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03 June, 2024


Displaying results 151-180 of 507 matches for query allies.

151. Plot thickens as Greece irked over Antonov crash

Athens says Belgrade and Kiev had not shared information about dangerous cargo on board a Cypriot company-owned Antonov that crashed-landed in northern Greece, with the plot thickening after recipient Bangladesh denied Serbian reports that Dhaka was expecting mines onboard the aircraft leased to a Ukrainian company...

152. Rumors fly after Antonov crash in Greece

A retired intelligence officer in Cyprus says there is no way a downed Ukrainian cargo plane could have been carrying illegitimate weapons, with rumors still raging over allied weapons to Ukraine being sold on the black market while experts in Greece saying they found no evidence of dangerous substances at the crash site...

153. Turkey’s map and Greece’s vindication

The displaying of a map showing many Greek islands, including Crete, as Turkish, by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s nationalist ally Devlet Bahceli, is obviously a particularly provocative action that angers Greece. In the battle of public relations, however, it strengthens its position....

154. US House passes bill restricting F-16 sales to Turkey

The US House has approved an amendment for blocking F-16 sales to Turkey....

155. Sri Lankan president flees country amid devastating economic crisis

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled the country on Wednesday and hundreds of protesters stormed the prime minister's office demanding his ouster, as a people's uprising over a devastating economic crisis overwhelmed security forces....

156. 'Nightmare' scenario for Europe as Russia shuts off gas pipeline

The main natural gas pipeline between Russia and Germany shut down for scheduled maintenance Monday, raising concerns that Moscow could use the repairs as a pretext for a longer shutdown as it wields energy supplies as leverage in the Ukraine war....

157. US Senator: ‘I will do all in my power’ to secure F-16 deal with Turkey‘i-will-do-all-in-my-power-to-secure-f-16-deal-with-turkey

US Senator Lindsey Graham has said he fully supports the Biden administration’s decision to sell F-16 fighter jets to Turkey and will do all he can to secure a deal, several media reported on Tuesday....

158. Anastasiades and Erdogan exchanged views on the Cyprus issue

The President of the Republic Mr. Nicos Anastasiadis participated in the Euro-Atlantic working dinner hosted in Madrid on Wednesday night by the Prime Minister of Spain Mr. Pedro Sanchez....

159. Nicosia jittery about US demand to ban vessels

The Republic of Cyprus reportedly has concerns over a US request to ban vessels transporting Russian oil, with the small island but major maritime player feeling pressure as Washington leads a G7 effort to sharply reduce Russian oil revenue...

160. On Erdogan, the West and Greek-Turkish relations

Let’s start with the domestic facts and figures to dispel the widespread wishful thinking betting on the victory of the so-called “opposition front” at the next elections....

161. Moscow and NATO could clash over Kaliningrad

The United States today said its support for Lithuania is 'ironclad' and that any attack on the country would 'constitute an attack on all NATO members'....

162. What is Turkey up to?

This summer, for the first time in many years, the omens concerning Greek-Turkish relations are particularly gloomy. There are many objective reasons why Turkey causing a heated incident is not the most likely scenario;...

163. Efforts afoot to de-escalate tensions

The United States, seconded by Germany, has intervened decisively to keep tensions between uneasy allies Greece and Turkey from boiling over....

164. Erdogan critic wants Kissinger to apologize over Cyprus

An American scholar is calling on Henry Kissinger to apologize to Cypriots for betraying Greeks and appeasing Turkey, arguing that the father of modern realpolitik had signaled to Turkey back in 1974 that 'aggression works'...

165. Valuable ally, you said?

I have been trying for a long time to understand exactly what various Western officials mean when they monotonously repeat that “Turkey is a valuable ally.” Turkey is obviously a large, strategically important country at a critical geopolitical crossroads. No great power can ignore it....

166. Athens sees Ankara raising tensions

Greek officials expect two moves by Turkey that will ratchet up tensions between the two nominal allies up another notch this summer, to levels not seen since 2020....

167. Our Shared Values Shine in Our Support for Ukraine

Even before Russia fired the first shots, the United States and European Union member states, including Cyprus, were united in their repudiation of the false pretenses used to initiate the conflict and clear-eyed about the growing danger Ukraine faced...

168. Turkish opposition backs Erdogan over Greek island claims

The Turkish opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has expressed its agreement with the recent government escalation vis-à-vis Greece and indicated that it would support President Recep Tayyip Erdogan if he decided to go through with a threat to challenge the sovereignty of Greek islands in the eastern Aegean....

169. Russia cautions US on weapons deployment in Ukraine

Russia on Wednesday sharply criticized a U.S. decision to supply advanced rocket systems and munitions to Ukraine, warning of an increased risk of a direct confrontation between the two superpowers....

170. Iran seizes two Greek tankers as tensions rise

Iranian forces seized two Greek tankers in the Gulf on Friday, shortly after Tehran warned it would take "punitive action" against Athens over the confiscation of Iranian oil by the United States from a tanker held off the Greek coast...

171. Op-ed: Greece informs its allies and partners; Erdogan is irked

Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed annoyance at “third parties” becoming involved in Greek-Turkish affairs. ...

172. EU representative communicates 'serious concern' to Turkey over fighter jet flights

The Secretary-General of the European Union External Action Service Stefano Sannino expressed his “serious concern” to the Head of Turkey’s Permanent Representation to the European Union Mehmet Bozay on Wednesday over the recent flight of two Turkish fighter jets within 2.5 nautical miles of the northeastern city of Alexandroupoli, calling for respect of international law and cohesion between allies....

173. Satellite images appear to show Russian ships 'stealing' Ukrainian grain

Russia's theft of Ukrainian grain appears to be ramping up as it continues its war on the country, according to new satellite photos of the Crimean port of Sevastopol....

174. Erdogan says he will no longer talk to Greek PM

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday he would cease talking to Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and cancel a key meeting between their two governments, accusing the Greek leader of antagonizing Turkey....

175. Ukraine: US may send advanced anti-ship missiles to fight Russian blockade

The White House is working to put advanced anti-ship missiles in the hands of Ukrainian fighters to help defeat Russia's naval blockade, officials said, amid concerns more powerful weapons that could sink Russian warships would intensify the conflict....

176. Varosha - Occupying forces opening another part of the beach

The Turkish occupying forces in Cyprus have started work to open up a new area along the beach in the fenced-off area of Varosha, on the eastern coast of Cyprus....

177. Finland and Sweden formally apply to join NATO

Finland and Sweden formally applied to join the NATO alliance on Wednesday, a decision spurred by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but face objections from Turkey to an accession process that is expected to take only a few weeks....

178. Mitsotakis: 'Don't forget Cyprus'

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis asked the US Congress not to forget Cyprus, in a historic address, he delivered on Tuesday....

179. Biden praises Greek position over war in Ukraine

US President Joe Biden has thanked Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis for Athens’ 'moral leadership' following the Russian invasion in Ukraine in late February...

180. Leaked SC abortion ban could also apply to rape and incest victims

Twenty-two states have abortion bans that would become law almost immediately if a leaked Supreme Court decision on abortion rights goes into effect....