12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 91-120 of 132 matches for query Eurozone.

91. Mitsotakis in New York – opportunities, substance, results–-opportunities-substance-results

This week will see the first appearance of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the United Nations General Assembly. He will make the customary speech before the plenary and be received by the UN secretary-general. However, the substance will be in the meetings that are to take place on the sidelines of the proceedings. ...

92. Macron sends stern warning to Ankara

In a show of solidarity with Cyprus, French President Emmanuel Macron sent a stern message to Turkey on Thursday that Paris and the European Union will not tolerate violations in the Eastern Mediterranean...

93. Eurogroup rules out any talk of primary surplus target reduction for Greece

Discussion on Greece was brief at Monday’s Eurogroup, but the council of eurozone finance minsters sent a clear message to Athens that creditors are ready to cooperate with the new government while warning that the handouts announced in May by the previous administration are putting growth and fiscal targets at risk...

94. Mitsotakis sworn in as PM amid east Med tensions

Conservative politician Kyriakos Mitsotakis was sworn in as Greece’s new prime minister on Monday after storming to victory on a pledge to create jobs and lure investment to the economically stricken nation...

95. They are not Europe

Britain and the chaos that has taken over the country is the biggest sign of what dangerous populism can do if it is underestimated, but it is not the only example...

96. DBRS reaffirms Cyprus’s rating

97. Greece should have taken 10-year ‘timeout’ from eurozone, says Schaeuble‘timeout-from-eurozone-says-schaeuble

Former German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, widely regarded as the architect of austerity in eurozone crisis countries, said in an interview in the Financial Times on Friday that Greece should have taken a 10-year timeout from the bloc. ...

98. 10th Economic Ideas Forum takes on Cyprus economic reforms

99. Economic Ideas Forum comes to Nicosia

100. Finish what you started on reforms, IMF tells Greece

101. Eurogroup may put off tranche decision to Greece

The chances that the 1-billion-euro tranche will be disbursed to Greece are diminishing, as this Monday’s Eurogroup is not expected to grant its approval, given that the Greek government has not completed all the necessary reforms, according to a eurozone official who spoke to reporters on Thursday....

102. EU unhappy with Greek reforms, debt relief in doubt

Greece's bailout creditors say the country has fallen behind on several key reforms that have been set as a condition for debt relief....

103. Parsimonious northerners are the euro's biggest winners, study shows

Germany and the Netherlands have benefited enormously from the euro over the 20 years since its launch, a study has found, while for almost every other member the single currency has been a serious drag on economic growth....

104. Stop the Brexit clock says Cyprus Finance Minister on Bloomberg

105. DBRS upgrades Cyprus to investment grade

106. Dijsselbloem: Cyprus is still in search of a new economic paradigm

107. Grexit plan was no bluff, French ex-president tells Kathimerini

108. EU officials call Greece for stability amid pension debate

European officials are urging the Greek government to focus on maintaining financial and political stability even as political parties ratchet up their rhetoric ahead of general elections next year....

109. Merkel takes the fall leaving Europe without a leader

110. Weak Greek economy threatened by world unrest

111. Banks have their recovery work cut out

The bank stock slump has gone on for too long and valuations are now exceptionally low, say senior credit sector officials in Athens. However, analysts questioned on the issue by Kathimerini say the problems that Greek lenders are facing will not be overcome quickly, justifying the pounding the sector has sustained on the Athens stock exchange....

112. European Central Bank unveils new €100 and €200 banknotes€100-and-€200-banknotes

113. Cyprus eyes 10-year low yield bond after S&P lifts sovereign to investment grade


115. Shadows loom over government’s ‘clean exit’ scenario‘clean-exit-scenario

Greece’s bailout exit has been eliciting condescending and bitter commentary on the country’s beaches and in its near-deserted cities, as few Greeks believes their lives are going to improve or that the country’s prospects will be akin to those of other bailed-out eurozone states. Greece’s “return to normalcy” and “clean exit,” much touted by the government, appear to be happening somewhere else....

116. Regling says Greece will remain linked to ESM

Greece will be monitored more closely by the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and the other institutions after its bailout ends six days from now compared to other countries that emerged from rescue programs, according to ESM chief Klaus Regling....

117. Global jitters hit Greek bonds

Just days before Greece is to emerge from its international bailouts, upheaval in international markets took a toll on Greek bonds on Thursday, driving yields up above 4 percent....

118. Holding referendums in FYROM and Greece

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is moving ahead with preparations for its referendum on the name deal reached with Athens, which will pave the way for its induction to NATO and remove a major obstacle to the process for it to join the European Union....

119. No more pretexts

The world will never be the same since Donald Trump was installed in the White House. In a sense, his election was unavoidable. Not because matters became unbearable in the last 30 years after the fall of the communist system in Europe. Rather, it was because they became in a way unnatural....

120. EU leaders under pressure to curb migration

European Union leaders meet in Brussels on Thursday to agree new measures to restrict arrivals across the Mediterranean as growing popular discontent over immigration puts pressure on governments from Germany to Italy....