12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 61-66 of 66 matches for query Moon.

61. Understanding Kim: Madman or misunderstood

US intelligence experts are trying to build a profile of Kim Jong Un to give Trump a competitive edge in one of the most consequential summits since the Cold War...

62. North Korea test freeze blunts its nuclear threat

North Korea said it no longer needed to conduct nuclear or intercontinental ballistic missile tests because it had reached its weapons development goals...

63. Oldest known meteor shower peaks this weekend

If you have been looking for shooting stars this week, then you may want to get ready for a great show, as the annual Lyrid meteor shower is expected to peak after Saturday midnight. ...

64. South Korea discussing peace deal with North Korea ahead of summit

South Korea and a US-led U.N force are technically still at war with North Korea after the Korean War ended with a truce, not a peace treaty...

65. China says North Korea committed to denuclearization

North Korea is willing to talk with the United States and hold a summit between the two countries...

66. Trump and North Korea's Kim plan first-ever meeting

Trump had previously said he was willing to meet Kim under the right circumstances but had indicated the time was not right...