12° Nicosia,
10 June, 2024


Displaying results 91-120 of 1563 matches for query Policy.

91. Cyprus sees surge in electric vehicle interest, prompts policy review

Two months after the launch of Cyprus' electric vehicle subsidy program, public interest is surging, prompting officials to review policy measures....

92. $4.25M per dose to cure rare genetic disease in children$4-25m-per-dose-to-cure-rare-genetic-disease-in-children

The recent approval of Lenmeldy, a gene therapy designed to combat the fatal genetic disorder metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), has made headlines as it comes with a staggering price tag of $4.25 million per treatment. ...

93. MFA reinstates overseas Cypriots service

The Service for Overseas and Repatriated Cypriots is reintegrated into the structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following a relevant decision of the Council of Ministers....

94. Christodoulides' public perception and expectations

"The mistakes weren't made in policies; they were made in behaviors and choices, and those were corrected immediately," said the President of the Republic in response to a question posed by colleague Stavros Kyprianou, during a televised interview....

95. Cyprus praises EU financial plan for 2025

The joint statement on the orientation of the eurozone’s fiscal policy for 2025 satisfies Cyprus as it validates the cautious and conservative fiscal policy that Cyprus has followed so far, Minister for Finance Makis Keravnos said in Brussels, where he was attending the meeting of the Eurogroup on Monday....

96. GeSY: €1.58B revenue, €500M reserve, stable until 2031€1-58b-revenue-€500m-reserve-stable-until-2031

The Health Insurance Organisation (OAY) has disclosed that its revenue from contributions to the General Health System (GeSY) reached €1.58 billion in 2023,...

97. Cyprus: A familiar economic space for Greece

In an interview conducted by Kathimerini reporter Panayiotis Rougalas, Greece's Central Bank Governor, Mr. Yiannis Stournaras, sheds light on various aspects of the country's monetary policy and economic landscape....

98. Washington to Larnaca via Bucharest

The proposal for the Gaza sea corridor has gained momentum, with Cyprus's groundwork and the deteriorating Middle East humanitarian situation cited as catalysts, according to a report by George Kakouris in this Sunday's printed edition of Kathimerini....

99. ECB considers rate cut despite falling inflation

The European Central Bank is set to keep interest rates at record highs on Thursday and take baby steps towards cutting them in the coming months as inflation continues to fall despite stubbornly high underlying price pressures....

100. Employers' organizations cry foul as water price cap sparks debate

In a decision that pleased consumers but left employer organizations dissatisfied, the Council of Ministers approved a bill on Wednesday that grants the minister the authority to set a maximum price for specific products, ...

101. One in four students in Cyprus have been bullyed

In Cyprus, a troubling rise in bullying is highlighted as a quarter of students admit to being victims, both in physical and online contexts, according to a statement by the "Hope for Children" CRC Policy Center....

102. KEDIPES preps for major loan sell-off, boosting Cyprus banks

In a strategic move to streamline its assets, KEDIPES is gearing up to offload a second batch of performing loans, hot on the heels of its €58 million deal with the Bank of Cyprus....

103. President's ''fireside chat'' with chosen few unveils triumphs and controversy

In an interchannel interview held to evaluate the first year in office, President of the Republic Nikos Christodoulides commenced proceedings a few minutes after 20:30. ...

104. US Diplomat Victoria Nuland steps down amidst Russia-Ukraine controversy

Victoria Nuland, the third-highest-ranking U.S. diplomat known for her tough stance on Russia, is set to retire from her position this month, as confirmed by the State Department on Tuesday. ...

105. US sanctions target Intellexa over cyber spyware

The United States has issued sanctions against Intellexa, linked to the black van, and other entities as part of cybersecurity principles, as revealed in a post on the U.S. Department of the Treasury's website. ...

106. President Christodoulides' candid year-one address

In a televised address marking the completion of his first year in office, President Nikos Christodoulides highlighted the achievements and priorities of his administration. Emphasizing transparency and accountability, the President outlined the following key areas of focus:...

107. Turkey's February inflation hits 67.07%, raises policy concerns

Turkey's annual inflation rate surged to 67.07% in February, surpassing expectations and sustaining pressure for a stringent monetary policy. Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek acknowledged that inflation would remain high in the coming months due to base effects and the delayed impact of previous rate hikes....

108. Interior Minister calls for urgent refugee return evaluation

Minister for the Interior Constantinos Ioannou raised the need to review the status of Syria as a safe or not destination for the purposes of returning of refugees and migrants, during his intervention at the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the EU, according to a press release....

109. Cyprus' wetlands under threat

Kathimerini reporter Pavlos Neophytou delves into the critical challenges facing Cyprus' precious wetlands, where red alerts have recently been issued for the Achna dam and Larnaca salt ponds. ...

110. US senators allow F-16 sale to Turkey despite concerns

US senators declined on Thursday to block the sale of F-16s to Turkey, despite voicing deep disdain for Turkey’s conduct as an ally. They were upholding an unofficial bargain that Turks would get the fighter jets if they stopped blocking Sweden’s accession to NATO....

111. EU mulls tax breaks for islands nations on aviation fuel

European Union nations are in talks to grant exemptions for a proposed EU-wide tax on aviation fuel, particularly favoring islands. A draft document from Belgium,...

112. Senate defies calls to halt F-16 sale to Turkey

In a decisive vote on Thursday, the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly dismissed a resolution proposed by Republican Senator Rand Paul to block the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey....

113. Why marriage shouldn't be the answer to €2B loans€2b-loans

In 2023, Cyprus secured a substantial loan totaling €2.02 billion from the Bank of Cyprus, earmarking €510 million specifically for housing initiatives. ...

114. Government celebrates approval of Migration Deputy Ministry bill

''Today is a milestone for our country'' said the Minister of the Interior, Constantinos Ioannou, on Thursday, welcoming the approval of the bill......

115. Hotel Berengaria €40M revival sparks environmental debate€40m-revival-sparks-environmental-debate

Positively, the Environmental Authority has conditionally approved the revival and operation of Hotel Berengaria and the construction of houses in Prodromos....

116. Cyprus farmers deserve fair treatment in green shift

The green transition is necessary, but in order for it to be fair and efficient, the reduction of farmers' incomes must be compensated with appropriate funding, Agriculture Minister Maria Panayiotou......

117. Farmers erect barricades, confront police at EU summit

Tensions escalated between farmers and police in Brussels as agriculture ministers from the 27 EU countries convened today. ...

118. Pillar two readiness and technology

As per our previous publications and alerts, we had the opportunity to communicate a significant development - the introduction of BEPS 2.0 Pillar Two or Global Minimum Tax. The European Union unanimously adopted a directive in December 2022 (the ''Minimum Tax Directive''). ...

119. European Parliament honors Navalny amidst food inflation

The European Parliament will commemorate the life of Russian activist Alexei Navalny, featuring an address by his wife, Yulia Navalnaya, in its plenary session this week in Strasbourg......

120. Deloitte Academy's impact spreads from Cyprus to Kenya

The Head of Deloitte Academy, Christina Themistocleous, travelled to Nairobi, Kenya with the goal to offer voluntary work and help students achieve their ambitions and reach their full potential....