12° Nicosia,
12 June, 2024


Displaying results 181-210 of 212 matches for query exempt.

181. Pass the buck

This was a narrative that they managed to pull through for an entire five-year term in office. Because each time people were losing their calm or reacting towards new measures, the response was 'the Anastasiades government is bringing order to the chaos that it had inherited'...

182. K. Treppides & Co Ltd - Cyprus in the new International Tax Reality

In the years 2019-2020, Cyprus will transpose into its national law the provisions of the EU Anti Avoidance Directive, with three measures of the Directive being effective from 1st of January 2019...

183. Cyprus Tax Webcast, January 2019

Watch the new Deloitte Tax Webcast for January 2019 presented by Mr. Pieris Markou, Deloitte Tax & Legal Services Leader...

184. Anastasiades: Cyprus unfairly targeted by EU over citizenship scheme

185. From the auditoriums

186. Cyprus and UK sign new pension protocol

187. EU Commission to recommend exempting Britons from visas after Brexit

188. Hellenic Petroleum reported a 15% rise in third quarter profit

189. Greece to continue importing oil from Iran

Greece will continue to import oil from Iran after it was – along with seven other countries – granted a temporary exemption from the sanctions Washington re-imposed on the Islamic republic on Monday....

190. US reimposes oil and financial sanctions against Iran

191. Bridging proposal puts an end to education crisis

Union teachers and government officials are closer than ever to restarting dialogue, following the adoption of a bridging proposal that appears to have ended the long dispute...

192. Government seeks lawful ways to counter strike

State public schools remain empty during a 48-hour strike that started Tuesday morning, with teachers threatening to take legal action and the government seeking ways to defuse the situation...

193. Government scrambles to counter teacher strike

The government is putting together measures to minimise the impact of next week’s teacher strike, with the education minister saying he is willing to pick things up with the unions from where they were left off at the last handshake...

194. Teachers and government clash over strike

Union teachers decided Wednesday to go on a rolling strike, starting with a 48-hour industrial action next week while warning the government this is only the beginning...

195. Cyprus Airbnb bill gives neighbors a say

A nearly-complete Airbnb bill is heading back to the House committee, where a number of issues including tax exemptions and apartment rentals will need further clarification...

196. Cabinet meets to address teacher crisis

The Cabinet is holding an emergency session Tuesday at noon to discuss the teacher crisis, with a whole host of problems in the backdrop including a slowdown by the unions...

197. Teachers 'go slow' to show dissent

State teachers in public schools will take industrial action by ‘going slow’ in the first few days back to school, as unions seek a stronger mandate from members by asking them to approve a general strike...

198. Education crisis at end of tether

Difficult days lie ahead in public education, with state teachers unions saying a last-minute proposal by ruling party Disy, at least at face value, is no different than the latest government measures already rejected...

199. Teacher demo forces eleventh hour debate

The government is contemplating a suggestion that would allow proposed education measures to take hold but only through the end of the calendar year, in exchange of labour peace and talks with the teachers unions...

200. Teachers march nine thousand-strong

Thousands of demonstrators descended on Presidential Palace Avenue on Tuesday, protesting a Cabinet decision to trim down the number of class-exempt teaching hours in state schools...

201. Nicosia roads close as teachers march

Traffic police say there will be road closures in Nicosia on Tuesday late afternoon due to a scheduled teacher demonstration where thousands of educators are expected to join...

202. Teachers regroup ahead of big demonstration

States teachers unions rejected over the weekend a government attempt to seek middle ground in budgeting exempted hours, saying they had nothing to do with the proposal and warning they would resist any change without mutual agreement...

203. President makes final offer to teachers

President Nicos Anastasiades has weighed in on the ongoing debacle between state educators and the government, drawing up a final offer to teachers and expecting an answer before the weekend is out...

204. Search continues as wildfires death toll climbs to 80

Rescue crews Wednesday continued to search the seaside areas northeast of Athens that were the worst affected by wildfires to locate any further victims, as the official death toll rose to 80...

205. House prepares to define good and bad borrowers

The distinction between responsible and irresponsible borrowers is at the forefront of heated debate this week, with Presidential Palace and Parliament scrambling to strike balance ahead of a crucial vote...

206. Macron tells it like it is

Capping a three-day visit, Macron repeatedly criticized Trump’s isolationist principles in a speech to a joint meeting of Congress, an honour given to a small number of visiting foreign leaders...

207. Trump and Macron seek stronger measures on Iran

With a May 12 deadline looming for Trump to decide on restoring US economic sanctions on Tehran, Macron said he spoke to Trump about a “new deal”...

208. Trump-Macron to face differences on Iran and trade as French visit begins

Trump and Macron began their improbable friendship a year ago in Belgium with a jaw-clenching handshake...

209. Ministry employees fail to punch card

Many civil servants and workers do not punch in or out properly at the Transport Department, and reports suggest their superiors know about it and cover up even as people show up late or never punch their card in the machine....

210. China retaliates for US tariffs, slaps duties on soybeans, planes, autos

The scale of China’s tariff targets was in line with Beijing’s pledge to mount a commensurate response...