12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 151-180 of 265 matches for query demonstration.

151. Court battles brewing over COVID measures

Over a hundred complaints and counting are waiting to be heard in Cypriot courts against the government and members of its coronavirus task force, with legality issues being raised over pandemic measures including Safe Pass...

152. School safety issues after unclear incident

A physical altercation at a middle school in Larnaca was behind an impromptu demonstration on Thursday, a day after a teenager went to the school following an argument between his younger brother and others including a teacher...

153. Palestinians rally in Nicosia but show not strong

Demonstrators gathered in downtown Nicosia over the weekend to protest against Israeli action in Gaza, while a pro-Palestinian group pulled out at the last minute citing a number of concerns over the event...

154. Cyprus drops case against pandemic protester

State prosecutors have dropped a case against a protester who was being accused of health law violations during a demonstration amid pandemic restrictions, but the Legal department says constitutionality questions raised by his lawyer are still pending...

155. Cyprus introduces safepass

Cyprus is introducing a so called 'safepass' as of Monday, 10 May until the end of the month. Citizens no longer need to send an sms for their movements and the curfew is extended from 11pm until 05:00 the next day...

156. We are committed to seeing EastMed through

Israel's cooperation with Egypt and the strengthening of relations with other Gulf states contribute to peace, while enabling Israel and Cyprus to work together with other friendly nations, Sammy Revel says in an interview with Kathimerini...

157. EOKA boy to get hero’s burial

Greek Cypriot officials are on a quest to exhume the remains of a young boy, who was shot and killed during a student riot against British forces in 1956, in order to give him a hero’s burial...

158. Cabinet says no to early reopening of schools

The Cabinet on Tuesday put its foot down in response to mounting pressure by parents of middle and Limassol primary school students for the reopening of schools ahead of the planned date on April 2....

159. Students livid over false test results

Students in Limassol wreaked havoc on their high school Thursday morning, after it emerged that 40 to 50 cases thought to have tested positive ended up in the clear moments later...

160. Livadia residents upset over 5G antennas

Local residents in Larnaca district have been mounting a campaign against the installation of a 5G antenna on the rooftop of a supermarket, accusing the telecommunications company of acting illegally...

161. Police back off as peaceful marchers defy ban

Thousands took to the streets in Nicosia over the weekend to protest against a controversial ban on peaceful assembly, with marchers and officers on their best behavior after an earlier anti-corruption demonstration was put down by use of force...

162. Probe into police brutality has three-month deadline

The independent authority for the investigation of allegations and complaints against the police said Thursday that it instructed the four criminal investigators probing complaints of police brutality at last Saturday’s protest to wrap up investigations within three months....

163. Cyprus excited over Mars landing

A new Mars rover is expected to touch down on the red planet Thursday night, carrying names of people all around the world including Cyprus, but all the buzz is about a live event in Nicosia and a helicopter called Ingenuity...

164. Cop with covered badge number in hot water

A member of an elite police unit is under investigation following reports that the ID number on his helmet had been covered during an operation at a protest in downtown Nicosia...

165. Defying clampdown, Cyprus activists to protest again over graft

Anti-corruption campaigners in Cyprus will protest again on Feb. 20, they said on Tuesday, after a violent clampdown by police at an event on Feb. 13 drew widespread condemnation....

166. Yiolitis says police did not have orders to exert violence

Justice Minister Emily Yiolitis said Monday that police did not have instructions to use brutal violence against protestors in Nicosia on Saturday, though critical MPs stress that it is obvious that the police response was decided in advance with those responsible avoiding responsibility....

167. Protesters accuse cops of police brutality

A probe into alleged police brutality has been launched after law enforcement officials were criticized over a heavy-handed response to a peaceful protest against corruption in downtown Nicosia on Saturday...

168. Pournara residents 'fired up' about leaving camp

More protests took place at Pournara on Wednesday, after asylum seekers with grievances reportedly set a tent on fire while some camp residents managed to leave camp...

169. Asylum seekers at Pournara breach gate

A group of asylum seekers at Nicosia’s Pournara camp got a brief taste of freedom on Wednesday, after residents breached the front gate during a protest against long-term detention at the migration facility...

170. Ledra substation up and running in old Nicosia

A police substation is back up and running 24 hours a day in downtown Nicosia, with officials hoping not only to promote a sense of security in the old city but also carry out inspections to ensure compliance with the latest emergency health laws...

171. Protesters march against lockdown measures

Two people were arrested on Saturday in connection with a demonstration downtown Nicosia, where a group of citizens gathered to protest against a partial lockdown that went into effect Sunday morning...

172. Two arrested before car caravan in Nicosia

Cypriot police made arrests and issued citations on Sunday, both before and after a large demonstration took place outside the Presidential Palace, when 200 cars stormed the area to protest against government measures...

173. Dherynia rioter gets suspended sentence

A local judge in Famagusta handed down a 90-day suspended sentence to a man who pleaded guilty to rioting charges in connection with an incident at Dherynia checkpoint, while eight others await trial after pleading not guilty...

174. Anti-vaxxers clash with police in Nicosia

Riot police clashed with protesters in west Nicosia on Thursday, where a demonstration took place against vaccinations and health restrictions imposed by the government...

175. Police defend incitement arrests over weekend

Police defended the actions of law enforcement officers after they arrested two individuals over the weekend on incitement charges hours before a scheduled demonstration in downtown Nicosia...

176. New measures announced, 9pm curfew imposed islandwide

Health minister Constantinos Ioannou on Friday announced the Cabinet’s decisions on the new restrictions that will affect the Republic of Cyprus in December, with the starkest among them being an island-wide 9pm curfew....

177. Protesters defy ban on peaceful assembly

Harsh words against the police and a handful of arrests marred the weekend in Paphos and Limassol, after small numbers of protesters and riot police came face to face on Saturday over the right to protest in public...

178. Cyprus suspends freedom of assembly

The health ministry in the Republic of Cyprus has issued a ban on public gatherings, including the right to a peaceful assembly, saying high risks of spreading the coronavirus could take a toll on the country’s healthcare system...

179. Police feel tricked over Limassol protest

Police say the main organizer of Saturday’s chaotic protest in Limassol “broke his promise” after he reassured officials the demonstration had been canceled, while members of the public landed hard on authorities for not doing enough to clamp down on violent protesters...

180. Erdogan sets foot on Cyprus’ Varosha

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Cyprus on Sunday during Turkish Cypriot celebrations in the north, prompting strong reactions from Greek Cypriots in the south at a time when the divided island’s political future hangs in the balance...