12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 121-150 of 268 matches for query outlet.

121. Portuguese volley women learn hard lesson in divided Cyprus

The Portuguese women’s national volleyball team is scheduled to play against Cyprus this week in Nicosia, vying for a spot in EuroVolley 2023, but the stakes for Wednesday’s match are not without politics after efforts by the guests to book accommodation in the north were blocked by the south...

122. Finland's PM partying video causes backlash

The Finnish Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, is facing a backlash after being seen partying in a leaked video....

123. Police shore up team in hotel pool death probe

A police investigation into a fatal drowning of a young child in a hotel pool in Paphos has been enhanced, with more agencies involved as they question everyone to figure out what went wrong...

124. Cyprus-Chevron's Aphrodite tactics irk Israel

A gas field dispute between Cyprus and Israel over a tiny portion, with which the island nation hopes to buy out its neighbor, went in deep water this week after Nicosia and Chevron preannounced plans for Aphrodite despite a decade-long unresolved issue still pending between the two nations...

125. Single-use plastics banned from October 1st

As of October 1, 2022, single-use plastics products will no longer be available for sale or use in Cyprus....

126. New online platform enhances understanding between both communities

The Cyprus Dialogue Forum (CDF) has announced penna!, a new online portal that aims to enhance knowledge and understanding between the two communities by reflecting the thoughts and concerns of key opinion writers across the island in English, Turkish and Greek....

127. Putin justifies Ukrainian invasion, blames West in Victory Day speech

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his Victory Day speech before a military parade in Moscow's Red Square, defended his ongoing invasion of Ukraine as the "only right solution," without mentioning the neighboring country by name....

128. Cyprus' RCB Bank and its Kremlin ties

On March 24, Cyprus’s fourth-largest bank announced it would wind down its banking operations in the wake of the “volatile geopolitical situation” caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a month earlier....

129. Putin and Parkinson's: What do experts say?

From US Senator Marco Rubio to political science university professors to the UK tabloids, many people appear to have an intimate understanding of Russian President Vladimir Putin's health....

130. Russian socialites and influencers claim 'Russophobia in action'

Several Russian influencers and socialites say they've been barred from purchasing Chanel items and were told it was the brand's policy not to sell to customers who intended to bring the products back to Russia....

131. Abramovich, Ukrainian negotiators hit by suspected poisoning

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian peace negotiators suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning earlier this month after a meeting in Kiev...

132. Ukraine pleads for help, says Russia wants to split nation

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused the West of cowardice Sunday while another top official said Russia was trying to split the nation in two, like North and South Korea...

133. New Russian asset tracker platform launched by non-profit

A nonprofit reporting network launched on Monday the Russian Asset Tracker, a database to track the assets of prominent Russians who have links to Vladimir Putin....

134. Elon Musk's Starlink helping Ukraine's elite drone unit destroy Russian tanks and trucks in the night

Elon Musk's Starlink satellite system is helping an elite Ukrainian drone unit destroy Russian weaponry, according to The Times of London....

135. Moscow jumps on Burisma links to Kiev

Moscow has put together an elaborate diagram alleging Biden connections to Ukrainian biological labs, with new revelations initially described by Washington as “Russian disinformation” now gaining traction in the United States and reaching all the way to Cyprus...

136. Zelensky: 'We will not join NATO'

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky appears to have accepted that his country will not become a member of NATO, one of the demands made by Russia before it invaded....

137. Ukraine’s Foreign Legion Is Ready for Battle

Resistance against Russian President Vladimir Putin is growing as foreign fighters start trickling in to join forces with Ukrainians on the ground and those returning home to fight for their nation....

138. Moscow says Kiev planned assault before invasion

Moscow has published documents allegedly showing a secret order for a Ukrainian offensive against Donbass in March 2022, a day before Ankara is set to mediate between the two sides...

139. Ukraine: Olena Zalenska's open letter to media around the world

The first lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, has accused Russia of “mass murder of civilians” in a powerful statement about the devastating invasion of her homeland....

140. US to ban all Russian oil imports, reports say

Joe Biden has decided to ban Russian oil imports to America in a dramatic ratcheting up of the economic squeeze on Vladimir Putin’s regime, according to reports from the US....

141. Russians in Cyprus targeted over Ukraine

The Russian Embassy in Cyprus says it has received reports that Russians living in Cyprus have been targeted due to the war in Ukraine...

142. YouTube in Cyprus blocks RT over Ukraine

YouTube in Cyprus has blocked access to popular Russian news outlet RT citing 'the ongoing war in Ukraine' after European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said pro-Russia sites were spreading lies...

143. Russian Ambassador to Cyprus: 'Russian tourists will go to Turkey, is that what you want?'

Stanislav Osadchiy, Russia’s Ambassador to Cyprus, has said, in an interview with a local media outlet, that the Republic of Cyprus and other European countries who have imposed sanctions on his country over its invasion of Ukraine have ‘shot themselves in the foot.’...

144. Historic leak of Swiss banking records reveals unsavory clients

Despite two decades of pledges by Credit Suisse to crack down on illegitimate funds, data leaked from the bank reveals that it catered to dozens of criminals, dictators, intelligence officials, sanctioned parties and political actors with outsized wealth....

145. ‘A Dark Room,’ an incisive study of 1967-74‘a-dark-room-an-incisive-study-of-1967-74

Papachelas makes public, for the first time, all 38 recorded minutes of the critical war council meeting held during the tense hours of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus on July 20, 1974. ...

146. Cyprus to get on board with more measures

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades has called on the state’s attorney general to weigh in before a Wednesday Cabinet meeting when additional measures are expected to be announced in response to a surge in coronavirus cases right after the Christmas break...

147. Russian Supreme Court orders closure of prominent human rights group Memorial

Russia's Supreme Court yesterday ordered the country's most prominent human rights group to be liquidated. The court ruled that the group Memorial must be closed for breaking the law on foreign agents....

148. Interior ministry evicts migrants on Christmas Eve

Asylum seekers from Africa have been ordered by an executive order to abandon their place of residence in an industrial area south of Nicosia, with the landlord asking authorities on Christmas Eve to allow time until tenants can find a new roof over their heads...

149. Man arrested in burglary of hit and run victim

Police have arrested a male suspect in the burglary of a home belonging to a local elderly woman, who died Sunday night following a double hit and run in Paphos...

150. Qatar seizes children’s toys that are 'un-Islamic'

Authorities in Qatar have seized a line of what they called 'un-Islamic' children's toys that feature rainbow patterns similar to LGBT flags....