12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 384 matches for query Arab.

211. Israel reassures Turkey over Cyprus drill

A 'new chapter' in relations between Ankara and Jerusalem was launched this week during a visit to Israel by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, who reportedly sought an explanation regarding a large-scale military drill said to take place in Cyprus over the weekend...

212. Facebook, Google, Stripe, Shopify investing a billion dollars in pre-orders for captured carbon

Four gargantuan tech companies have put together a $1.2 billion fund to pull carbon out of the atmosphere with a unique model that could go a long way to preventing 1.5°C of warming....

213. Russian socialites and influencers claim 'Russophobia in action'

Several Russian influencers and socialites say they've been barred from purchasing Chanel items and were told it was the brand's policy not to sell to customers who intended to bring the products back to Russia....

214. Russians pile into property in Istanbul and Dubai to shelter from sanctions

Wealthy Russians are pouring money into real estate in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, seeking a financial haven in the wake of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine and Western sanctions, according to many property companies....

215. Op-ed: 'Putin’s war threatens millions with hunger'

Russia’s army is attempting to starve the people of Mariupol into submission in an act of barbarity that almost certainly constitutes a war crime. But the knock-on effects of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine threaten hunger, even starvation, for millions of people beyond the immediate theatre of war....

216. Op-ed: 'The new cold war'

Sometimes important news is overlooked. I read in Bloomberg on Tuesday that China and Saudi Arabia are negotiating oil sales in the Chinese yuan, rather than in dollars....

217. Where have wealthy Russians disappeared to?

It stretches into the Persian Gulf from Dubai. The man-made archipelago in the shape of a huge palm tree is full of luxury hotels, apartments and villas....

218. Anastasiades and Saudi Crown Prince to strengthen bilateral relations

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Al Saud expressed their common will to further reinforce relations between Cyprus and Saudi Arabia,...

219. Cypriot president skips Brussels meeting on Ukraine

The Republic of Cyprus will be represented by the Greek premier during Thursday’s emergency European Council summit on Ukraine after the Cypriot government said President Nicos Anastasiades had a speaking engagement in Dubai...

220. Cypriot president unskips meeting on Ukraine

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades will attend an emergency meeting on Ukraine after all, with the government revising a previous statement that said the commander in chief had asked the Greek premier to speak for Cyprus at the meeting...

221. Tourism: Perdios pushes for direct flights to and from Saudi Arabia

Cyprus Deputy Minister for Tourism Savvas Perdios said there is serious momentum for establishing direct flights to and from Saudi Arabia, stressing that this possibility could unlock the Saudi tourism market for Cyprus....

222. Athens wary of recent Ankara moves

Concern is growing in Athens that Ankara’s strategic choice to forcefully challenge and dispute Greece’s sovereignty in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean could be transferred from the diplomatic field to the ground. ...

223. Cyprus and UAE to sign MoUs on maritime transport, cyber security and diplomatic training

Cyprus and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will sign MoUs on maritime transport, cyber security and diplomatic training on the occasion of the visit of Cyprus President, Nicos Anastasiades, to Dubai for the EXPO 2020....

224. Anastasiades travels to Dubai to attend 'Expo 2020'

Cyprus President, Nicos Anastasiades, travels to Dubai today accompanied by a large delegation for meetings and consultations aiming to strengthen bilateral cooperation between Cyprus and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He will also visit Cyprus` kiosk at EXPO 2020, one of the biggest world exhibitions....

225. Erdogan threatens ‘highest-level warning’ over Aegean islands‘highest-level-warning-over-aegean-islands

Turkey is prepared to issue “a warning at the highest level” if Greece does not change its position with regards to the demilitarization of the Aegean islands, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday....

226. Twins reunited with parents after buffer zone ordeal

Greek Cypriot authorities helped two twins reunite with their family in the north, after the foreign parents got separated from the girls who ended up in the south during a partially foiled illegal crossing attempt...

227. Saudi sees Cyprus as bridge between Europe, Middle East

Saudi Arabia views Cyprus as a “bridge” between the Middle East and the European Union, helping the 27-nation bloc “understand what’s going on” in the region, the Saudi foreign minister said Sunday....

228. North irked over Turkish handball player’s airlift

Turkish Cypriots are accusing Greek Cypriots of trying to trying to score political points after a handball player quarantined in the south was not allowed to cross into the north to head back to Istanbul and had to be airlifted by an ambulance plane...

229. Greece’s first six Rafale jets mark arrival with salute over Acropolis

The first six Rafale fighter jets Greece has purchased from France as part of a new defense agreement flew over the Acropolis in a salute on Wednesday after making the journey from Istres near Marseilles to Athens....

230. Airlines worldwide rush to change flights over US 5G problem

Airlines across the world, including the long-haul carrier Emirates, rushed Wednesday to cancel or change flights heading into the U.S. over an ongoing dispute about the rollout of 5G mobile phone technology near American airports....

231. Halting progress and happy accidents: How mRNA vaccines were made

Skeptics have seized on the rapid development of the vaccines to undermine the public’s trust in them. But the breakthroughs behind the vaccines unfolded over decades as scientists across the world pursued research in disparate areas, never imagining their work would one day come together to tame the pandemic of the century....

232. 'We are ready to consider other alternatives'

“If this project is practically feasible, (if) we can meet the great geological challenges and, at the same time it is financially viable, then there is the political will to implement it,”...

233. The Nikulin Moscow Circus Ice Show comes to Cyprus for the first time

After tours in the USA, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Israel, Netherlands, South Africa, Brazil, United Arab Emirates, France, Russia, Poland, Belgium, China, Canada, Japan, and many others, Nikulin Moscow Circus presents the Grand Ice Show for adults and kids for the first time in Cyprus....

234. Αll passengers arriving in Cyprus need to present a negative PCR test prior to departure

The Health Ministry has announced new regulations for passengers arriving in Cyprus, effective the 4th of January. According to the announcement, all passengers regardless of their vaccination course, are asked to present a negative PCR 48 hrs prior to their departure....

235. What's left for the Turkish Cypriot economy after 2021

Shortly before the pandemic began, Turks and foreign analysts warned of the effects of the Erdogan government's wrong moves and decisions on the economy....

236. First ever civil marriage of non-Muslim couple in Abu Dhabi

An Abu Dhabi court has issued a civil marriage certificate for a non-Muslim couple, for the first time in the United Arab Emirates, a Gulf country seeking a more liberal and progressive image, the Emirati news agency WAM reported....

237. Dubai ruler must pay ex-wife $700M in divorce settlement$700m-in-divorce-settlement

A British court on Tuesday ordered the ruler of Dubai to pay his ex-wife and their children close to 550 million pounds ($730 million), in one of the most expensive divorce settlements in British history....

238. Israel bans citizens from traveling to EU countries to curb spread of 'omicron'

The fifth wave of Covid-19 has begun. The Omicron variant brought the fifth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic to Israel, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a televised speech on Sunday, urging citizens to step up vaccination of children and administration of booster doses....

239. Historic Meeting between Israeli and Emirate leaders

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met Monday in Abu Dhabi with UAE strongman Mohammed bin Zayed, a historic meeting that marks a "new reality" in the region....

240. Judge blocks public hearing in double murder

The sole suspect in the double murder of two Russian women appeared on Monday in Limassol District Court behind closed doors, with reporters kept at bay in a case where his initial arrest had also taken place in total secrecy...