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15 June, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 72 matches for query communist.

31. End of an era: Merkel bows out after 16 years

Angela Merkel was assured of a place in the history books as soon as she became Germany’s first female chancellor on Nov. 22, 2005...

32. Mistrust results in a rise in COVID cases in Eastern Europe

Latvia imposed a new lockdown on Thursday, with hospitals in Bulgaria and Romania struggling to cope with an increase in patients with covid-19, while Poland is selling extra doses of vaccine....

33. Cyprus frets ‘pandoramonium’ overshadowing good work‘pandoramonium-overshadowing-good-work

The Cypriot finance ministry says a European Parliament resolution on Pandora Papers and subsequent criticism by local opposition is overshadowing the amount of good work that has been done on the island against illegal activities, as some parties are calling on the president to step down...

34. Newly-formed census committee goes to ELAM

Nationalist party ELAM will preside over the newly-formed Census House committee in the Republic of Cyprus, after a recent disagreement between the two largest parties was ultimately resolved in what media pundits described as a solution based on Solomon’s judgment...

35. ELAM throws hat in speakership race

Cyprus’ nationalist party ELAM says its president will seek the speakership of the House, following Sunday’s parliamentary elections that doubled the party’s seats while mainstream political movements lost ground...

36. Ruling party wins as largest parties shrink

The ruling conservative party in the Republic of Cyprus came on top following Sunday’s parliamentary elections, but DYSI along with leftist AKEL, the two mainstream parties, both saw many supporters choosing smaller tickets...

37. Dueling small parties help pass budget

The House in the Republic of Cyprus approved a revision of the government’s 2021 state budget on Thursday, following a month of consultations between the administration and small opposition parties that offered additional amendments to the bill...

38. Borrell reiterates criticism of Turkey over Varosha

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has reiterated criticism of Turkey’s decision to reopen part of the beachfront of Varosha, a resort abandoned since Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974....

39. Greek court rules Golden Dawn party criminal organization

A Greek court ruled on Wednesday that the far-right Golden Dawn party was operating as a criminal organization, delivering a landmark guilty verdict in a marathon five-year trial....

40. Turkey-Cyprus dispute holding up EU's Belarus sanctions, diplomats say

European Union sanctions on Belarus are being delayed by a separate dispute between Cyprus and Turkey over energy resources in the Eastern Mediterranean, four EU diplomats said, in the latest sign of paralysis in the bloc's foreign policy....

41. EastMed a project of major geostrategic importance, Hatzidakis says

Lawmakers in Athens on Monday ratified, at the committee level, a deal for an undersea pipeline to carry gas from new offshore deposits in the southeastern Mediterranean to continental Europe signed by Greece, Cyprus and Israel earlier in the year....

42. V-E Day marked the turning point towards a democratic, prosperous, and peaceful future

Today is the 75th anniversary of the Allied Victory in Europe in World War II - “V-E Day.” This is a day to remember and honor the shared sacrifice, enduring commitment, and unflinching bravery of the Allied forces and the underground movements in defeating Fascism in Europe. We also remember the immense sorrow and misery suffered by so many, and we recognize the bravery and sacrifice of tens of millions of civilians in the Second World War....

43. New Brexit immigration system to favour high-skilled workers

Britain will prioritize access for high-skilled workers from around the world in its post-Brexit points-based immigration system, the government said on Tuesday, setting out its plans to put an end to a reliance on “cheap labor from Europe”....

44. Dissatisfaction with democracy 'at record high'

Dissatisfaction with democracy within developed countries is at its highest level in almost 25 years, according to University of Cambridge researchers. ...

45. EU fails to launch membership talks with Balkans hopefuls

European Union leaders failed Friday to agree on launching membership negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia in an embarrassing climb-down that could risk inflaming the volatile Balkans region....

46. Trump hits China with more tariffs, sharply escalating trade dispute

U.S. President Donald Trump vowed to impose a 10% tariff on $300 billion of Chinese imports from Sept. 1, sharply escalating a bruising trade war between the world’s largest economies and jolting financial markets. ...

47. ND surges to power, promising change

48. ND maintains 9 point lead over SYRIZA in opinion poll for Skai

Just over a week before snap general elections, center-right opposition New Democracy is nine percentage points ahead of leftist SYRIZA, according to the results of a new opinion poll carried out by Pulse for Skai....

49. Demetris Christofias gets final farewell

The people of Cyprus bid on Tuesday farewell to former president Demetris Christofias, with a state funeral taking place in the afternoon at the Holy Church of God’s Wisdom...

50. When necessity becomes history

51. Cyprus prepares for state funeral

A state funeral will be held Tuesday for former president Demetris Christofias, who died on Friday after a battle with serious health issues...

52. Chinese Ambassador to Cyprus: No one stands to win in a trade war

53. Greek-American leaders: AKEL's Kyprianou wrong about US' east Med policy

54. EU vote across Europe

55. After defeat, Greek PM calls for snap elections

56. Opposition flaws are democracy’s problem

57. Not a day seems to have gone by

58. SYRIZA trailing ND by 11 points, Pulse poll shows

SYRIZA is trailing New Democracy by 11 percentage points, according to a new survey carried out by Pulse for Skai, with 32.5 percent of respondents saying they would vote for the conservative opposition compared to 21.5 percent for the incumbent leftists....

59. Tusk: EU must end migration blame game

60. After Toskas departure, PM looks to government reshuffle

Following the departure of Citizens’ Protection Minister Nikos Toskas from the government – a delayed response to the fatal wildfires that ravaged Attica last month – Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is said to be mulling a more sweeping overhaul of his cabinet in a bid to appease public discontent and signal that his administration is robust ahead of anticipated snap polls next spring....