12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 145 matches for query reading.

31. Big on big issues and small on small issues

Are you tired of scrolling and reading throughout long and multiple pages filled with every single detail of each accounting policy your entity of interest is using the last couple of years, only to find what really matters for you in page 25? Don’t get me wrong! I do that for living....

32. Temperature reaches 36 degrees

Today's weather is set to bring a rise in temperatures, with the mercury climbing to 36 degrees Celsius in the interior regions....

33. Clear days ahead with brief afternoon cloudiness

In a display of the dynamic nature of weather, the region is experiencing notable changes in its atmospheric conditions. ...

34. Cows' fate exposes sinister 'Forever Chemicals''

Despite their name, “forever chemicals” haven’t been widely understood for very long –– by most members of the public, at least....

35. Clear conditions expected today

The Meteorology Department has sounded a double warning for exceptionally high temperatures, urging residents to take precautions as a heatwave grips the region. ...

36. Double warning for severe heatwave

As a scorching heatwave tightens its grip on the region, local authorities are taking precautionary measures to ensure the safety and well-being of residents. ...

37. Office workers catching 'ChatGPT fever' as usage surges

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, many American workers are adopting ChatGPT to assist with everyday tasks, even as tech giants like Microsoft and Google have restricted its use due to security concerns....

38. Ηead & Hand: Akamantis by artist Kyriaki Costa

39. Calum Chase at the Digital Agenda Cyprus Summit

Calum Chase is a best-selling writer and sought-after speaker on artificial intelligence. He focuses on the medium- and long-term impact of AI on all of us as individuals, societies and economies....

40. Hollywood artists unite in historic strike

Leaders of Hollywood’s actors’ union voted Thursday to join screenwriters in the first joint strike in more than six decades, shutting down production across the entertainment industry after talks for a new contract with studios and streaming services broke down....

41. Turkey's plans for the Cyprus problem

The major diplomatic backdrop leading up to today's NATO Summit was marked by the culmination of negotiations between the United States, Turkey, NATO, and Sweden in order to lift Ankara's months-long blockade on the latter's accession to the Alliance....

42. Variable weather and isolated showers

Today, the local sparse fog and low clouds are dissipating, giving way to mainly clear weather. ...

43. Clear skies, clouds, and gentle showers this weekend

Today, as the dissipation of local low clouds takes place, the weather will soon transition to predominantly clear skies. However, later in the day, localized cloud cover will increase, leading to isolated rainfall occurrences, primarily in mountainous areas....

44. King Charles III and Queen Camilla crowned in lavish ceremony

King Charles III and Queen Camilla have been crowned at Westminster Abbey, marking the symbolic beginning of a new royal era in Britain, and a personal fulfilment for a man who has spent more than seven decades in waiting....

45. Pascal high school students create ChatGPT-powered robot to revolutionize teaching

High school students and their tutors in Cyprus have developed a prototype robot powered with ChatGPT artificial intelligence technology to harness and improve teaching experiences in the classroom....

46. Cypriot professor Phoebe Koundouri honored for contribution to Science

On Thursday, the 23rd of March, Prof. Phoebe Koundouri was awarded the Academy of Athens Excellence in Science Award 2023 for her contribution to the advancement of the Science of the Marine Environment by the President of the Academy of Athens, Michael-Konstantinos Stathopoulos, and the Secretary-General, Christos Zerefos....

47. Protests continue as Macron stands firm on pension reform

French workers angry with President Emmanuel Macron and his plan to raise the pension age blocked access to a terminal at Paris' main airport on Thursday as part of a nationwide day of protests, forcing some travelers to get there on foot....

48. EU states need foreign workers and are changing their requirements

Working in EU: Recent Changes You Must Be Aware of If You Are Planning to Get a Job in Any of the Member States...

49. Musk building 'utopian' town for employees

Elon Musk has reportedly bought thousands of acres of land about 35 miles outside of Austin and plans to build his own town there for employees to live and work....

50. Afghan women protest ban on female education

Young Afghan women gathered outside Kabul University on Monday to protest the ruling Taliban’s ban on female education as their male peers returned to school for a new academic year and the United Nations heard the restriction may amount to a crime against humanity....

51. The who's who of the Christodoulides government

On Monday afternoon (27/02), Nikos Christodoulides, the country's new leader, unveiled his new administration. Read the detailed biographies of the individuals who make up the new government....

52. Christodoulides: 'Open and constructive' first meeting

Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar arrived at Nicosia airport shortly after 11 a.m., with the necessary delay, to be met by Mr. Colin Stewart, the UN Secretary General's special representative in Cyprus. ...

53. 'We want to be different' - US teens throw away their smartphones

How long do you spend each day staring at your phone's screen? If one actually calculates the answer, the result can surprise them because the number of hours will probably be higher than they anticipated....

54. Elections: The political 'crash test' in Brussels

In the interim between the two rounds of presidential elections, EU leaders will convene in Brussels for an extraordinary European Council on migration management and ensuring Europe's economic competitiveness. ...

55. The red warning from the beaches of Protaras

First and foremost, let me state that I am not an environmental expert. As an active citizen, I am recording my concerns about the changes brought about by climate change...

56. The winners and losers of the Archiepiscopal elections

The primary topic of discussion in the first round of voting last Sunday was the creation of the tripartite list from which the Holy Synod will select the incoming Primate of the Church of Cyprus. It cannot, however, be considered the only one....

57. Voter abstention levels concerning to electoral staff

Citizens will be called to the polls in less than two months to choose the eighth President of the Republic of Cyprus, with abstention rates reaching 23% - and potentially exceeding 30% - according to a poll conducted for Kathimerini by Symmetron Market Research....

58. Duma passes law prohibiting LGBT propaganda

Russian lawmakers on Thursday gave their final approval to a bill that significantly expands restrictions on activities seen as promoting gay rights in the country, another step in a years-long crackdown on the country's embattled LGBTQ community....

59. Airlines pushing for single-pilot flights

Airlines around the world are pushing for only one pilot in the cockpit of passenger jets as part of efforts to cut costs and decompress from staff shortages....

60. Iranian who inspired ‘The Terminal’ dies at Paris airport‘the-terminal-dies-at-paris-airport

An Iranian man who lived for 18 years in Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport and whose saga loosely inspired the Steven Spielberg film “The Terminal” died Saturday in the airport that he long called home, officials said....