12° Nicosia,
18 June, 2024


Displaying results 241-270 of 352 matches for query accusation.

241. Turkey at focus of Lavrov visit to Athens

The main conclusion drawn from Monday's visit by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was the mutual recognition that Greece can play a special role in Russia’s relations with the European Union, but also that Athens expects some support for its positions on maritime zones, while at the same time acknowledging the complicated relations between Moscow and Ankara....

242. Turkey slams joint declaration by Cyprus, Greece and Egypt

Turkey's Foreign Ministry on Thursday slammed a joint statement by Greece, Cyprus and Egypt that condemns Turkish energy exploration in the eastern Mediterranean and numerous "provocations" that they maintain are threatening regional peace....

243. Probe launched against Al Jazeera operation

The state attorney ordered a probe following a complaint filed by high-profile Cypriot officials targeted by an Al Jazeera secret investigation on corruption, with members of the public outraged as more shocking revelations emerged in a new Cyprus Papers video...

244. Pro-Greek protesters breach checkpoint

Pro-Greek protesters from the south breached security at the Dherynia checkpoint on Sunday evening, while a video emerged showing masked men holding baseball bats, throwing flares, and chanting slogans against Turkey during the incident...

245. A historic verdict and a more united Greece

The Greek justice system rose to the occasion and delivered a historic verdict that also confirms Greece’s image as a free democracy governed by the rule of law. Behind the voters’ rejection of Golden Dawn and the party’s condemnation by the institutions lies a good deal of human suffering – the agony of a mother whose child was murdered, but also of so many others who suffered violence and humiliation at the hands of the criminal organization....

246. Greek court rules Golden Dawn party criminal organization

A Greek court ruled on Wednesday that the far-right Golden Dawn party was operating as a criminal organization, delivering a landmark guilty verdict in a marathon five-year trial....

247. Protocols aren't being adhered to, health minister says

The recent surge in coronavirus cases attests to the fact that government-imposed health protocols but also personal protection measures are being flouted, health minister Constantinos Ioannou said Thursday....

248. NATO keeps France-Turkey probe under wraps as tempers flare

A NATO investigation into a naval standoff between French and Turkish ships in June has been rated too sensitive to discuss in public and does not apportion blame, as Paris and Ankara wage a war of words, diplomats have told Reuters....

249. Solar panels being installed in over 400 Cyprus schools

Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou said Tuesday that the Cyprus Electricity Authority has begun the process of insulating and installing solar panels at 405 schools across Cyprus, allowing schools to take on the extra electricity load of air conditioners that are desperately needed as the heatwave rages on. Currently, 107 schools have solar panels....

250. Cyprus takes a stab at Al Jazeera 'propaganda'

The daily publication of reports by the foreign media network Al Jazeera targeting the Cyprus citizenship-for-investment programme after gaining possession of over 1,400 leaked documents has sent the Cyprus government rushing to set the record straight....

251. Al Jazeera journalist denies political motives

Cypriot Interior Minister Nikos Nouris is expected on Wednesday to provide answers to Al Jazeera’s “golden passports” story, while the network has rejected accusations of political motives behind the story...

252. Cyprus police looking into Al Jazeera document leak

Cyprus law enforcement officials have been investigating since June 3 how the foreign media network Al Jazeera, that has this week published a series of articles and videos on the island’s citizenship-by-investment program, got hold of the leaked documents on which it built its exposé....

253. Cyprus 'golden passports' under more scrutiny

A foreign investigative report says leaked documents from the Republic of Cyprus suggest the island’s government violated its own rules in granting “golden passport” citizenships, with Cypriot officials denying the accusations and raising credibility issues over the report...

254. Ankara responds to Greek warnings

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan says an attack on Oruc Reis in the eastern Mediterranean would incur a “high price” while at the same time calling for a win-win solution through dialogue...

255. Filipina housemaid speaks out in abuse case

The woman seen in a shared video being abused by her employer, a retired police officer, says she endured physical abuse and serious threats many times before recording the incident...

256. Lawyer scorns police over flopped case

Two men who were arrested as suspects in the Kallitchionis murder were released from remanded custody on Tuesday, both raising questions over locking up pre-trial suspects as well as their lawyer accusing police of violating the rights of his clients...

257. Accused mother asks for supervised visits

A mother who was remanded in custody on child abuse charges and ordered to stay away from her baby has asked for supervised visits...

258. Turkish FM accuses Athens of shirking dialogue

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu dismissed accusations that Ankara is unwilling to seek a solution through talks with Greece, saying that the Greek prime minister needs to “look in the mirror and ask himself where he went wrong.” ...

259. Interior minister presents bills for streamlining asylum procedures

The house legal committee discussed on Tuesday a bundle of four bills, submitted by interior minister Nicos Nouris, that seek to streamline procedures for the processing of applications filed by asylum seekers as well as appeal proceedings....

260. Man jailed in another Ayia Napa rape case

A man has been sentenced to eight years for the rape of a young British woman, who said she was raped after being driven in a dark remote area outside Ayia Napa last year...

261. Bill calls for videotaping police interrogations

The House is looking into legislation that would make mandatory the videotaping of custodial interrogations, a move that would allow the Republic of Cyprus to join other modern states in the way suspects are being treated by police...

262. Evidence destroyed in Edek probe

A political party in the Republic of Cyprus is at the centre of a new investigation into possible obstruction of justice, after it emerged that important evidence into an ongoing probe had been destroyed...

263. Cyprus police pick up pace in spy van probe

The surveillance company executive at the centre of a high profile spy van case in Cyprus is expected to give a police deposition as early as Tuesday, with reports saying the former Israeli intelligence officer insists he never broke the law...

264. Cooperation and Transparency Needed to Fight COVID-19

In today’s age of social media, it has unfortunately become normal to see false information reach a broad audience instantaneously through the Interne...

265. Help from China on the way

The Chinese ambassador in Nicosia says Cyprus has recently taken “powerful and appropriate” measures in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, adding that help from China is on the way...

266. New Life in Cyprus of Russian Businessman after unfair seizure of Promsvyazbank

In 2017 Dmitry Ananiev was at the peak of his success. He and his brother Alexei owned a bank, an IT firm and an office complex overlooking the Moscow River. ...

267. EDEK party shrinks as turmoil escalates over ousted MEP

After the dramatic ousting of MEP Demetris Papadakis from socialist party Edek on Monday, the party continued to shrink throughout the week with the resignation of ten party members by Friday....

268. President says use of Saudi-businessman owned jet not a violation of Ethics Code

President Nicos Anastasiades acknowledged on Thursday that he could have avoided using a private jet belonging to a Saudi businessman for a family holiday in the Seychelles, but denied that he was in violation of the Ethics Code....

269. Turkey deploys extremists to Libya, local militias say

Syrian militants affiliated with groups such as al-Qaida and the Islamic State group are currently being sent by Turkey to fight on behalf of the UN-supported government in Libya, according to two Libyan militia leaders and a Syrian war monitor....

270. Judge delays verdict in Alexoui bail hearing

Alexoui’s lawyer came very close to securing the release of his client on Wednesday, after arguing police could not deprive someone of his freedom based on contradictory witness statements, but a judge needed another day to decide whether to grant bail...