12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 43 matches for query tablet.

1. The complex effects of screens on kids' brain functions

In a comprehensive study spanning 23 years and involving over 30,000 children under 12, researchers discovered that prolonged screen exposure induces significant changes in various brain regions....

2. New 4p-a-day drug to benefit 300,000 women in fight against breast cancer

A new breast cancer drug will be offered to almost 300,000 women in what has been hailed as a ‘major step forward’ to help fight the illness....

3. Dive into eBooks on 2023 International Digital Book Reading Day!

OverDrive, the largest e-book distributor in the U.S., established International Digital Book Reading Day in 2014, and it has been celebrated annually on September 18 ever since....

4. Average student spending at €250 as back-to-school shopping begins€250-as-back-to-school-shopping-begins

A few days before schools reopen (September 7 for secondary and high schools, and September 11 for primary schools), chaos is ensuing in bookstores, stationery shops, and stores selling school attire and sports shoes. Subtitle: ""...

5. Cyprus' vet services doles out feline coronavirus medications

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a virus-induced ailment that exclusively affects cats, has raised concerns within the veterinary community. A particular strain of the coronavirus causes FIP, leading to a progressive illness that ultimately results in the cat's demise....

6. Upcoming parking charges at Mall of Cyprus and IKEA

Parking fees will be implemented at the Mall of Cyprus and IKEA starting September 1, aiming to enhance parking utilization and visitor efficiency. ...

7. Pope Francis grants historic voting rights to women at global synod

The Pope will for the first time allow women to vote at an influential global meeting of bishops in October - a move that has been welcomed as a historic first....

8. Hate speech rampant in Cyprus despite progress

Hate speech affecting several groups remains widespread in the Cypriot public discourse, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) said on Tuesday in a report on Cyprus. ...

9. Cyprus helps uncover VAT carousel fraud

Cypriot authorities swung into action after an investigation of fraudulent activity in Portugal was expanded through the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, with several companies on the island reportedly linked to a scheme that cost Lisbon tens of millions in tax revenue...

10. Black Friday: See how the annual shopping event is shaping up (photos)

On Thursday afternoon, sales began to increase significantly, particularly in shopping centers that benefited from favorable weather conditions, however, as of Friday morning, traffic appears to be somewhat subdued, at least in comparison to the corresponding images from 2019....

11. Raising the Black Friday bar

This year's Black Friday is expected to be much stronger and more appealing to consumers than last year's Black Friday. Following the tepid and disappointing performance of 2021, market participants believe this is the case. ...

12. What do Cypriots buy on Black Friday?

Only eight more days until the much-anticipated Black Friday shopping day, and ads for discounted goods continue to pound the public. Every year, many people look forward to this day in order to find the best deals on products they need....

13. 'Cyprus Tomorrow': A plan made by Cypriots for Cypriots

The importance of the "Cyprus - Tomorrow" National Plan was highlighted by Government Spokesperson and Cabinet Ministers, who attended a special promotional event in Nicosia on Saturday....

14. Embracing the digital age through the 'smart school' program

Our educational system, the Ministry of Education, and the State are making an important and historic transition to the digital era with the signing of the €20 million Contract for the "Support Services System" Project on September 6, 2022. ...

15. 'All for one and one for all', EP says yes to single chargers

The European Parliament today gave its final green light to the introduction in the EU of a universal charger for all small and medium-sized portable electronic devices - mobile phones, tablets and other consoles....

16. EU to implement one charger for all devices by 2024

In a historic decision and a world first, the negotiators of the European Parliament and the Commission today agreed in principle to implement common chargers for all electronic devices by the autumn of 2024....

17. EU set to decide on single mobile charging port by June 7

EU countries and EU lawmakers are set to agree on a common charging port for mobile phones, tablets and headphones on June 7 when they meet to discuss a proposal that has been fiercely criticized by Apple, people familiar with the matter said....

18. Greece: ‘Covid Free Wallet’ goes into operation‘covid-free-wallet-goes-into-operation

The Digital Governance Ministry on Tuesday activated the “Covid Free Wallet,” an online application that makes it easier for citizens to present their coronavirus vaccination or recovery certificates and their identity details when seeking admission to retail stores, restaurants, cafes, gyms and other leisure or entertainment venues....

19. 'Three Approaches to Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity: Theory and Application to Groundwater'

Professor Phoebe Koundouri's thesis, "Three Approaches to Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity: Theory and Application to Groundwater" which was published by Peterhouse of the University of Cambridge, is now available for free on Read Library....

20. Einstein’s scary secret: bizarre stories

Eleven bizarre tales that will blow your mind. ‘Einstein’s scary secret: bizarre stories’ by Andreas Kapandreou is definitely a page turner. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat while you delve into stories of the occult, metaphysics, parapsychology and the uncanny. ...

21. Retailers furious over CovScan’s glitchy start

A controversial android app pushed by the government to help businesses authenticate Safe Pass holders had a rough first day on Monday, with retailers upset over reported failures ranging from vaccinated documents being flagged as invalid to two different devices scanning the same QR code but giving different results...

22. CovScan Cyprus starts running on trial basis

Door greeters at supermarkets started using the android app CovScan on Monday to verify the authenticity of their customers’ Safe Pass documents, but the program will run on a trial basis for two weeks following criticism that consumers and businesses had little time to prepare...

23. CovScan Cyprus mandatory but questions remain

Door greeters at supermarkets and other businesses will have to use an android app when checking Safe Pass, according to a Cabinet decision, but the policy going into effect on Monday has left many questions unanswered with citizens calling even pharmacies to get the latest scoop...

24. Consumers warned of potential allergen in pork meatballs

Consumers are being warned of a potential allergen in pork meatballs that are being sold at Foodsaver....

25. EU: A charger for all mobile phones - A blow to Apple

The European Commission is pushing for a common charging port for mobile phones, tablets and headphones, ...

26. International Luxury Property and Residency Conference

27. EMA puts COVID pill review on fast track

The European Medicines Agency says it has begun a rolling review of data on sotrovimab, an antibody cure for treating COVID-19, with European Commissioner Stella Kyriakides saying therapeutic solutions were also crucial alongside vaccinations...

28. How can digital government connect citizens without leaving the disconnected behind?

Governments should focus on inclusive digitalisation by improving digital literacy and promoting virtual interaction, and this could be achieved by providing digital resources like laptops and tablets in order to get people online and run programs to improve the digital skills...

29. The Greek scientist developing 6G

At the moment Greece is unveiling the 5G communications network, on the opposite end of Europe, a Greek professor, a communications engineer, is getting a grant from the European Research Council to develop 6G....

30. Man detained on child grooming charges

A man in Nicosia has been remanded in custody following his arrest on suspicion he was grooming a minor with intent to commit further sexual offences...