12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 61-90 of 213 matches for query Nouris.

61. Nouris: 'We have reached the point where migrants call the police and ask to be picked up'

In a bill submitted to Parliament, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior are requesting the recruitment of 300 special police officers with a contract of up to 28 months to monitor the green line and conduct other tasks relating to the increased migration flow into the Republic of Cyprus....

62. Nouris discusses illegal immigration and occupation with Czech MP's

Illegal immigration and the war in Ukraine were the focus of a meeting held on Thursday between Minister of Interior Nicos Nouris and Chairman of the Czech Parliamentary Committee on European Affairs, Ondřej Benešík, who was heading a delegation of Czech MPs and members of the Committee....

63. Cyprus asks EU for FRONTEX presence in Turkey

Minister of Interior Nicos Nouris called on the EU to demand that Turkey allow the presence of Frontex in their country to stop the mass flows of irregular migrants to the Turkish-occupied areas of Cyprus, who then cross to the government-controlled areas....

64. Nouris to send urgent letter to EC regarding migrant crisis

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris said on Thursday he was to send an urgent letter to the European Commission, along with evidence proving the mass influx of migrants to the Republic through Turkey, to highlight the extent of the problem faced by the country....

65. Over 100 Ukrainian refugees arriving in Cyprus daily

A total of 100-180 Ukrainian refugees from war-torn Ukraine arriving daily in Cyprus, Interior Minister Nicos Nouris said on Thursday adding that applications for temporary protection status have reached 1,232, but the Ministry is ready to manage an influx of applications....

66. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 700 'protection' applications submitted by Ukrainian refugees in Cyprus

About 700 refugees from Ukraine have applied for sanctuary in Cyprus, according to Minister of Interior Nicos Nouris. The Ministry of Interior has begun issuing residency cards for the applicants which will allow them to apply for work, avail of medical services, and procure housing and food....

67. Fast track procedure for building permits

More than 2,500 building permits have been issued under the new, fast-track procedure since it was implemented in October 2021, Interior Minister Nicos Nouris said on Saturday addressing the 29th General Assembly of the Cyprus Association of Civil Engineers....

68. Op-ed: 'Only a leap in consciousness will end human slavery'

With the number of women and children fleeing the war in Ukraine, experts say that many of them may become victims of trafficking given their vulnerability. This article is even more relevant today and attempts to present the attitudes that have enabled human slavery throughout history, and the solution to eradicate this crime across the globe....

69. Divided Cyprus vows protection for Ukrainians

People fleeing war in Ukraine have been promised protection in Cyprus, but questions remained as both sides on the divided island rushed to declare their support before finalizing all the details...

70. Refugees from Ukraine - The Government's temporary aid package

An inter-ministerial committee that convened under the chairmanship of Interior Minister Nikos Nouris concluded with specific measures to host Ukrainian citizens in Cyprus who have fled their country due to the hostilities....

71. Meeting underway to coordinate arrival of refugees from Ukraine

A meeting chaired by Interior Minister Nicos Nouris is underway this morning to coordinate actions regarding the arrival of refugees from Ukraine into Cyprus....

72. Ukrainians in Cyprus before cutoff date now in limbo

Dozens of Ukrainians in the Republic of Cyprus are running out of money and unable to benefit automatically from EU “temporary protection” measures because they visited the island as tourists before the cutoff date...

73. Anastasiades visits Pournara after reports of unsuitable conditions

President Nicos Anastasiades visited Pournara at 9 am this morning after reports surfaced on the unsuitable living conditions of minors being housed at the center. ...

74. Young migrants in ‘miserable’ camp, says Cyprus Commissioner for children's rights‘miserable-camp-says-cyprus-commissioner-for-children-s-rights

The war in Ukraine has focused the world’s attention on the plight of millions fleeing the country. But migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and elsewhere continue to reach ethnically divided Cyprus, where authorities say they’re overwhelmed....

