12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 91-120 of 280 matches for query religious.

91. Schools to scrap holiday after archbishop’s okay

The new archbishop in Cyprus says he is not in favor of public schools having the entire day off on his Name Day, a move welcomed by the education ministry while organized teachers are not so keen on giving up the tradition...

92. Turkey issues travel warnings for Europe and the United States

On Saturday night, Turkey's foreign ministry issued two consecutive travel advisories for both European countries and the United States, expressing concern about the possibility of racist attacks....

93. Debate: The disagreements, the tensions and what united the candidates

The RIK debate on Thursday night (19/01) ended with disagreements, tensions, and characterization among the participants, who included Averof Neophytou, Nikos Christodoulides, Andreas Mavroyiannis, and Christos Christou. ...

94. Turkish Cypriots outraged over mufti's call for women to procreate on demand

A Muslim religious leader’s instruction to women to dutifully accept a husband's “invitation to bed” to procreate has sparked outrage among many Turkish Cypriots, who saw the remarks as an imported encroachment of fundamentalist Islam on their secular community....

95. Lavrov gives Greek reporter a mouthful after Cyprus question

A question asked by a Greek reporter was met with a long-drawn-out response from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who suggested European leaders were 'hasty' in their support for Kiev including traditional friends Greece and Cyprus who followed American advice...

96. Israelis applying for French citizenship skyrocketed after November elections

Following the November elections, which saw the installation of the country's most right-wing and religious government to date, the French embassy in Israel saw a 13 percent increase in applications for citizenship....

97. UN chief sees no common ground in divided Cyprus

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' report on the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, released on Wednesday night as an official document of the Security Council, number S/2023/3, records the lack of common ground between the two sides for peace talks leading to a mutually agreeable solution...

98. Cyprus’ new pro-west archbishop enthroned

Cyprus’ new Archbishop Georgios was enthroned on Sunday as one of the oldest independent orthodox churches seeks to overcome division, but a no show at the carefully choreographed ceremony also signaled that hard feelings over Ukraine have remained unresolved...

99. Former Pope Benedict XVI dies

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the shy German theologian who tried to reawaken Christianity in a secularized Europe but will forever be remembered as the first pontiff in 600 years to resign from the job, died Saturday...

100. Cyprus' Archbishop Georgios lays down the law

Cyprus’ newly elected Archbishop Georgios says he will adhere to the island’s church traditions but also promote religious inner-peace, adding all people of Cyprus are united against one enemy...

101. Cyprus gets new pro-west archbishop

The Holy Synod in Cyprus elected a new archbishop on Sunday, staying on a pro-western course in a deeply divided Orthodox church on the island and other parts of the world...

102. Stolen 8th century BC jug returned to Cyprus

A Cypriot jug from the 8th century BC that was offered for sale on the Dutch art market, and which appeared to have been smuggled out of Cyprus shortly after the Turkish invasion of the island in July 1974, was recently returned to the Republic of Cyprus....

103. Biden signs same-sex marriage bill into law

“Marriage is a simple proposition. Who do you love? And will you be loyal to that person you love?” the president asked from the South Lawn. “It’s not more complicated than that.”...

104. Did Iran just abolish the morailty police?

Both Iranian state media and anti-government protesters downplayed statements by an Iranian judicial official that the "morality police" had been abolished on Sunday....

105. Pope wants common Easter date for Catholic and Orthodox

Both the Catholic and the Orthodox Churches have spoken about resolve to find a shared date for Easter, and it seems that this goal might be closer than ever....

106. A tunnel discovered in Egypt may lead to Cleopatra's lost tomb

A major discovery of underground tunnels has been made in Egypt, and archeologists believe they could be part of the lost tomb of Cleopatra....

107. Double burial site found in Kouklia

Two tombs from the 12th century BC with rare findings were excavated at the Kouklia-Marcello location, according to a statement from the Cyprus Department of Antiquities....

108. Stakes are high as Cyprus seeks new archbishop

The Holy Synod in Cyprus is gearing up for high-stakes elections after Archbishop Chrysostomos was laid to rest on Saturday, following a funeral service officiated by Ukraine-backer Bartholomew whose historic trip from Istanbul foreshadows a colossal dilemma of epic consequences for the island and the orthodox world at large...

109. Biden: Late Archbishop 'a man of courage and conviction'

US President Joe Biden has described the late Archbishop Chrysostomos II as a "man of remarkable conviction and courage who led Cyprus’ Greek Orthodox Christian Church with grace during a pivotal period."...

110. 'Wild World' singer Yusuf Islam, aka Cat Stevens, urges Erdogan not to abandon peace in his 'fatherland' of Cyprus

Last week, Turkiye welcomed one of music’s most iconic stars, singer-songwriter Yusuf Islam. The artist was performing a series of fundraising concerts in Istanbul and Ankara, with President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and his wife, First Lady Emine Erdoğan attending the event in the Turkish capital....

111. Cavusoglu: 'TRNC' delegations will be established in two EU member states

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that although the pseudo-state has not been recognized, representative offices will now be established in two EU nations. ...

112. Lesser charges in cottage murders after plea bargain

The trial in the deaths of two Russian women feared to have been possible victims of sex trafficking in Cyprus ended abruptly this week, with the defense cutting a deal with prosecutors who pursued manslaughter after reports suggested the murder motive would not hold up in court...

113. Erdogan files lawsuit against German parliament's VP for calling him 'sewer rat'

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan filed a lawsuit against Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki for insult and defamation, through his lawyer in Cologne....

114. Iran: Pro-regime marchers calling for execution of protesters

State-organized demonstrations took place in several Iranian cities on Friday to counter anti-government protests triggered by the death of a woman in police custody, with some marchers calling for the execution of rioters....

115. Iran: Massive protests continue after the death of Mahsa Amini

Surrounded by a crowd chanting slogans, a woman picks up a pair of scissors and cuts off her ponytail, revealing her head. In a sea of people, many of them men, neither a hijab nor a headscarf is visible....

116. First Greece, now Israel?

With the final trip of the Limassol-Piraeus ferry route looming, Kathimerini's Oriana Papantoniou speaks to the Deputy Minister of Shipping about whether or not the program was a success, the public's impression of the service and what could be improved in the long run. The Minister also suggested a possible ferry connection with neighboring Israel....

117. Proposed marriage act aims to fix divorce in Cyprus

The government in the Republic of Cyprus is reviving attempts to reform marriage law, with legislation proposals aiming to modernize divorce proceedings, eliminate outdated laws, and prevent child marriages that could violate statutory rape laws...

118. EU citizens can now apply for a visa on arrival in Saudi Arabia

Citizens from European Union countries planning to travel to Saudi Arabia will be subject to the new tourist visa scheme that the latter’s authorities have introduced in order to increase the number of international visitors to the country....

119. Presidential candidates on the move as campaign heats up

The presidential election campaign trail over the weekend ended with the Cyprus Green Party deciding next month on the name of the presidential candidate it will support. ...

120. Gorbachev, who steered Soviet breakup, dead at 91

Mikhail Gorbachev, who set out to revitalize the Soviet Union but ended up unleashing forces that led to the collapse of communism, the breakup of the state and the end of the Cold War, died Tuesday. The last Soviet leader was 91...