12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 121-150 of 163 matches for query referendum.

121. This is the Balkans

122. Zaev: Coming days to show if deal with opposition is possible

Developments in the coming days will show whether it is possible to reach an agreement with the conservative opposition on the constitutional changes the parliament of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is required to approve as part of a deal signed with Greece, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said on Monday, a day after the referendum held in the country....

123. ‘No’ vote and abstention in FYROM referendum‘no-vote-and-abstention-in-fyrom-referendum

124. Tsipras’s last card

125. US warns Moscow is trying to buy off individuals and spread disinformation

126. Obama slums Trump

Former US President Barack Obama assailed President Donald Trump and Republicans on Friday, urging Democrats to deliver a check on the administration’s “abuses of power” and restore a sense of sanity to politics by voting in November’s elections...


128. Cyprus picks up the pace in search of missing

More exhumations are in the works by the Committee of Missing Persons, starting on Monday on both sides of the island, including areas inside military zones in the north...

129. US expresses strong support for Prespes agreement

US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell described the Prespes agreement as “historic” after a meeting with Nikola Dimitrov, the foreign minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), on Tuesday....

130. ‘Yes’ camp ahead in FYROM before deal referendum‘yes-camp-ahead-in-fyrom-before-deal-referendum

According to an opinion poll carried out by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 41.5 percent of FYROM’s population plans to vote “yes” in the September 30 referendum on the agreement with Greece which sees the country’s name changing to North Macedonia....

131. Yay or Nay on Daylight Saving Time

Only one week is left as European citizens are asked to vote whether they want to keep or scrap Daylight Saving Time...

132. Cavusoglu: Greek Cypriots not sole owners of Cyprus

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu warns that Turkish Cypriots will not shrug off yet another failure in the Cyprus talks nor will they accept anything less than political equality...

133. Holding referendums in FYROM and Greece

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is moving ahead with preparations for its referendum on the name deal reached with Athens, which will pave the way for its induction to NATO and remove a major obstacle to the process for it to join the European Union....

134. EU enlargement commissioner arrives in FYROM

The European Union's enlargement commissioner has arrived in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to formally announce the start of preparations for the Balkan country to open accession talks with the bloc next year....

135. Johnson pushes the eject button right after Davis

Two leading eurosceptic ministers have quit British Prime Minister Theresa May’s cabinet, calling into question her ability to deliver the vision of continued close ties with the European Union that she said they had agreed to last week...

136. FYROM’s NATO accession hinging on name deal

The final declaration of the NATO summit in Brussels this week is expected to state that the accession of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to the North Atlantic Alliance hinges on its ratification of the name deal signed with Athens last month, according to a draft seen by Kathimerini. ...

137. FYROM president says ‘no amount of pressure’ will change his mind on name deal‘no-amount-of-pressure-will-change-his-mind-on-name-deal

The president of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) on Friday issued a statement saying that “no amount of pressure or blackmail” will make him change his mind and support the name deal signed with Greece last month....

138. Greece wants to talk security before Cyprus conference

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias says Greece and Turkey should first come to an agreement on the aspects of security and guarantees, before a new Conference on Cyprus is convened...

139. PM's office does not rule out seeking enhanced majority for name deal

In a statement on Tuesday, the office of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras indicated that the government would want to secure a broad consensus in Parliament following demands by junior coalition partner Panos Kammenos for an enhanced majority of 180 seats in the 300-seat House....

140. Erdogan plans visit to north Nicosia

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan will visit Turkish Cypriots in north Nicosia on July 9, marking his first trip overseas following his victory in a watershed election...

141. FYROM president vetoes name deal with Greece

The president of the Former Yugoslav Republic (FYROM), Gjorge Ivanov, said on Tuesday that he will not sign an accord settling a decades-old name dispute Greece and paving the way for the Balkan nation’s accession to the European Union and NATO....

142. Nicosia unmoved by Erdogan win

Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides does not expect big changes in Cyprus peace talks following Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s re-election on Sunday, without ruling out small steps as long as nationalists take a back seat...

143. Kammenos says will call on PM to seek supermajority for name deal

The head of Greece's junior coalition partner and Defense Minister Panos Kammenos said on Wednesday he will ask Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to seek a supermajority of 180 MPs in the country's 300-seat House for the ratification of the name deal with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), instead of a regular majority of 151, given the importance of the issue....

144. New push in the UK for direct flights in the north

The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce is lending its support to a new petition in the UK, sponsored by a British conservative MP, who is pushing for direct flights to the north one year after the Pegasus restrictions...

145. FYROM parliament starts debate on name deal with Greece

The parliament of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) on Tuesday started debating a law ratifying an agreement with neighboring Greece designed to end a decades-long dispute over the country’s name....

146. FYROM government submits deal on new name to parliament

The government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) set in motion Monday the process of ratifying a pending agreement to change the country's name to "North Macedonia" in hopes of ending a bitter 27-year dispute with southern neighbor Greece....

147. ‘Severna Makedonija’ on the table‘severna-makedonija-on-the-table

As Athens and Skopje appear to be edging towards a solution on the Macedonia name dispute, reports indicated on Thursday that the Republic of Northern Macedonia (Severna Makedonija) is the likeliest settlement....

148. Ireland votes in 'once-in-a-generation' abortion referendum

Ireland began voting on Friday in an abortion referendum that could be a milestone on a path of change in a country that, only two decades ago, was one of Europe’s most socially conservative...

149. Brexit-hit EU staff ditch UK passports

About one in 10 British civil servants at the European Commission has taken another EU nationality since the Brexit vote, but are nonetheless resigned to scant prospects of future promotion...

150. Akinci says East Med pipeline not a route for peace

Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci says plans to push forward for the EastMed pipeline are counter to peace efforts in the region, adding that an energy solution which excludes Turkey would be a mistake...