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Alexoui mulls Supreme Court appeal

Defence attorney for Alexis Mavromichalis questions Nicosia judge’s impartiality


Allegations have emerged against the Nicosia judge who presided over Alexoui’s remand on Sunday, with the defence attorney questioning whether his client got a fair hearing.

Police arrested 40-year-old Nicosia businessman Alexis “Alexoui” Mavromichalis on Sunday early morning, after obtaining a statement from a 27-year-old suspect already in custody in connection with a drug case as well as the Nicosia drive-by shooting last week.

The 27-year-old told cops he heard Josef “Sifis” Josef, a known close friend and associate of Alexoui, discussing a drug deal over the phone, adding that he knew Sifis would only talk to Alexoui.

The judge, Honourable Christiana Parpota, found the evidence to be sufficient for establishing probable cause and ordered Mavromichalis to be remanded in custody for five days.

The attorney pointed out that Judge Parpota, who ordered the five-day remand for Alexoui, was the same judge who signed the arrest warrant

But his attorney, Andros Pelekanos, pointed out that Judge Parpota, who ordered the five-day remand for Alexoui, was the same judge who signed the arrest warrant, essentially rendering her ineligible to preside over the remand hearing.

Knews understands that Pelekanos may decide to file an appeal with the Supreme Court, on the basis that the remand hearing for his client was not impartial based on Article 6 on the right to a fair trial.

Pelekanos had also pleaded with the court, requesting that the 27-year-old suspect be asked directly whether Alexoui was involved in the drug case.

“Why don’t you ask the witness whether or not Alexoui was involved in the case?” the defence argued.

The judge dismissed the argument, saying there were legitimate suspicions over the involvement of Alexoui, citing the fact that the 27-year-old witness told cops he had a good impression of who might have been on the other end of the line talking to Sifis.

Alexoui, who had multiple attempts on his life, has been at odds with the police. The 40-year-old has been criticising cops openly on Facebook, complaining about being forced to take down his private security cameras, undergoing frequent random searches, and officials refusing to rein in corrupt cops.

The court sided with police, essentially finding probable cause for Alexoui to commit a crime, while also finding there were no ulterior motives behind his arrest.

Pelekanos has asked for the minutes of Sunday’s hearing in order to study them carefully and determine whether he will go ahead with filing an appeal with the highest court of law in the land.

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