12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 91-120 of 121 matches for query warship.

91. US foreign policy standing on quicksand

92. Russia opens fires on Ukrainian ships

93. An increasing French presence in the East Med

94. Radical change in our region

95. Turkey ups ante in Eastern Med over oil and gas

96. Ancient mariners: Greek navy offers taste of life in galleys

97. Le Drian says France stands ready to help

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian says Cyprus and France and the presidents of the two countries both wish for further cooperation, while also expressing support for restarting peace talks...

98. Seizing opportunities

Greece needs to play its cards right if it wants to profit from the opportunities arising on the international stage, but also to keep in mind that all of the big players are unpredictable and the game at hand incredibly complex....

99. Two Greek soldiers released from Turkish jail return home

Two Greek soldiers freed after months in a Turkish prison returned to Greece by government jet early Wednesday after their unexpected release by a provincial court....

100. Noratlas replica finds its way to Makedonitissa

The parts of a Noratlas plane arrived at Makedonitissa military cemetery on Monday, where they will be put back together in an exact replica of the aircraft that was shot down by friendly fire during a secret mission in 1974...

101. Turkish ship to begin drilling for gas in Eastern Mediterranean

The Turkish drillship Fatih was to set sail on Thursday from the Gulf of Izmit for the eastern Mediterranean to begin exploration for oil and gas....

102. Total wants to expand Cyprus oil and gas search

French energy giant Total wants to expand its search for oil and gas off the east Mediterranean coast of Cyprus, a senior company official said on Monday...

103. US says Cyprus energy riches must be shared as part of a solution

Cyprus’ oil and gas resources should be equitably shared between both communities on the island, in the context of an overall settlement said Jonathan Cohen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs...

104. The first modern Islamist fundamentalist conquest of the West?

New revelations expose Turkey stealthily positioning itself to attempt to permanently possess the northern third of Cyprus which is rich in hydrocarbons...

105. Cyprus energy search – averting a US-Turkey crisis–-averting-a-us-turkey-crisis

Cyprus continues to proceed with offshore oil and gas projects despite Turkey's opposition...

106. Turkey to start drilling in Mediterranean this summer

Turkey will start drilling for oil and gas in the Mediterranean before the end of the summer, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Berat Albayrak said on Friday, according to Sabah newspaper...

107. ENI committed to Cyprus despite Turkish threats

Italian energy giant ENI said on Wednesday it was committed to exploring for natural gas offshore Cyprus despite efforts by Turkey to block drilling earlier this year...

108. Nicosia protests violations of airspace and territorial waters by Turkey

Turkey continues to systematically harass civilian and military aircraft within the Nicosia flight information region (FIR) via radio calls...

109. Commonwealth leaders support Cyprus energy search

The Heads of Government of the Commonwealth on Friday expressed their solidarity towards Cyprus in the peace process and against Turkey’s illegal actions in the Republic’s Exclusive Economic Zone...

110. Turkey and Greece ratchet up tension in the Mediterranean

With help from rabble-rousers on both sides, disputes over airspace and maritime borders, which have poisoned relations between Greece and Turkey for decades...

111. Strikes against Syria could make RAF Akrotiri a target

Eight cruise missile-armed tornado fighter-bombers based at RAF Akrotiri, outside Limassol, would likely take part in any military action ...

112. A solution is the only way forward for Cyprus

The Cyprus issue is not a dice roll, but the dilemma that Cypriots once had – either we solve it or we stay as is – is no longer valid...

113. Cyprus says EU condemnation of Turkey is unprecedented

Anastasiades argued that the real aim of Turkey was to control energy supply routes in the region...

114. Ankara attacks EU for backing Cyprus and Greece

Turkey accused the EU of backing Athens and Nicosia simply because they are members...

115. EU summit to condemn Turkey’s ‘illegal actions’ in East Med‘illegal-actions-in-east-med

EU recalls Turkey’s obligation to respect International Law and good neighbourly relations and normalize relations with the Republic of Cyprus...

116. East Med gas could supply Europe

Eni’s Luca Bertelli said his company’s recent discovery of a gas off Cyprus contains “almost pure methane” confirming potential for more gas discoveries in the region...

117. Erdogan to send drillship into East Med

Erdogan: Turkey's stance towards exploration projects for oil and gas has “hopefully taught some a lesson”...

118. US backs Cyprus search for offshore gas

ExxonMobil and partners Qatar Petroleum are scheduled to start drilling southwest of the island this year...

119. US recognises Cyprus’ right to search for energy

America discourages any actions or rhetoric that increase tensions in the region...

120. Turkey renews threat against Cyprus offshore gas exploration

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that “provocative activities will be met with the appropriate response”...