the proposed undersea cable linking Cyprus to Greece. ...
Greece's top prosecutor, Georgia Adelini, has ordered an urgent investigation into the large number of dead fish found in Lake Karla, which flows into the Pagasitikos Gulf.
Half a century has passed since the tragic morning of July 20, 1974, when Turkish forces invaded Cyprus, marking the start of a prolonged period of death, destruction, and occupation that persists to this day. ...
Main opposition SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis and his husband, Tyler McBeth, have announced that their Greek wedding will take place at the end of August on Crete.
Greece’s 300-member Parliament approved the bill granting same-sex couples equal rights in marriage in a roll call vote on Thursday night. The reform extends full parental rights to gay couples but will not allow for medically assisted reproduction through a surrogate.
Stefanos Kasselakis, the leader of the main opposition SYRIZA, has pledged to abolish the immunity of MPs from prosecution if his party comes into power.
Marriage equality legislation has managed to rattle the entire spectrum of the political system in Greece’s conservative society, from the right to the left....
He opened his cards on the issue of same-sex marriage, which has caused a lot of discussion, yesterday the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis......
So, the President's got a diverse bunch around him with all sorts of ideas and interests. ...
Stefanos Kasselakis, the new leader of Greek main opposition SYRIZA, will marry his partner, Tyler Macbeth, at a civic ceremony in New York on Thursday....
The image of Stefanos Kasselakis, the President of SYRIZA, peering through a hole in the wall, reminiscent of a combat position used for aiming a rifle, at the buffer zone behind the parking lot of the Ledra Pallas barricade encapsulates the essence of Greek policies concerning the Cyprus problem....
Stefanos Kasselakis, the President of SYRIZA, finds himself in Cyprus amidst a whirlwind of controversy stemming from his recent use of the term "state" when referring to the illegal entity established by Turkey in northern Cyprus....
Stefanos Kasselakis, the newly elected President of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, is currently on a two-day visit to Cyprus, marking his first international trip since assuming office as the President of SYRIZA-PS....
Stefanos Kasselakis, the newly elected president of the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, expressed his support for restarting talks on the Cyprus issue from where they left off in Crans Montana during an interview with the Cyprus News Agency....
As thick black smoke filled the Athenian sky and blazes consumed homes in the suburbs, a political firestorm broke out among Greek politicians Wednesday....
Greece's conservative New Democracy party stormed to victory in a parliamentary election on Sunday with voters giving reformist Kyriakos Mitsotakis another four-year term as prime minister...
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, whose conservative party won a landslide election victory Sunday but without enough parliamentary seats to form a government, indicated he will seek a second election hoping to consolidate his victory without the need for a coalition partner...‘lost-generation
Politicians vying for votes in Greece’s election on Sunday have turned to YouTube and TikTok to win over a younger generation who have long felt that years of crises have cost them their youth...
The leader of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance Alexis Tsipras, who is visiting Cyprus on Thursday, had a meeting with the candidate in the last elections for the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus and diplomat Andreas Mavroyiannis....
US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, known for her handling of the Cyprus issue on behalf of the State Department, congratulated the new President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Christodoulides, in a tweet quoting the corresponding congratulatory message from US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken....
US calls to deescalate tension in the Aegean fell on deaf ears as NATO allies Greece and Turkey continued to trade accusations during Christmas, with Ankara accusing Athens of harassing Turkish aircraft and the Greek prime minister talking about a troublemaker neighbor...
An Orthodox bishop has been universally condemned for saying that women who are raped “want it.”...
Greece’s border fence on the northeastern border with Turkey will be extended by approximately 80 kilometers, Migration Minister Notis Mitarakis reiterated on Friday, saying Greece cannot be a free-for-all and that Turkey is not a country at war....
A political storm is brewing over an audio file that has surfaced suggesting that former Supreme Court President Vassiliki Thanou, who had been appointed to her post by the then SYRIZA government, blackmailed prominent businessman Andreas Vgenopoulos for money back in 2016....
An estimated 3,500 motorists are expected to receive compensation in the form of payments of 2,000 euros after they were left stranded for hours in sub-zero temperatures on the Attiki Odos beltway when a severe snowstorm hit the Greek capital Monday....
Philip Fertis is involved in puppetry, but due to the pandemic, the demand for performances in schools and municipalities is low. ...
The recent anti-vaccination rallies in Athens and Thessaloniki were not the first of their kind, but they were the largest:...