12° Nicosia,
04 June, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 102 matches for query Koushos.

31. Vandals spray paint mosque with graffiti

A graffiti incident at a mosque in Limassol has drawn wide condemnation on Thursday, a holiday with bicentennial celebrations on the island marking the Greek revolt against the Ottoman Empire...

32. President’s associate tests positive for COVID

Members of the administration went into isolation on Tuesday following news that a COVID-19 case was detected in the Presidential Palace...

33. Anastasiades stays focused on getting EU at Geneva table

President Nicos Anastasiades delved extensively into the substantive role the EU has to play at upcoming Cyprus peace processes during a teleconference convened Friday by the European Council President Charles Michel with EU leaders....

34. Cyprus scrambles to reduce asylum backlog

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris says the government is moving forward with rejections of asylum applications under new, faster procedures to clear a system backlog, with Europe seeking a comprehensive solution and a commissioner calling on Cypriot authorities to investigate illegal pushbacks...

35. EU nips green pass debate in the bud

The EU's plan to get people traveling again with a Green Pass is expected to defer to member states on key decisions, such as whether to accept Russian and Chinese vaccines in the program...

36. All political parties barring ELAM to follow President to Geneva

All political parties except one have accepted President Nicos Anastasiades’ invitation to accompany him to Geneva at the end of April, when the UN will be hosting an informal five-party meeting on Cyprus....

37. Cyprus puts AstraZeneca on the back burner

The Republic of Cyprus has temporarily suspended AstraZeneca shots for Covid-19 until an emergency meeting on Thursday by the European Medicines Agency, with reports saying Nicosia has already entered negotiations with Moscow to add another jab in the mix...

38. Cyprus takes next step with caution

The Cypriot government is moving ahead with further relaxation of measures against the pandemic, with the announcement coming two days after a Cabinet decision that was delayed due to high hospitalization rates but also reports that not all ministers were on the same page...

39. Critics slam 'Trump-like' fence installed in Nicosia suburb

The government came under fire on Tuesday over a decision to lay razor wire along a section of the Astromeritis buffer zone in the Nicosia district....

40. Anastasiades, Greek PM discuss Cyprus issue

The Cyprus issue was the focus of a telephone conversation between Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades on Monday morning....

41. UNSG extends formal invitations to Cyprob summit

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres sent out official invites to the informal five-party summit on the Cyprus Problem that is set to take place on April 27-29 in Geneva. ...

42. UN pick Greek Holy Week for sitdown

An informal 'five plus one' meeting on Cyprus will take place in Geneva during Greek Orthodox Holy Week, after a UN spokesperson confirmed location and dates for yet another historic sitdown...

43. Anastasiades joins EUCO summit prep with EU leaders

President Nicos Anastasiades participated on Tuesday in a teleconference with the President of the European Council and EU heads of state and government, in preparation for the extraordinary European Council summit to take place online on February 25-26. ...

44. Lute to hold prep meetings with Cyprus leaders in March

The UN Secretary-General’s special envoy Jane Holl Lute is expected to visit Cyprus in March for preparatory meetings with both leaders ahead of the informal five-party meeting on the Cyprus Problem that will likely be held in Geneva at the end of April....

45. Anastasiades holds call with Charles Michel

President Nicos Anastasiades held a phone call with the European Council President Charles Michel on Thursday to touch base on the upcoming European Council meetings scheduled this month and next....

46. Turkey's expansionist policies unacceptable, Cyprus govt says

Turkey must realize that we do not accept its expansionist policies, government spokesman Kyriakos said Thursday in response to statements issued by Turkish officials. ...

47. Former AG says he cautioned over passports

The state’s former attorney general says his department had cautioned the government years ago that the country’s golden passport scheme might have been incompatible with European law, essentially contradicting the executive branch's position that nobody had said anything...

48. Two sides mount coordinating efforts with guarantor powers

Along with the visit of the Turkish FM to the north on Monday and the expected arrival of the UK Foreign Secretary later in the week, the Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis will also be paying a visit to Cyprus over the coming days as the two sides and the three guarantor powers mount efforts to coordinate positions ahead of the informal five-party summit on the Cyprus Problem next month....

49. Five-party meeting within eyeshot

UN special envoy Jane Holl Lute on Monday got both leaders of divided Cyprus to commit to the possibility of informal talks as early as next month, with local media on both sides noting the lack of an official statement from the global organization...

50. Cyprus shocked over chaos in Washington

The will of the people as freely expressed in elections must be respected, Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides said in the light of the siege of the Capitol Hill in Washington...

51. Government buys time on new COVID measures

The health, finance, and labour ministers of the Republic of Cyprus have been tasked to reconcile a number of issues before a Cabinet meeting on Friday, essentially stalling the announcement of new COVID measures which was expected on Thursday...

52. Cyprus holds turned thumb over lockdown

Cyprus’ lockdown stance continued to remain unclear following a special meeting between experts and the health minister, with the government hinting thumbs down for a new lockdown citing economic reasons but also thumbs up for stricter measures after hospitalizations reached dangerous levels...

53. Biden says ‘looks forward’ to working with Anastasiades‘looks-forward-to-working-with-anastasiades

US President-elect Joe Biden said he looked forward to working with Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades in a letter sent to thank him for his congratulatory note after winning the US elections in November....

54. Report says ministry was shuffling papers

An initial redacted report on golden passports made public in the Republic of Cyprus on Tuesday painted a picture of an Interior Ministry serving as a “filing office” without ability to examine cases in any meaningful way, with opposition crying foul over the committees’ selective method...

55. Cyprus President to be among first to get Covid jab

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades will be among the first citizens to receive the vaccine against Covid-19, Government Spokesman Kyriacos Koushos said Friday....

56. Cyprus asked to clarify passport probe impasse

The Cypriot government says it will comply with a request from an international organization of audit institutions, which asked to hear the administration’s view over the golden passports probe impasse after the state’s auditor sought support from the global network...

57. President Anastasiades travels to Brussels ahead of European Council

58. Government ups rhetoric against auditor

The Cypriot government hinted over the weekend it might refer the auditor general to the Supreme Court over “indecent” behaviour, after the audit office published yet another damning report alleging offences in a Cabinet decision to grant investor passports to individuals linked to a casino project without meeting the criteria...

59. Cyprus, Greece coordinate ahead of EUCO summit

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and Greek Premier Kyriakos Mitsotakis spoke on the phone on Tuesday evening to coordinate their actions in light of the upcoming EUCO meeting in December and the visit of the UN envoy Jane Hall Lute to Cyprus for consultations with the leaders of the two communities....

60. ‘No going back’ on Varosha decision‘no-going-back-on-varosha-decision

Over 200 Varosha property owners are seeking to return to the divided island’s most popular ghost town, with Turkish Cypriots appearing ready to address Greek Cypriot grievances with or without a solution to the Cyprus problem, adding there is “no going back” on the plan to open the abandoned city...