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01 June, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 97 matches for query Syrians.

1. Migration issue returns to the spotlight

Today, Friday, May 17, Nicosia will host a ministerial conference at the level of Foreign Affairs Ministers, with the participation of 7 EU member states ...

2. Hezbollah leader calls for migrant boat access to Cyprus

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Monday called on Lebanese authorities to allow migrant boats to head to Europe amid rising anti-Syrian sentiment and accusations that Western countries aim to confine refugees in Lebanon....

3. New suspect sought in attempted murder of Andronikou

Another suspect sought in attempted murder case of 34-year-old Dimitris Andronikou, known as "Dimitroui," which occurred on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, on the road from Palechoriou to Anthoupolis. ...

4. Cyprus leads EU with highest rate of asylum seekers

Cyprus had the highest rate of registered first-time applicants for asylum compared to its population in January 2024, according to the latest monthly asylum data released by Eurostat....

5. Syrian population in Cyprus now at around 30,000

Approximately 30,000 Syrians currently reside in the Republic of Cyprus, either under subsidiary protection status or illegally, according to data from the Ministry of Interior. ...

6. Less talk, more action

The government seems to have adopted a new strategy when it comes to addressing the growing issue of migration flows. Rather than discussing it publicly, there appears to be a preference for silence among government officials...

7. Cyprus revokes asylum apps of Syrians travelling via occupied areas

Following a meeting of the National Security Council at the Presidential Palace, Interior Minister Konstantinos Ioannou announced the immediate revocation...

8. Minister advocates stricter asylum criteria for Syrians

Minister of the Interior Konstantinos Ioannou is set to have bilateral contacts in Denmark, the Czech Republic and Greece on the 10th, 11th and 12th of April......

9. Christodoulides heads to Lebanon to address migrant influx

Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides is traveling to Lebanon on Monday to discuss the increased arrivals of migrants. He said once more that the situation was difficult but assured that “we will deal with it”....

10. Cyprus seeks EU aid amid migration surge

In response to increased migration flows, particularly from Syrians in Lebanon, Cyprus urges EU aid for Lebanon and steps up surveillance to prevent boat departures, Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou reports....

11. Interior Minister calls for urgent refugee return evaluation

Minister for the Interior Constantinos Ioannou raised the need to review the status of Syria as a safe or not destination for the purposes of returning of refugees and migrants, during his intervention at the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the EU, according to a press release....

12. Interior Minister urges EU action on border surveillance

Cyprus' Minister for the Interior, Konstantinos Ioannou, emphasized the necessity for the European Union to collaborate with third countries in enhancing border surveillance, particularly the maritime border with Lebanon....

13. Government urges Lebanon to act on irregular migration

The government of Lebanon should also take measures in order to limit the number of irregular migrants leaving the country by boat to reach Cyprus, President Nikos Christodoulides said on Wednesday evening, pointing out that Cyprus has already taken steps which have had results. ...

14. Cyprus eyes new measures amid migration challenges

There may have been progress so far in the management of migration, according to figures released by the government these days, but this is mainly due to a sharp decline in the number of applicants from African countries, ...

15. Surge in Syrian asylum seekers amid drop in African arrivals

The Ministry of Interior disclosed an uptick in asylum applications from Syrians, predominantly arriving by sea, citing challenges in managing these individuals due to the perilous conditions in their home country. ...

16. Interior Minister considers plan with IOM to boost international workforce

Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou has conveyed to IOM (International Organization for Migration) Director General Amy Pope Cyprus' willingness to look into implementing a pilot programme to attract labour force from third countries....

17. Government achieves historic 50% drop in asylum applications

There is a 50% reduction in the period March-October 2023 in new asylum applications compared to the 2022 corresponding period, the Interior Ministry said on Tuesday, noting at the same time that for the first time, the overall balance of arrivals-returns presents a positive picture, and Cyprus is now ranking in the first places among European states in absolute numbers of returns....

18. Cyprus sees 33% drop in new asylum applications, compared to 19% EU increase

In August 2023, the European Union saw a 19% increase in new asylum seekers compared to the same period in 2022, with 91,735 applications recorded. ...

19. Abraham’s Tinderbox

I’ll begin by clearly condemning Hamas and its terrorist thugs and express grief at the horrors inflicted on innocent Israeli civilians on 7 October....

20. Authorities on alert as 264 migrant arrivals spike in Cyprus

According to sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 40 individuals arrived on Saturday, followed by 224 on Sunday, in two separate boats carrying 142 and 82 people....

21. 25 new asylum examiners to speed processing and deter migrant arrivals

The Asylum Service of Cyprus has taken a significant step to enhance the efficiency of processing asylum applications by appointing 25 additional asylum examiners, according to Minister of Interior Constantinos Ioannou....

22. Corruption and desperation forge a new path to Cyprus

A new migratory route to Cyprus has emerged this summer, with increased departures from Syria to Cyprus surpassing those from Lebanon, according to a report by Open Democracy....

23. Police block access to troubled Ayios Nikolaos complex

Ayios Nikolaos apartment complex in Chlorakas has been officially sealed off, marking a significant turn of events for the site that formerly served as housing for migrants....

24. Debate rages over Cyprus' efforts to deter migration through benefit cuts

A discussion about the benefits for asylum seekers has arisen recently due to violent and racist incidents in Chloraka and Limassol last week....

25. In a historic first, asylum applications drop by 51%

Interior Minister Konstantinos Ioannou announced today that, for the first time in Cyprus' immigrant history, there has been a shift in the balance between migrant arrivals and departures....

26. Political parties fueling nationalism crisis in Chlorakas protest

The "people living in Chlorakas who are organized" issued a statement today expressing their unhappiness with reports on the internet about "a small group of individuals spreading false information and serious accusations against the residents of Chlorakas and their protest against segregation," they argue....

27. The unresolved issues of Chlorakas

The situation in Chloraka, following the problems that happened last week, is still uncertain. ...

28. Viral image adds intrigue to Syrian man's controversy

A 47-year-old Syrian man has captured headlines due to his public threats following the Chloraka incidents, sparking a whirlwind of responses....

29. Cyprus sees sharp drop in asylum applications

Cyprus has witnessed a significant decline in new asylum applications from non-EU countries, according to recently released data from Eurostat, the EU's statistical service....

30. Violent clash shakes Chloraka community

Serious incidents unfolded on Sunday night (27/8) in Chloraka, leading to the arrest of four individuals by the Police. Among them were two Greek Cypriots and two immigrants, ...