75. Cyprus municipalities reduced to 20 following reform bill passed by Parliament

The Cypriot Parliament Plenary on Thursday voted in favor of three bills adopting the reform of Local Government reducing the number of Municipalities throughout the government-controlled areas to 20....

76. Police probe water theft in Chloraka’s refugee complex

A man has been arrested in Paphos after the local council in Chloraka filed a complaint for illegal tapping of water supply at a controversial apartment complex where hundreds of refugees have been asked to leave...

77. Schinas visits Green Line to witness migrant influx into Cyprus

Commissioner Margaritis Schinas on Sunday visited the Green Line in Athienou area and had the opportunity to see with his own eyes the situation with migrant influxes that Cyprus is faced with in the past months....

78. Agreement reached between Cyprus and Frontex for migrant repatriations

The Republic of Cyprus and FRONTEX have reached an agreement to set up an action plan for the return of migrants whose asylum applications have been rejected, to their countries of origin...

79. Nouris seeks EU sanctions for airlines carrying irregular immigrants to Turkish-occupied Cyprus

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris has asked for the imposition of EU sanctions to Turkish airlines systematically carrying irregular immigrants to Turkish-occupied Cyprus....

80. Cyprus-EU sign agreement on return of migrants

In a first, Cyprus and the EU have signed an agreement governing the rules for the return of migrants, and a Memorandum of Understanding is expected to be signed soon, which will detail the actions needed to effectively control migrant flows in Cyprus....

81. Nouris calls on EU partners to conclude agreement between FRONTEX and Turkey

Cyprus Minister of Interior, Nicos Nouris, has called for the conclusion of a Status Agreement between FRONTEX and Turkey, as a matter of urgency and as a condition for additional EU support to Turkey....

82. Cyprus Interior Minister to participate in European Conference on external borders management

Cyprus Interior Minister, Nicos Nouris, travels on Thursday to Vilnius, Lithuania, to participate in a European conference on the management of external borders being held on January 20-21....

83. State issues ultimatum in Chloraka refugee standstill

Paphos officials are seeking ways to convince asylum seekers at a controversial studio complex in Chloraka to move out, with reports saying residents have been told they would lose their refugee assistance unless they agree by the end of the month to relocate at a migrant facility...

84. Man wanted for wishing death on politicians

Cyprus Police are searching for a man who wished death on the interior minister and the wife and kids of another politician, with investigators handling the complaint as a high profile cyber stalking case...

85. Cyprus police target specific areas in search of illegals

Cyprus Police say they will continue to partner up with the Interior Ministry to conduct immigration sweeps, arresting on the spot any foreign nationals deemed to be in violation of their immigration status...

86. Cyprus police evict asylum seekers on New Year’s Eve

Law enforcement officers in the Republic of Cyprus extracted 60 asylum seekers from their place of residence on Friday and transported them to a deportation facility during an operation to enforce an eviction notice from last week...

87. Interior ministry evicts migrants on Christmas Eve

Asylum seekers from Africa have been ordered by an executive order to abandon their place of residence in an industrial area south of Nicosia, with the landlord asking authorities on Christmas Eve to allow time until tenants can find a new roof over their heads...

88. Nouris: 'No magic solution' to the migration crisis in Cyprus

Cyprus Minister of the Interior, Nicos Nouris, has said that there are no magic solutions or recipes to address the issue of migration and that “we have no other choice than to increase surveillance at the Green Line, using any means required”,...

89. Cyprus enlists army to move asylum seekers

An army convoy in Cyprus transported hundreds of asylum seekers from Pournara camp to a deportation facility this week, with the government saying the transfer took place amid fears of coronavirus spread in the overcrowded facility...

90. Pope wraps up Cyprus trip after breaking silence

Pope Francis left Cyprus on Saturday after wrapping up his trip to the divided island, where he went off script during a prayer in downtown Nicosia after hearing personal stories from migrants...