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02 June, 2024


Displaying results 271-300 of 729 matches for query Erdogan.

271. Russia will free up Ukrainian ports to allow grain exports

Russia and Turkey on Wednesday voiced support for the creation of a safe maritime corridor in the Black Sea so Ukraine can export grain to global markets amid an escalating world food crisis....

272. Cyprus objects to airport designation in Turkish-occupied north

Cyprus will lodge a complaint with the United Nations over Turkey’s new financial assistance deal with breakaway Turkish Cypriots that demonstrates Ankara’s “complete control” over them, the president of the ethnically divided island nation said Monday....

273. Greece on alert, bracing for all possible scenarios

Athens is reportedly on full alert even for the most extreme scenario on the part of Ankara, given that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is under pressure domestically and resorting to increasingly incendiary rhetoric....

274. Turkish opposition backs Erdogan over Greek island claims

The Turkish opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has expressed its agreement with the recent government escalation vis-à-vis Greece and indicated that it would support President Recep Tayyip Erdogan if he decided to go through with a threat to challenge the sovereignty of Greek islands in the eastern Aegean....

275. Menendez: 'There will be consequences for Turkey's violations'

The Turkish occupation of Cyprus and Ankara's policy, which remain a threat to stability and prosperity in the region, was raised by Senator Robert Menendez during the Annual Economist New York Mediterranean Business Summit on Tuesday....

276. Greece on high alert after Turkish provocations

Greece’s armed forces in the Eastern Aegean have been placed on high alert due to Turkey’s continued threats, expressed in recent days by high-ranking officials of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government....

277. Op-ed: Greece informs its allies and partners; Erdogan is irked

Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed annoyance at “third parties” becoming involved in Greek-Turkish affairs. ...

278. Erdogan says he will no longer talk to Greek PM

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday he would cease talking to Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and cancel a key meeting between their two governments, accusing the Greek leader of antagonizing Turkey....

279. Erdogan blackmail over F-16s and F-35s

Turkey’s opposition to Sweden and Finland joining NATO under the pretext they harbor terrorists is seen in Athens as a cynical attempt to blackmail the US into agreeing to the lifting of all sanctions against the Turkish defense industry....

280. USA: Congress reacting to Turkish veto of Finland and Sweden joining NATO

US senators have questioned Turkey's credibility as a US ally, following Ankara's refusal to support Finland and Sweden in joining NATO....

281. Varosha - Occupying forces opening another part of the beach

The Turkish occupying forces in Cyprus have started work to open up a new area along the beach in the fenced-off area of Varosha, on the eastern coast of Cyprus....

282. Finland and Sweden formally apply to join NATO

Finland and Sweden formally applied to join the NATO alliance on Wednesday, a decision spurred by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but face objections from Turkey to an accession process that is expected to take only a few weeks....

283. Swedish FM signs application for NATO membership

Swedish Foreign Minister Anne Linde signed the country's application for NATO membership this morning, officially confirming its intention to join the Alliance....

284. Disquiet in Nicosia over NATO and sanctions talk

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades says Nicosia will implement only targeted measures against Russia while talk of the island joining NATO is premature, citing Ankara that appeared to be pumping the brakes on western alliance expansion over hostility from current member Greece and two likely Nordic applicants...

285. Turkey could veto Finnish and Swedish NATO membership

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday that his country is “not favorable” toward Finland and Sweden joining NATO, indicating that Turkey could use its status as a member of the Western military alliance to veto moves to admit the two countries....

286. New Turkish passports to feature Hagia Sophia

The new generation of Turkish passports will feature an updated design, including a drawing of the 1,500-year-old Hagia Sophia, the Byzantine cathedral-turned-mosque, the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said in an address to the nation....

287. Op-ed: It’s time for Turkey to choose

Picking a side is rarely an easy task. It means disappointing one side and committing to a particular course. It means putting aside tactics such as maintaining a policy of equal distances or prevarication....

288. Inflation in Turkey spikes to almost 70%

Inflation in Turkey reached record levels of almost 70% in April, rising by 8.83 points in a month, according to official statistics released today....

289. Athens puts CBMs with Turkey on ice

Greece has frozen plans for the next round of confidence-building measures (CBMs) with Turkey at the level of defense ministries, following a barrage of Turkish overflights in the eastern Aegean. The talks have been postponed for the future, government sources said....

290. Erdogan critic in Cyprus sentenced by Turkish court

Turkish Cypriot journalist Sener Levent says he does not recognize a sentence handed down by a court in Turkey, where prosecutors accused him in absentia of insulting the country’s president with an offensive cartoon as well as offending the state’s military...

291. A deal ‘everybody will hate’ to end the war in Ukraine‘everybody-will-hate-to-end-the-war-in-ukraine

The most likely solution that will bring an end to the war in Ukraine is an agreement that “everybody will hate,” James Stavridis, NATO’s Greek-American former commander for Europe tells Kathimerini....

292. Op-ed: The fall of the US Republic

Sometimes I am not sure if I became a historian because I am pessimistic by nature, or if I became pessimistic because I am a historian....

293. Nuland: New pipelines will be needed in the eastern Mediterranean

New gas discoveries and pipelines will need to be made in the eastern Mediterranean, US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said after her meetings in Turkey, adding that "it is in our interest to have strong relations between Turkey and Israel....

294. Putin not seen ready to compromise ahead of peacetalks

Ukraine and Russia were preparing on Monday for the first face-to-face peace talks in more than two weeks, but a senior U.S. official said Russian President Vladimir Putin did not appear ready to make compromises to end the war....

295. Abramovich superyacht 'Eclipse' docks in Marmaris

A second superyacht linked to Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich docked in a Turkish resort on Tuesday and sources familiar with the discussions said he and other wealthy Russians were looking to invest in Turkey given sanctions elsewhere....

296. Ukraine conflict: Putin lays out his demands in Turkish phone call

On Thursday afternoon, President Vladimir Putin rang the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and told him what Russia's precise demands were for a peace deal with Ukraine....

297. Mitsotakis and Erdogan agree to improve ties amid Ukraine conflict

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan agreed on the necessity to deescalate tensions between Greece and Turkey and support stability in the East Mediterranean amid the war in Ukraine, Greek government sources said following the lunch on Sunday between the two leaders in Istanbul....

298. Time to lift 'unjust' sanctions on Turkey's defense industry, Erdogan tells Biden

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan told U.S. President Joe Biden in a phone call on Thursday that it was past time to lift all "unjust" sanctions on Turkey's defense industry....

299. Could another war be on the horizon?

Greece is calling on its allies to condemn Turkey over recent aggressive rhetoric from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has hinted at the possibility of open conflict as tensions rise between the two countries....

300. Op-ed: In the mind of Erdogan

For a few days now, we have been living in a different world. No one, neither veteran politician Henry Kissinger nor public intellectual Yuval Noah Harari, can predict what this world will be like when the dust settles and we can see what dawns....