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02 June, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 70 matches for query rebels.

31. Cypriot family fears son may be dead in Mariupol

A young man who lived with his family in Cyprus and ended up joining Russia-backed rebels in Ukraine is feared dead, with his mother calling on the Cypriot government to help bring his body back for burial...

32. Ukrainian wounded fighters evacuate Azovstal

Both Kiev and Moscow have confirmed the evacuation of wounded Ukrainian troops from the Azovstal steel plant, following critical hours on Monday when a regime of silence had been imposed for the humanitarian corridor to be used...

33. Putin: Moscow is ready to find 'diplomatic solutions' with the West

Russian President Vladimir Putin has assured that he is ready to find "diplomatic solutions" with the West to de-escalate the crisis over Ukraine....

34. Putin says he may recognise breakaway regions of Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday he was considering a request by two regions of eastern Ukraine held by Russian-backed separatists to be recognised as independent - a move that could give Moscow a reason to openly send troops....

35. Ukraine shows unity as West sees no sign of Russian pullback

Ukrainians defied pressure from Moscow with a national show of flag-waving unity Wednesday, while the West warned that it saw no sign of a promised pullback of Russian troops from Ukraine’s borders despite Kremlin declarations of a withdrawal....

36. Ukraine crisis: Biden warns Russia may invade next month

US President Joe Biden has warned there is a "distinct possibility" Russia might invade Ukraine next month, the White House says....

37. Blinken urges unity to fight ‘relentless’ Russian aggression, during his visit to Kyiv‘relentless-russian-aggression-during-his-visit-to-kyiv

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged western nations Wednesday to remain united in the face of what he called “relentless” Russian aggression against Ukraine and reassured Ukraine’s leader of their support....

38. Biden and Putin take center stage

US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin decided at a 'pragmatic' first summit on Wednesday to hold arms control and cyber-security talks and return their respective ambassadors, while agreeing to differ on other issues...

39. Erdogan says Greeks behind raid on ship

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Wednesday suggested Greece and Cyprus were behind the interception of a Turkish vessel by German soldiers on behalf of a European Union mission off the Libyan coast late Sunday...

40. Guards use tear gas to disperse hundreds of migrants at Greek-Turkish border

Guards on Greece’s northeastern land border with Turkey made “deterrent use” of tear gas to disperse some 500 refugees and migrants trying to enter the country and the European Union after Ankara loosened controls on migrant flows....

41. 14 EU countries demand Syria govt, Russia return to 2018 ceasefire deal

Foreign ministers from 14 European countries, including France and Germany, demanded on Wednesday that Syrian government forces and their Russian backers end their offensive in Idlib province and return to the terms of a 2018 ceasefire deal....

42. Turkish delegation to visit Moscow to discuss Syria's Idlib

A Turkish delegation will go to Moscow in coming days to discuss the escalating conflict in Syria’s Idlib region, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Wednesday, adding that around 1 million people had been displaced there due to Russian-backed Syrian attacks....

43. Syria displacement is worst since conflict began, UN says

More people have fled fighting in Syria over the past 10 weeks than at any other time in the 9-year-old conflict and the city of Idlib, where many are sheltering, could become a graveyard if hostilities continue, two U.N. agencies said on Tuesday....

44. Foreign powers back Libya ceasefire

Foreign powers agreed at a summit in Berlin on Sunday to shore up a shaky truce in Libya, but the meeting was overshadowed by blockades of oilfields by forces loyal to commander Khalifa Haftar that could cripple the country’s crude production...

45. Syria moves troops to confront Turkey

The Syrian army will deploy along the length of the border with Turkey in an agreement with the Kurdish-led administration in northern Syria to help repel a Turkish offensive, the Kurdish-led administration said on Sunday...

46. Johnson again bids for snap poll as Brexit delay bill to become law

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will try for a second time on Monday to call a snap election, but is set to be thwarted once more by opposition lawmakers who want to ensure he cannot take Britain out of the European Union without a divorce agreement. With no majority in parliament, which is determined to prevent what many businesses fear would be a calamitous way to quit the EU, Johnson wants to hold an election to keep his promise of leaving by Oct. 31, with or without an agreement. ...

47. Brexit plans at breaking point

The British parliament voted on Wednesday to prevent Prime Minister Boris Johnson taking Britain out of the European Union without a deal on Oct. 31, but rejected his first bid to call a snap election two weeks before the scheduled exit...

48. Johnson demands October 15 election after defeat over Brexit

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday demanded an Oct. 15 snap election after lawmakers seeking to prevent a no-deal Brexit dealt him a humiliating defeat in parliament which he cast as an attempt to surrender to the European Union...

49. Churchill's grandson to be expelled from Conservative Party

Nicholas Soames, the grandson of Britain’s World War Two leader Winston Churchill, will be expelled from the Conservative Party after voting against Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Brexit...

50. As prospect of election looms, MPs begin no-deal Brexit battle

UK lawmakers will decide on Tuesday whether to shunt Britain towards a snap election when they vote on the first stage of their plan to block Prime Minister Boris Johnson from pursuing a no-deal Brexit. ...

51. Boris Johnson set to become next UK PM

Boris Johnson is expected to be elected leader of Britain’s governing Conservative Party and the country’s next prime minister on Tuesday, tasked with following through on his “do or die” pledge to deliver Brexit in just over three months time. ...

52. May to ask Merkel and Macron for Brexit delay

The British Parliament passed a law designed to prevent the government from pursing a no-deal Brexit late Monday, while Theresa May heads to Berlin and Paris Tuesday as part of her efforts to win a short delay to Britain’s departure from the European Union...

53. 'Spectacular display of indecision' as referendum gets most votes

54. UK PM May expected to indicate a date for quitting

55. How Trump's phone call to Erdogan changed the Syrian war

56. Hundreds of thousands march against Brexit in London

57. Turkish and Russian troops to patrol Idlib demilitarized zone

58. US believes Russia may tamper with chemical evidence

Syria and Russia deny unleashing poison gas on April 7 during their offensive on Douma...

59. Turkey not taking sides with anyone on Syria

While Turkey is cooperating with both Russia and Iran to wind down some of the violence in Syria, Ankara has long demanded that President Bashar al-Assad must go...

60. US says air strikes cripple Syria chemical weapons programme

US President Donald Trump called the operation a success...