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01 June, 2024


Displaying results 61-90 of 127 matches for query tanks.

61. Sirens to wail marking events leading to the Turkish invasion of Cyprus

The sirens will sound across the government-controlled areas of the Republic to mark the dark events of July 15, 1974, when Greek army officers engineered a coup to oust the government in Nicosia leading to the Turkish invasion just five days later, on 20th July....

62. Athens wants arms for Ukraine out of public view

Greek Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos says he would ask the heads of the three branches of the Greek Armed Forces to contain recent disclosures in the media on the list of weapons that Greece may send to Ukraine, likening their information system to a 'swiss cheese'...

63. European cities are turning rooftops into community and sustainability hubs

Across Europe, intrepid artists, planners, and architects are transforming the flat, grey rooftops of the continent into lively community hubs....

64. In a first, Cypriot Defence Minister to pay official visit to US

Minister of Defence Charalambos Petrides will depart on Sunday to the US for a working visit. According to the Ministry of Defence, this is the first visit of a Cypriot Defence Minister for bilateral consultations at the US Pentagon....

65. Greece resumes weapons support to Ukraine

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin thanked many countries including Greece for sending new military packages of assistance to Ukraine, causing political chaos in Athens where last month government officials said there would be no more military equipment shipments to Kiev...

66. Russia loses troops and equipment in failed river crossing

Russia lost significant numbers of troops and important equipment when Ukrainian forces thwarted their attempt to cross a river in the east, British officials said Friday, another sign of Moscow’s struggle to win decisive victories and salvage a war gone awry....

67. Downed Russian fighter jets being found with basic GPS 'taped to the dashboards'

Wrecked Russian fighter jets are being found with rudimentary GPS receivers "taped to the dashboards" in Ukraine because their inbuilt navigation systems are so bad, the UK defense minister said....

68. Pope Francis says NATO started war in Ukraine by ‘barking at Putin’s door’‘barking-at-putin-s-door

Since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Pope Francis has floated the idea that he wants to take a trip to Kyiv to try to broker a ceasefire. But now he says he would prefer to go to Moscow to try to talk some sense into Vladimir Putin, who he has not outwardly condemned in the now nearly three-month-old war and only did so lightly in a lengthy interview with an Italian newspaper....

69. ‘I will visit Athens when we win the war,’ Ukraine’s President tells Kathimerini‘i-will-visit-athens-when-we-win-the-war-ukraine-s-president-tells-kathimerini

Volodymyr Zelenskyy looked worn, he was probably sleepless, but he spoke passionately in his signature husky, nasal voice, stopping often to take a sip of coffee from the cup next to him....

70. Greeks halt weapons to Ukraine as Russia warns US

Athens signaled this week there would be no more weapons shipments to Ukraine, as reports emerged that Moscow has also warned Washington that US and NATO weaponry sent to Kiev could bring 'unpredictable consequences'...

71. A deal ‘everybody will hate’ to end the war in Ukraine‘everybody-will-hate-to-end-the-war-in-ukraine

The most likely solution that will bring an end to the war in Ukraine is an agreement that “everybody will hate,” James Stavridis, NATO’s Greek-American former commander for Europe tells Kathimerini....

72. Cyprus mulling US weapons proposal

Cyprus reportedly remains open to the possibility of reaching an agreement with the US to give up its Russian weapons....

73. The US asks Cyprus to transfer its Russian made weapons to Ukraine

In a significant move, US representatives in Cyprus have asked the government whether they would be willing to transfer the country's Russian-made weapons to Ukraine....

74. Ukraine: Will Europe be able to remain united against Putin?

As the war in Ukraine now enters its sixth week of operations in conditions of undiminished intensity, with threats escalating, cracks widening and bombs raining down, it is clear that the crisis will be a marathon and the ongoing struggle an endurance struggle for all those directly and indirectly involved....

75. Russian troops begin moving away from positions around Kyiv

Some Russian units suffering heavy losses in Ukraine had been forced to return home and to neighboring Belarus, British military intelligence said a day after Russia promised to scale down military operations around Kyiv and another city....

76. Major projects underway in Larnaca, Nicosia

The Cyprus real estate and construction sectors are moving past the demise of the scrapped Citizenship for Investment Programme, turning their attention to the capital and the once-neglected coastal town of Larnaca, while Limassol, with its high-rises and cosmopolitan lifestyle, is still seeing part of the action....

77. Ukraine pleads for help, says Russia wants to split nation

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused the West of cowardice Sunday while another top official said Russia was trying to split the nation in two, like North and South Korea...

78. Elon Musk's Starlink helping Ukraine's elite drone unit destroy Russian tanks and trucks in the night

Elon Musk's Starlink satellite system is helping an elite Ukrainian drone unit destroy Russian weaponry, according to The Times of London....

79. Zelensky to US Congress: 'Is it too much to ask for a no-fly zone?' (video)

President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine is going through 9/11 and Pearl Harbor every day, urged the US to protect his skies as he invoked Martin Luther King and the Founding Fathers in a heart-wrenching speech to Congress on Wednesday morning....

80. Olena Zalenska implores the West to help Ukraine

With targets on the backs of her and her husband and from an undisclosed safe place, Ukraine's first lady Olena Zelenska sent out a desperate two-word plea to America and the world: "STOP WAR."...

81. Ukraine's capital under fire; 3 EU nation leaders to visit

Russia’s relentless bombardment of Ukraine edged closer to central Kyiv on Tuesday, with a series of strikes hitting a residential neighborhood as the leaders of three European Union countries planned a bold visit to Ukraine’s embattled capital in a show of support....

82. Ukraine’s Foreign Legion Is Ready for Battle

Resistance against Russian President Vladimir Putin is growing as foreign fighters start trickling in to join forces with Ukrainians on the ground and those returning home to fight for their nation....

83. 'Show this to Putin', a doctor in Mariupol says after the death of 18 month old Kirill

A man dashes into a hospital with a desperately wounded toddler in his arms, the child’s mother on his heels. Doctors use smartphone torches to examine patients’ wounds....

84. Op-ed: Our Strength is our Unity: Putin Chose War. We Stand with Ukraine

An op-ed by US Ambassador to Cyprus, Judith Garber...

85. Fears of potential nuclear disaster at Europe's largest nuclear power plant

Russian forces seized the largest nuclear power plant in Europe after a building at the complex was set ablaze during intense fighting with Ukrainian defenders, Ukrainian authorities said on Friday....

86. Massive 65 kilometer Russian convoy on its way to Kyiv

Satellite images taken on Monday showed a huge Russian military convoy north of Kyiv, the main target of Russia's armed forces after last week's invasion of Ukraine, stretching 65 kilometers - much larger than previously reported....

87. In historic shift, Germany ramps up defense spending due to Russia’s Ukraine war

Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Sunday announced a major boost to German military spending in the latest of a series of dramatic moves reversing decades of Germany’s post-Cold War foreign policy in just a few days....

88. 'I am target number one': Zelensky says Russian special forces kill squads are inside Kyiv (video)

Ukraine's president has admitted that he is 'target number one' for Russian assassins in his capital but insisted that he remained in Kyiv as he urged his fellow citizens to remain strong. ...

89. Ukraine-Russia crisis: What to know in the escalating crisis

From a hastily-convened meeting of the United Nations Security Council to capitals around the world, leaders have condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recognition of two pro-Russia regions in eastern Ukraine as independent and his order to send troops there....

90. Russian troops go in after recognition move

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of troops to two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine after recognizing them as independent on Monday, accelerating a crisis the West fears could unleash a major war...