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02 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 340 matches for query Lawmakers.

211. EU fails to unblock sanctions due to lack on unanimity

European Union foreign ministers failed to overcome a diplomatic standoff over Belarus on Monday despite an appeal by the country's main opposition leader to approve sanctions on officials accused of rigging the election last month....

212. Cyprus open to defining maritime zones

Cyprus said on Tuesday it was willing to engage with all its neighbours on defining maritime boundaries, amid a tense stand-off with Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean over jurisdiction in the energy-rich waters...

213. European students in US breathe sigh of relief

Foreign students coming from Europe are exempt from a travel ban the United States imposed because of the coronavirus pandemic, the State Department told congressional offices on Thursday...

214. Lawmakers to vote on budget for new support measures

The Finance Ministry will be seeking lawmakers’ green light for the supplementary budget of €220 million involving a string of measures to keep the economy afloat after the slowdown brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. ...

215. Cabinet approves bill imposing steep rise in penalties for decree violations

The Cabinet on Friday approved a bill seeking to see penalties for violations of coronavirus measures skyrocket, as part of government efforts to increase deterrents to disregarding decrees and regulations under the Quarantine Law as the island gradually returns to normality....

216. House passes bills mitigating pandemic repercussions

The House on Friday approved a wide array of bills, passing into law a wide array of bills seeking to keep Cyprus afloat as it is making its way through the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic....

217. EastMed a project of major geostrategic importance, Hatzidakis says

Lawmakers in Athens on Monday ratified, at the committee level, a deal for an undersea pipeline to carry gas from new offshore deposits in the southeastern Mediterranean to continental Europe signed by Greece, Cyprus and Israel earlier in the year....

218. EU governments risk clash with EU exec in bid to save tourism season

European Union governments risk a clash with the EU executive arm over their support for travel firms issuing vouchers for cancelled holiday deals without giving customers the option of cash refunds as required by EU law, diplomats said....

219. Greek forces use tear gas to repel migrants

Greek riot police and troops used water cannon and tear gas on Wednesday against hundreds of migrants as they made another attempt to cross the border from Turkey into Greece....

220. Military clash with Syria is imminent, Erdogan says

Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday a Turkish military operation to push back a Syrian government offensive against rebel strongholds in northwest Syria was now “a matter of time” after talks with Russia failed to halt the assault....

221. Erdogan says third Turkish drill ship to begin operations in 2020

Turkey has purchased its third offshore drilling ship which will arrive in Turkey next month, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday, adding that the ship will begin operations in 2020. ...

222. Cyprus 'golden passports' scheme a laundering risk, says watchdog

A European money laundering watchdog has cautioned that a secretive investment-for-passports programme run by Cyprus was vulnerable to money laundering and fraught with risk...

223. Cyprus' plan to strip citizenship stalls in legal vacuum

A legal technicality has led Cyprus to temporarily halt a process to strip citizenship from 26 individuals who benefitted from a secretive passports-for-investment scheme, lawmakers said on Monday....

224. Convicted pedophile gets tougher sentence

A convicted child molester's sentence has been increased from four to seven years, after he was found guilty on more charges during an appeal hearing in the Supreme Court...

225. Greece elects first woman president

Greece’s parliament elected former Council of State head Katerina Sakellaropoulou as the country’s next president on Wednesday, a largely ceremonial role that also brings with it limited political powers...

226. Iran escalation continues after midnight tweet

US President Donald Trump on Saturday threatened to hit 52 Iranian sites “very hard” if Iran attacks Americans or US assets after a drone strike that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani, as tens of thousands of people marched in Iraq to mourn their deaths...

227. US preemptive strike put to the test

The Trump administration on Friday justified its killing of a top Iranian general as an act of self-defense, trying to deflect accusations that it violated international law and concerns raised by legal experts and a senior UN rights investigator....

228. Pompeo cancels trip to Nicosia

US State Secretary Mike Pompeo has cancelled a trip to Cyprus next week in the wake of protests outside the US Embassy in Iraq, with Department officials vowing to reschedule the visit “in the near future"...

229. Senate approves Armenian resolution

The US Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution that recognizes as a genocide the mass killings of Armenians a century ago, a historic move that infuriated Turkey and dealt a blow to the already problematic ties between Ankara and Washington...

230. US arms embargo to be lifted on conditions

President Donald Trump will have discretion over a current US arms embargo imposed on Cyprus, as both Senate and House conferees have reached an agreement on the defence budget for next year...

231. Friday the 13th to sort it all out

Britain will hold its first December election in almost a century after Prime Minister Boris Johnson won approval from parliament on Tuesday for an early ballot aimed at breaking the Brexit deadlock...

232. EU lawmakers reject Turkey's 'safe zone' in Syria, eye sanctions steps

European Union lawmakers on Wednesday condemned Turkey’s offensive to carve out a “safe zone” in northeast Syria and prepared the way for new EU financial sanctions against Ankara....

233. 'Flextension' thrown in the mix

European Council President Donald Tusk said on Tuesday that he would recommend that the 27 other member states of the European Union approve a delay of Britain’s departure date following Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to put the Brexit deal on hold...

234. Johnson refuses to sign delay letter sent to EU

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson sent an unsigned letter to the European Union on Saturday requesting a Brexit delay alongside a separate note saying that he did not want an extension...

235. Anti-Brexit protesters descend on London

Anti-Brexit protesters on Saturday used a bizarre array of humor to lampoon Britain’s leaders, casting Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s chief adviser as a manipulating devil behind a divorce that was the work of a privileged few...

236. Brexit deal agreed as EU summit begins

Britain clinched a last-minute Brexit deal with the European Union on Thursday, but still faced a challenge in getting it approved by parliament...

237. Johnson vows to stay put to hit Oct. 31 Brexit deadline

Boris Johnson said on Sunday he would not quit as Britain’s prime minister even if he fails to secure a deal to leave the European Union, insisting only his Conservative government can deliver Brexit on Oct. 31. ...

238. Johnson goads opponents to call election as tempers flare over Brexit

Waving his arms and yelling “come on, come on”, Johnson implored his opponents in a raucous House of Commons session to bring a vote of no-confidence in the government and trigger an election to finally break the Brexit impasse. ...

239. Trump impeachment inquiry begins

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday launched a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, accusing him of seeking foreign help to smear Democratic rival Joe Biden ahead of next year’s election...

240. UK Supreme Court rules PM Johnson's suspension of parliament was unlawful

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to shut down the British parliament for five weeks in the run-up to Brexit was unlawful, the Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday in a humiliating rebuke to him. ...