12° Nicosia,
12 June, 2024


Displaying results 181-209 of 209 matches for query Protesters.

181. After cabinet backing, May girds for Brexit battle in parliament

182. Others ready to host kids, if Zygi won’t

Two communities have stepped up to the plate to signal their readiness to welcome refugee unaccompanied minors following recent protests in Zygi, but state officials insist on original location due to approved funding...

183. Zygi divided over refugee facility

A recent protest in Zygi by local residents, who object to having a refugee centre for unaccompanied minors in the area, has deeply divided the community and sparked debate beyond village boundaries...

184. Leaders meeting underway

185. Hundreds of thousands march against Brexit in London

186. Persuasion and force

187. Cypriot among fracking protesters to go to jail

A Cypriot anti-fracking activist in Britain will spend over a year in prison along with three others for their part in blocking the way for trucks outside an energy company base...

188. Teachers march nine thousand-strong

Thousands of demonstrators descended on Presidential Palace Avenue on Tuesday, protesting a Cabinet decision to trim down the number of class-exempt teaching hours in state schools...

189. Reignited Dherynia fire under control

A Sunday night fire in the buffer zone, which was thought to have been contained Monday morning, reignited hours later with authorities on both sides going on full alert and UN officials saying the fire is once again under control...

190. FYROM government submits deal on new name to parliament

The government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) set in motion Monday the process of ratifying a pending agreement to change the country's name to "North Macedonia" in hopes of ending a bitter 27-year dispute with southern neighbor Greece....

191. ‘Severna Makedonija’ on the table‘severna-makedonija-on-the-table

As Athens and Skopje appear to be edging towards a solution on the Macedonia name dispute, reports indicated on Thursday that the Republic of Northern Macedonia (Severna Makedonija) is the likeliest settlement....

192. Turkey will shop elsewhere if US won't sell F-35 jets

Turkey will go elsewhere if the United States does not allow it to buy Lockheed Martin’s F-35 jets, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was quoted as saying by broadcaster NTV and other media on Wednesday...

193. Turkey says countries should not follow US on Israel embassy move

Muslim countries must together ensure that other nations don’t follow in the path of the United States and open embassies in Israel’s Jerusalem, Turkey’s foreign minister said on Friday, at the start of a summit to address the issue...

194. Protesters in march for Gaza pelt stones at Israeli embassy

A march by leftist groups and Palestinians in central Athens on Tuesday to express solidarity with Palestine following the deaths of protesters by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip turned violent, as demonstrators pelted stones at riot police vans guarding the Israeli embassy and the embassy building itself....

195.  May to raise human rights during Erdogan's visit

British Prime Minister Theresa May will raise human rights issues at talks with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in London...

196. Elusive peace grows more remote with Jerusalem embassy move

The move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, coupled with the killings of dozens of Palestinian protesters , makes the odds of a U.S.-brokered peace even more remote, analysts said....

197. Greek island protest about migrant influx turns violent

Greek riot police fired tear gas Thursday to try to disperse angry protesters on the island of Lesvos who tried to topple a police bus during a demonstration against a European Union migration policy....

198. Tension rising on the Greek islands

More than 15,500 migrants are living in cramped conditions in state-run centres on the eastern Aegean islands...

199. Limassol residents want mobile antenna removed

Pissouri residents threaten to pull their kids out of school if Limassol authorities fail to remove a mobile telephony tower that is transmitting next to the community’s elementary school. Scientists remain unconvinced of any real health risk over wifi signals, but parents insist they don't want to take any chances....

200. Cypriot protesters tell NATO to go home

About 250 peace activists gathered outside the American Embassy in Nicosia Monday evening to demonstrate against NATO and the latest military airstrikes against Syria. ...

201. Cypriot activists to protest against strikes in Syria

An anti-war demonstration is scheduled to take place Monday evening outside the US Embassy in Nicosia, organised by the Cyprus Peace Council which is opposing military strikes against Syria....

202. Cypriots protest outside RAF Akrotiri over Syria strike

Protestors are demanding the closure of RAF Akrotiri, from where four British Tornado jets hit Syria targets...

203. Dash-cam footage released of protester hit by patrol car

A lawyer for Cleveland, Mark Reichel, said it was not possible that the deputy did not see his client...

204. Cabbies call off strike at Larnaca airport

The taxi drivers strike at Larnaca airport is being suspended hours after it was launched, following an attack incident and an invitation by the transport minister to meet representatives Thursday afternoon. ...

205. Cabbies block one lane at LCA

Police are making their presence known outside the Larnaca airport, where taxi drivers are currently on an open-ended strike to demonstrate what they see as “unfair treatment and indifference” by the Transport Department....

206. Taxi drivers to strike at Larnaca airport

207. Anti-foreclosure protesters scuffle with police in Athens

Protesters opposing property auctions outside the office of a notary in the upscale Athens neighborhood of Kolonaki on Wednesday clashed with police trying to move them along....

208. For Putin’s Russia, a poisoned spy sends a political message

Any state body using a nerve agent so blatantly is clearly disregarding the traditional rules of international order...

209. May defends Saudi ties as crown prince gets royal welcome

British officials were privately delighted at the decision by Prince Mohammed to choose Britain as the major western destination on his first foreign trip ...