12° Nicosia,
18 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 489 matches for query immigration.

211. Spain's irregular migration decreased by 25.6% last year

Data provided by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior has revealed that irregular immigration to Spain during the past year decreased by 25.6 percent, from 41,945 arrivals recorded in 2021 to 31,219 in 2022....

212. Germany's new 'right to residence' effective as of January 1st 2023

Germany’s much-discussed Right to Residence and other laws making it easier for foreigners in the country to make their stay legal, move to the country or gain permanent residency there, has become effective today, January 1, 2023....

213. Germany passes law allowing foreigners to easily gain residency

Germany’s Federal Parliament, Bundestag, has approved the amendments to the law on the right of residence and asylum for third-country citizens who are already in the country, with a majority of 371 votes....

214. Three clicks to the right

While MPs were voting on the budget for 2023, a group of citizens marched outside the parliament, carrying Greek flags, photos of Grivas, and placards labeling the MPs traitors. ...

215. Germany eases rules for internationals to obtain citizenship

The federal government of Germany has unfolded its plans to introduce new changes to its immigration law, among others, to make it easier for internationals to obtain citizenship....

216. Scholz OK's transfer of 500 asylum seekers from Cyprus

Germany's solidarity with Cyprus on the migration issue was conveyed to President Nicos Anastasiades by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who, during their recent meeting in Berlin, expressed his country's intention to receive 500 asylum seekers from Cyprus....

217. At least 400 migrant workers died in projects connected to the World Cup

World Cup chief Hassan Al-Thawadi said that between 400 and 500 migrant workers have died as a result of work done on projects connected to the tournament – a greater figure than Qatari officials have cited previously....

218. Immigration as a matter of national survival

The migration issue, along with Turkey's ongoing threats and galloping inflation due to the explosion in energy prices, undoubtedly ranks first in the hierarchy of Cypriot citizens' concerns....

219. Iranian who inspired ‘The Terminal’ dies at Paris airport‘the-terminal-dies-at-paris-airport

An Iranian man who lived for 18 years in Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport and whose saga loosely inspired the Steven Spielberg film “The Terminal” died Saturday in the airport that he long called home, officials said....

220. Post-Brexit UK streamlines EU student visas

Brexit, the legal action initiated by the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, did have an impact on every field, including education....

221. Temporary residence permit granted for Mohamed Kamara

Mohamed Kamara, the 41-year-old former African footballer (Nea Salamina, Doxas, Olympiacos Nicosia), has been granted a special permit that will last until the end of July 2023. This directive comes from the minister of the interior....

222. Effective management of the migration issue

Migration flows to Europe from Africa and Asia are becoming increasingly influenced by geopolitical realities and socioeconomic developments....

223. Cyprus adopts litmus test on visas for Russians

Russian citizens wishing to travel to Cyprus will soon need to prove they do not support their president Vladimir Putin, with reports confirming the Cypriot government joined stricter EU-wide measures half a year after Ukraine’s president called on Nicosia to get tough on the island’s Russians...

224. British business travelers being turned back from EU countries

British business travelers are being turned back from European countries for going against post-Brexit movement restrictions that will be applied more rigorously once the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) is introduced in November next year....

225. Greece, Turkey at it again over shocking refugee photo

A shocking image of fully naked refugees picked up by Greek police has puzzled officials and the media, with Athens pointing the finger at Turkish authorities and Ankara firing back accusing Greece of covering up human rights violations...

226. Cyprus is bursting, like a fat guy out of his leotard

Cyprus’ changing demographics are causing havoc to the real estate market, accentuating socio-economic imbalances and creating polarised communities. A bit dramatic? Let’s see....

227. A team of 'Forced Return Escorts' has been deployed to Cyprus

A team of forced return escort and support officers has been deployed by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, at the Larnaca Branch of the Aliens and Immigration Unit in Cyprus....

228. Nouris: EU should sanction countries that instrumentalize migration

The EU should have concrete sanctions in place when there is proof that migrants are being instrumentalized, as in the case of Cyprus, Interior Minister Nicos Nouris said....

229. Cyprus’ stadium security literally at knifepoint

Safety assurances for the beautiful game were in doubt on Friday when two large knives were confiscated at GSP stadium, with police arresting two people following an unforeseen altercation between angry local fans and members of a security detail of a visiting team...

230. Turks slam Greeks over fake ‘push-forward’ story‘push-forward-story

Turkey has slammed Greece’s migration minister over a video tweet allegedly showing members of the Turkish coast guard beating refugees during an alleged push-forward, with Ankara rushing to provide context and accusing Greek media of failing to properly retract a fabricated story...

231. Britain mulling asylum ban on English Channel migrants

The United Kingdom’s Minister, Suella Braverman, has said that it will introduce a new plan which would prohibit the entry of migrants who cross the English Channel from claiming asylum....

232. Police concerned over increasing number of forged travel documents

The increase in cases of identity fraud and presentation of fake documents, during passport controls at the airports of Cyprus, was the subject of a meeting that took place recently at the Police Headquarters, under the Deputy Chief of Police, Demetris Demetriou....

233. Russians can no longer get golden visas from Portugal

A total of ten Russian citizens who applied for Portugal’s Golden Visas from February 24 this year have been denied, according to the announcement provided by the Portuguese Immigration and Border Service....

234. Cyprus hopeful about EU migration pact

The interior ministry in the Republic of Cyprus says an EU council draft that makes adoption of asylum and migration rules a priority includes a Green Line reference, seen by Nicosia as an important step in its attempt to block flows from the northern part seen by the south as 'instruments of Turkey'...

235. Germany to revise immigrant laws to allow more skilled migrant workers

In the coming months, the German Ministry of Labor will come forward with a proposal to the federal government to introduce a new immigration option for skilled foreigners....

236. Norway plans to deport refugee lawbreakers

The Norwegian government has announced that the country plans to deport foreigners who have broken the law and who hold refugee status but no longer need protections in the country....

237. Cyprus trying to reach agreements on repatriations, says Interior Minister

Cyprus is trying to reach agreements for the return of migrants, said the Minister of the Interior, Nicos Nouris, after his meeting with the President of DISY and candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, Averof Neofytou, on Monday, at the party's headquarters in Nicosia. ...

238. Irregular immigration, the responsibilities of Turkey and the EU

"Turkey will take all necessary measures to prevent the opening of new sea or land routes of irregular migration from Turkey to the EU and will cooperate in this regard with neighboring countries as well as the EU." ...

239. Dad’s hurried deportation stirs debate in Cyprus

The hasty deportation of a detained man, whose wife and teenage son remain in Cyprus, has stirred up debate this week, bringing the child commissioner head to head with the state’s law enforcement authorities and even the interior minister himself...

240. EU states facilitating employment of third country nationals to ease labor shortage

The European Union’s population is aging. The factors behind this phenomenon are many, but the declining fertility rates and the increased life expectancy, along with migration to countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, are the main ones....