The USS Bulkeley (DDG-84), an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, has docked in Cyprus for a Thanksgiving liberty call....$34-000-to-return-home
Sweden is making significant changes to its migrant policies, marking a ''paradigm shift'' aimed at reversing decades of leniency. ...
Athens is closely monitoring Turkey’s expansion of its hydrocarbon exploration and extraction capabilities in various maritime areas. ...
Piracy is re-emerging in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa with alarming speed, endangering both the lives of crew members and the smooth flow of international trade. ...
In response to growing instability in various global regions, the maritime industry is witnessing a surge in demand for specialized security services....
Travellers from 12 third countries now need to obtain a Schengen Transit Visa first, before passing through Romania, in order to reach their non-Schengen destination country.
There's a palpable sense of satisfaction among the opposition, resonating with a significant portion of the populace, following Sunday's electoral outcome in Istanbul and other major Turkish cities....
The U.S. Treasury Department has announced sanctions on a transnational network involving entities and individuals from the Horn of Africa, the United Arab Emirates, and Cyprus for their role in facilitating the financing of the terrorist organization Al-Shabaab....
According to data obtained by "K" from the Asylum Service of the Ministry of Interior, the top five countries of origin for asylum seekers and the number of applications received in June 2023 are as follows:...
A total of 126 applicants for international protection, originating from Somalia, Afghanistan, Congo, Nigeria and Syria departed on Tuesday on the first chartered flight from Cyprus to Germany where they are being resettled....
Finnish residents with foreign backgrounds have a higher birth rate compared to the native-born, including both men and women, the statistics show....
A diplomatic agreement that restarted Ukraine's maritime food exports will continue for at least another four months, keeping the economic lifeline open as the major food producer faces its first full winter at war with Russia....
The role of civil protection and international solidarity in disaster management as a result of climate change is being discussed at the two-day Nicosia Risk Forum 2022 (#NRF2022) on Civil Protection, which began today in Larnaca and is organized by the CERIDES Foundation of the European University Cyprus....
A total of 66,545 first-time asylum applications for international protections were filed by non-EU citizens in the European states in July – 265 more than in the previous months, scoring an increase of 0.4 percent....
In May 2022, first-time asylum applicants in the European Union increased by 17% compared to April 2022, and by 89% compared to May 2021, according to monthly asylum data published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the EU....
Russia on Wednesday said the West was spreading lies about the causes of the global food crisis which Moscow said was being stoked by the sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States and European Union due to the invasion of Ukraine....
The official data on illegal arrivals in territories controlled by the Republic of Cyprus are alarming. For the first half of 2022, the number of asylum seekers has skyrocketed, compared to 2021, with the current year looking to break a decade's old record....
In February 2022, first-time asylum applications by persons who applied for international protection in EU member states increased by 85% compared to February 2021 and by 3% compared to last January, according to the latest monthly asylum data published by Eurostat, the EU’s statistical service....
Global food prices rose to their highest ever levels in March as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UN has reported....
Clashes between immigrant groups in the Pournara Immigrant Center in Kokkinotrimithia in the last 2 days have resulted in the hospitalization of a 17-year-old boy at the Nicosia General Hospital and 35 people injured....
The Republic of Cyprus was at a historic low in terms of perceived levels of corruption in the public sector, according to figures released this week by Transparency International...
The insistence of Turkey and the leader of the Turkish Cypriots and settlers Ersin Tatar on advance acceptance by the Greek Cypriot side of the sovereign equality of the Turkish Cypriots has led the Cyprus issue to a prolonged impasse....
According to the Minister of Interior, Nikos Nouris, 60 to 100 illegal immigrants and asylum seekers cross the green line every day....
Varied reports ranging from a knife attack to a domestic accident involving broken glass emerged on Thursday, after a foreign couple ended up in the Emergency Room in Paphos...
Cypriot officials say they are setting up a task force aimed at including the country in the US visa waiver programme the soonest possible...
A group of women from Somalia are speaking out against treatment from state officials, just days after a video surfaced online showing a female refugee being forcefully removed from a social welfare office...
The father of a five-month-old baby was released from jail on Monday, after prosecutors dropped child abuse charges against him and further recommended state assistance for the entire family...
Authorities and news media were on the receiving end of public outrage on Thursday, following reports of unsubstantiated rape allegations of a baby girl that led to the arrest of her father...
Nicosia doctors have confirmed a broken hymen incident involving a five-year-old baby girl, while police are questioning the father...
The US prohibition on sales of defense and military technology to Cyprus is “unlawful” and can be removed without the need for legislation, a Greek American lobby group has said....