12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 151-180 of 583 matches for query same-sex.

151. 21st International Film Days Festival - Cyprus 2023

The 21st International Film Days Festival - Cyprus 2023 is set to begin on Friday, April 21st, at the Rialto Theatre in Limassol and the Zina Pallas in Nicosia. ...

152. Child porn felon freed in photo fakery case

The Supreme Court in the Republic of Cyprus has commuted a child porn prison sentence of a man in Larnaca after it emerged that images used to incriminate him were not real...

153. Inside the high-stakes prosecution of a former president

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has made history by becoming the first president to face criminal charges before a court of justice in the United States. ...

154. Trump makes history: Former president indicted

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury. This comes after years of investigations into his personal, political, and business dealings and an abrupt jolt to his bid to retake the White House. ...

155. Woman gets half year in Russian knife attack

A Ukrainian woman in Cyprus who carried out a knife assault against a group of Russians last year has been sentenced to six months in prison on common assault after being acquitted on more serious charges of incitement to hatred and violence...

156. Cliff death boyfriend walks free after police backtrack

A man who reported the cliff death of his girlfriend but became suspect based on a controversial forensic report walked free on Friday, after official results of a second autopsy rejected the investigators’ premeditated murder theory and stirred up debate on how Cyprus Police investigate cases...

157. Judge takes shot in the dark in cliff death case

A judge in Paphos ordered a man to remain in police custody for three additional days in connection with the cliff death of a Ukrainian woman at a famous scenic location, despite police saying they were still waiting on a second autopsy to clarify charges...

158. Proposed bill gives women easy access to medically assisted reproduction

The House Health Committee of Cyprus has discussed a bill amending the law on medically assisted reproduction....

159. Expert says cliff death accident story checks out

Cyprus Police are rolling back statements on a murder investigation in the cliff death of a Ukrainian woman, after a private forensic examiner tasked by the suspect announced to the media that his client’s version of events about a tragic accident checked out...

160. Cliff death case draws the big guns of forensics

A private forensic pathologist will take part in a defense autopsy of a young Ukrainian woman, whose boyfriend insists her cliff death was an accident, despite initial objections by the Legal Department which has also tasked its own expert to lead the exam...

161. Suspect in cliff death disputes forensic report

The main suspect in the cliff death of a Ukrainian woman has denied wrongdoing and further called for a private forensic expert to conduct a second post mortem, after state pathologists suggested there were signs his girlfriend had been raped and strangled to death...

162. Number of children being investigated for sexual abuse in Cyprus still high

The number of children referred for investigation for sexual abuse has remained consistently above 400 for the past two years, according to the "Hope For Children" CRC Policy Center (HFC), ...

163. Boyfriend arrested in woman’s cliff death in Paphos

A man who says his girlfriend slipped and fell to her death in coastal Paphos over the weekend has been arrested on premeditated charges, after a post mortem showed injuries inconsistent with a free fall...

164. Girls and women make up majority of domestic violence victims

The majority (75%) of victims of family violence, intimate partner violence and abuse of minors in Cyprus are girls and women, based on statistics by the Police Headquarters' Directorate for Vulnerable Persons Affairs....

165. Happy International Women's Day - Let's talk about men!

Every time International Women’s Day approaches, we hear the usual dissenting voices. “Do we really have to celebrate Women’s Day?” followed by “Why don’t we celebrate Men’s Day also?”. The answer is quite simple: We do celebrate Men’s Day, every year on November 19....

166. Hate speech rampant in Cyprus despite progress

Hate speech affecting several groups remains widespread in the Cypriot public discourse, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) said on Tuesday in a report on Cyprus. ...

167. Afghan women protest ban on female education

Young Afghan women gathered outside Kabul University on Monday to protest the ruling Taliban’s ban on female education as their male peers returned to school for a new academic year and the United Nations heard the restriction may amount to a crime against humanity....

168. Cyprus’ landmark sex trafficking case falls flat

A high-profile trafficking case where airport police officers were accused of turning a blind eye on an illegal prostitution ring drew to a close this week, with most defendants acquitted including a cop whose guilt was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt...

169. Arrest warrants issued after rainbow meeting attack

Police have made a number of arrests following an assault during a rainbow meeting on a college campus in Limassol, with local media suggesting warrants have been issued for both current and former students...

170. Hooded men break up LGBTQ meeting in Limassol

A group of hooded men stormed an LGBTQ event at the Cyprus University of Technology on Wednesday, yelling anti-gay slurs, assaulting participants, and discharging a fire extinguisher towards them, with police saying they were investigating a hate crime...

171. Woman in Paphos arrested after refusing search

A woman in Paphos who was arrested for refusing a random search over the weekend is now facing sex solicitation charges...

172. Another Briton jailed for sex crimes dies in Cyprus

A convicted sex offender who was serving a prison sentence in Cyprus died on Friday, marking the second death of a British national within the island’s penitentiary system this year in connection with sex crimes...

173. France to be first country in the world to introduce 'porn passports'

France is set to introduce 'porn passports' to prove a person is over 18 while accessing sex websites - in a world first that aims to prevent children from viewing explicit material....

174. 'Buy Nothing Project' gaining ground worldwide

It was not until after Angela Parker, 53, had raced across her north Atlanta neighborhood to nab eight leftover, thick-cut slices of ham with gravy from the porch of someone she didn't know that she began to ask herself some questions. Was it weird to eat a stranger's porch ham? Was it safe? Would the ham be worth it?...

175. Criticism and unknowns emerge in latest prison death

Cyprus Police have not ruled out foul play in the death of a British inmate, who was found hanged last Friday, while reports suggested the case was filled with conflicting information including a suggestion that no effort had been made to resuscitate...

176. Pope declares being gay a 'sin' but not a 'crime'

Pope Francis has declared homosexuality a 'sin' but not a 'crime' as he branded laws that criminalize gay people 'unjust'....

177. Sex ed to be introduced in schools by September

Sex education will be introduced in an institutionalized and comprehensive manner beginning in September, covering all levels from pre-primary to third high school. ...

178. Prostitutes gather in Davos for annual meeting of global elite

The global elite tackling the world's problems at the Davos summit including gender inequality is fuelling a surge in prostitution in the Swiss resort....

179. The country's digitization and other stories

We heard a lot and very little during this election. Lots of one-liners, 'cockfighting', insults, and histrionics. Nothing was said regarding the substance. ...

180. Biology textbook at center of controversy in Cyprus

A biology textbook is the center of heated debate in Cyprus after references to “purity” and “abstinence” in a chapter on sexually transmitted diseases were posted on social media...