12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 121-150 of 237 matches for query Hash.

121. Luminous glow in the skies of Japan immediately before 7.4 magnitude earthquake hits

Videos showing the moment a 7.4 magnitude quake struck off the coast of Japan at 23:36 local time yesterday are incredible to watch. The quake was initially estimated to have a magnitude of 7.3 but was later revised to 7.4 by the Japan Meteorological and Seismological Service. ...

122. 'Anonymous' group takes down three Russian news websites after attacking Kremlin-backed channel RT

Anonymous collective have taken down three Russian news agency websites after attacking Kremlin-backed channel RT....

123. Paris hospitals chief Martin Hirsch sparks debate on whether unvaccinated patients should pay for treatment

The head of the Paris hospitals system has set off a fierce debate by questioning whether people who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19 should continue to have their treatment covered by public health insurance....

124. Vaccinated will need rapid test at checkpoints

Vaccinated persons crossing north and south through checkpoints in Cyprus will be required to show a negative rapid test result, following a decision by a bicommunal committee that cited worsening pandemic conditions on the island...

125. Cypriot minister picks tax battle on Twitter

Cypriot Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides lashed out at critics this weekend, saying his country was in favor of setting a global minimum tax for corporations despite not having signed on the dotted line...

126. Russia: 8 people killed in university shooting

Russian media are reporting that a gunman open fired at Perm University in Siberia killing at least 8 and injuring 6....

127. Cavusoglu boos Greek ‘maximalist demands’‘maximalist-demands

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says Ankara is in favor of settling maritime disputes fairly and in accordance with international law against 'maximalist demands' by Greeks and Greek Cypriots...

128. Cyprus reopens checkpoints in buffer zone

Barricades in downtown Nicosia’s checkpoint were removed Friday as Cyprus’ two communities north and south agreed to ease movement restrictions imposed during the COVID pandemic...

129. Checkpoints to open with no deal on vaccinated

The two communities on divided Cyprus have confirmed their agreement on a 3-level system that would allow people to go through checkpoints, but details remain unclear on whether those who are vaccinated can still cross if epidemiological conditions worsen...

130. Internet wants beloved dog back home

The town of Ayia Napa says it will take the initiative to find a new home for Bruno, a beloved stray that appeared to be mistreated during capture, but people all over Cyprus are calling on authorities to let the dog get back to home, near an army camp where he is loved...

131. Police tip nets drug seizure at airport

A large quantity of illicit drugs fell into the hands of law enforcement on Monday after cannabis was found in the luggage of a foreign passenger who landed at Larnaca airport...

132. Cyprus backs King in Jordan’s ‘malicious plot’‘malicious-plot

The government of the Republic of Cyprus has expressed 'firm support' to King Abdullah over the weekend, after Jordan’s government officials accused the country’s former crown prince of plotting against the kingdom...

133. EU foreign chief pops in for a visit

EU’s foreign affairs chief visited Cyprus on Friday where he is meeting with leaders on both sides of the divided island as well as UNJ officials ahead of the latest attempt to revive peace negotiations...

134. Raab calls for flexibility and compromise in Cyprob talks

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab called for flexibility ahead of a fresh bid by the United Nations to resume efforts towards resolving the Cyprus Problem....

135. Quake rattles Cyprus, no damage reported so far

An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 5.1 shook Cyprus on Thursday afternoon, though reports of any damage have yet to emerge...

136. First batch arrives in Cyprus

The first batch of vaccines reached Cyprus on Saturday, a day after Christmas, with a senior home and a referral hospital getting the first vaccinations on the island as early as Sunday...

137. Strong quake strikes eastern Aegean

A large earthquake measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale struck off the eastern Aegean island of Samos on Friday, sending reverberations that were felt all the way in the Greek capital, nearly 300 kilometers away, the National Observatory of Athens’ (NOA) Geodynamic Institute reported....

138. EC: Cyprus, Malta golden passport schemes in violation of EU law

The European Commission launched infringement procedures against Cyprus and Malta on Tuesday in response to their ‘golden passport’ schemes, and allowed a two-month period for the countries to respond in writing to the Commission’s warning letter....

139. Al Jazeera strikes again at Cyprus Papers

Al Jazeera’s investigative unit struck again on Monday with new Cyprus Papers material, involving a report accompanied by a one-hour video depicting undercover reporters who visited Cyprus and posed as representatives of an imaginary ultrarich investor, Mr X, who was convicted for palm-greasing and money laundering, to ‘test’ whether local authorities would still be willing accept his hefty investment and provide him with Cypriot citizenship....

140. Cyprus defends blocking migrant boats

A police task force from the Republic of Cyprus is hoping to hash out a plan with Lebanese authorities to deter “economic migrants” from traveling to the island, as government and state officials rush to respond to criticism over a decision to send back undocumented migrants to the neighbouring country...

141. Greece and Turkey 'agree' to tone it down

NATO allies Greece and Turkey have agreed to talks to avoid accidental clashes in the Eastern Mediterranean, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday...

142. Cyprus and Russia come to terms

It will no longer be possible for wealthy Russians to distribute profit via dividends to foreign firms in Cyprus, after Nicosia said it agreed with Moscow on terms to amend a double tax treaty, but some say the island still kept some competitive advantages...

143. Regional tensions flare up anew as Turkey issues new Navtex

144. Cyprus at the ready to help Lebanon

Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides says the government has expressed its “immediate readiness” to assist the neighbouring country following two powerful explosions that rocked Beirut...

145. Christodoulides, Dendias discuss Turkey with Borrell on sidelines of EU meeting

Relations between the European Union and Turkey were at the center of talks Monday between the bloc’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias and his Cypriot counterpart Nikos Christodoulides....

146. Drug unit gets lucky after dialing number

A male suspect appears to be talking to the police following his arrest on drug related charges with reports saying investigators in Larnaca are connecting the dots in two different cases...

147. EPP head calls for more EU support for Greece, Cyprus vis-a-vis Turkey

The chairman of the European People’s Party (EPP) and German MEP on Tuesday urged the European Union’s high representative for foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, to call for debate on “ongoing and repeated Turkish aggressions” against Greece and Cyprus....

148. EU top official and Cyprus defence minister fly over Cyprus' EEZ by helicopter

The EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell joined the Cyprus defence minister Savvas Angelides on a helicopter ride over the Republic’s exclusive economic zone to observe the sea areas that are increasingly emerging as zones of contention....

149. Cyprus FM on 'short but important' visit to Israel

The “short but important” visit of Cyprus foreign minister Nikos Christodoulides to Israel on Tuesday, as his Isreali counterpart Gabi Ashkenazi described it in a tweet, is set to focus on ways to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. ...

150. Cyprus FM holds telephone conversation with new Iraqi FM

Cyprus Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides shared on Thursday a telephone conversation with the new Foreign Minister of Iraq Fuad Hussein...