12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 91-115 of 115 matches for query visas.

91. European students in US breathe sigh of relief

Foreign students coming from Europe are exempt from a travel ban the United States imposed because of the coronavirus pandemic, the State Department told congressional offices on Thursday...

92. Students arrested as visa debate rages on

Police officers and immigration agents raided establishments in Paphos on Sunday, arresting two international students who were found working without authorization, with critics calling on the state to ease restrictions and allow off-campus work...

93. Cyprus outlines drastic step on migration

Republic of Cyprus Interior Minister Nikos Nouris is urgently seeking a constitutional amendment to shorten the time of due process for asylum applicants, calling a set of government-sponsored bills a “holistic approach” to immigration during a press conference on Thursday...

94. EU to ease virus travel bans from July 1, but not to all

The European Union on Thursday announced plans to ease a ban on nonessential travel to the continent, with foreign students, non-EU nationals who normally live in Europe and certain highly skilled workers likely to be exempt from the coronavirus restrictions from July 1....

95. Mass deportations underway in Cyprus

The Republic of Cyprus has begun expelling foreign nationals who have been turned down for asylum, citing concerns over security threats and changing demographics due to a migration crisis...

96. New Brexit immigration system to favour high-skilled workers

Britain will prioritize access for high-skilled workers from around the world in its post-Brexit points-based immigration system, the government said on Tuesday, setting out its plans to put an end to a reliance on “cheap labor from Europe”....

97. Jho Low movie gaining popularity

A film about Malaysian financier and Cypriot passport holder Jho Low has been steadily gaining popularity, despite legal challenges over copyright infringement and potential defamation lawsuits...

98. Minister says Cyprus turned page on passports

Cyprus’s finance minister acknowledged on Tuesday that some mistakes were made in offering citizenship for investment after disclosures about beneficiaries triggered uproar on the Mediterranean island...

99. Financier's Cypriot passport rocks the boat

A well-known Malaysian financier wanted by authorities in several countries appears to have obtained a Cypriot passport following recommendations from Archbishop Chrysostomos who cited investment opportunities...

100. Greek golden visa system in a bind

Greece’s Golden Visa program, offering five-year residence permits to non-European Union citizens who invest at least 250,000 euros in local property, appears to have become a victim of its own success...

101. Cambodia’s elite exposed through Cyprus

Golden visas are back in the news following reports that members of the Cambodian elite received or applied for Cypriot passports, with Reuters raising questions over the citizenship by investment programme...

102. European Parliament report accuses seven countries, including Cyprus, of acting as tax havens

The European Parliament urged EU member states on Tuesday to curb money-laundering in the bloc by ending programs to sell visas and passports, a step the multi-billion-dollar industry said would cause economic damage....

103. Transparent rules for all on EU citizenship Katainen says

104. EU Commission to recommend exempting Britons from visas after Brexit

105. Cyprus worried over migrants cheating the system

The head of the anti-trafficking unit in Cyprus, Rita Superman, says some migrants know how to cheat the system citing past examples of child marriages from Syria and women falsely seeking human trafficking protections...

106. Suspects remanded in sex trafficking case

The five suspects detained Tuesday on sex trafficking charges, including three cops, have been remanded in custody while police did not rule out additional arrests pending the investigation...

107. Cyprus wants to rein in ‘passport-selling’ agencies‘passport-selling-agencies

The Cyprus government has issued strict guidelines aimed at curbing the overt promotion of passports, censuring agencies that explicitly try to lure rich foreign nationals for enrollment in the citizenship-by-investment programme...

108. EU says Greece-Turkey readmission deal required for visa waiver

The agreement between Greece and Turkey for the return of migrants that Ankara suspended on Thursday is a “point of reference” for the EU-Turkey statement on readmissions and constitutes a precondition for the abolition of visas for Turkish citizens, European Commission spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud said on Friday....

109. Student arrested while delivering food to Paphos Immigration

Paphos immigration officers arrested a delivery guy from Bangladesh, after he had gone to their department to deliver a food order....

110. UK financial sector wants global talent on tap after Brexit

Costs for hiring bankers, accountants and lawyers from outside Britain will soar after Brexit and threaten London’s standing as a global financial centre unless the immigration system is urgently reformed, a report said...

111. J&P starts to pay workers again

J&P workers in Saudi Arabia finally got their December pay cheque following a protracted labour dispute with the management of the Cypriot company, which is facing a number of financial challenges. Cypriot workers are still waiting to get paid but it looks like they will have to wait until after the Easter holidays....

112. Seven arrested in illegal work crackdown

Police raided a hotel in Protaras on Easter Monday, arresting seven individuals during an operation to combat illegal employment....

113. J&P Overseas in dire straits

The Cyprus-based J&P Overseas construction company is in a negative spotlight this week, after a series of damning letters sent by employees to Riyadh’s management were made public. The allegations are pretty ugly but the company vows to fix problems....

114. EU leaders host Turkish President Erdogan for uneasy summit

Erdogan will seek more money for Syrian refugees, a deeper customs union and progress on letting Turks visit Europe without visas...

115. EU looks at new ways to tackle migration

Whether Europe needs a quota system to distribute refugees in countries hit hardest by the migrant flows – primarily Italy and Greece – remains so sensitive...