12° Nicosia,
14 June, 2024


Displaying results 91-120 of 250 matches for query rhetoric.

91. Turkey threatens pre-emptive moves in 'self-defense' of Greece

In the latest escalation in the rhetoric emanating from Ankara, Turkey said that any possible move against Greece would be an act of “self-defense.”...

92. Cyprus and Greece coordinating closely in anticipation of Turkish provocations

Greece and Cyprus accused rival Turkey on Thursday of stoking tensions as Ankara prepared to dispatch a drillship to the Mediterranean next month in a search for natural gas....

93. About racism

The image of a 43-year-old Cypriot man beating a woman of African descent with an infant in her arms is the definition of racist gender-based violence....

94. Turkey’s map and Greece’s vindication

The displaying of a map showing many Greek islands, including Crete, as Turkish, by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s nationalist ally Devlet Bahceli, is obviously a particularly provocative action that angers Greece. In the battle of public relations, however, it strengthens its position....

95. Mitsotakis urges Erdogan to take position on map depicting Greek islands as Turkish

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has urged Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to take a position on the presentation of a map by his nationalist ally depicting numerous Greek islands as Turkish....

96. Scandal shakes things up in Cypriot health

Health officials in Cyprus are fast tracking special software to distribute drugs to cancer patients, following shocking allegations of vote trading and deep state politics in a system overseen by House representatives off the record...

97. Erdogan to meet with Biden in Madrid

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be meeting with US counterpart Joe Biden on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Madrid later on Tuesday or on Wednesday, he told reporters on Tuesday morning. ...

98. Russia strikes back with expulsion of Greek diplomats

The Russian Federation declared eight Greek diplomats as 'personae non gratae' on Monday and gave them eight days to leave the country in retaliation for the similar move taken by Athens two and a half months ago on April 12...

99. Lack of trust on both sides a 'fundamental issue'

President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades and the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus Colin Stewart discussed today the need to build trust among people as a foundation for finding some way to move forward on the political process with regard to the Cyprus problem....

100. Moscow and NATO could clash over Kaliningrad

The United States today said its support for Lithuania is 'ironclad' and that any attack on the country would 'constitute an attack on all NATO members'....

101. Guterres: 'More direct contact between the two communities is needed'

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has urged the leaders in Cyprus, President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar to encourage more direct contact and cooperation between the two communities, expressing his concern about the likelihood that the already difficult climate between the parties could worsen....

102. Efforts afoot to de-escalate tensions

The United States, seconded by Germany, has intervened decisively to keep tensions between uneasy allies Greece and Turkey from boiling over....

103. Cyprus plays supporting role in LNG arena

After years of trying to locate and extract natural gas from its EEZ, Cyprus' prospects continue to stagnate due to the current geopolitical conditions, the Cyprus issue, and the fact that the research, although promising, has not yet yielded the large quantities that were found in the EEZ of Egypt and Israel....

104. Greek PM meets with President Anastasiades in Cyprus

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Cyprus President Nikos Anastasiades said Friday that international law, strong alliances and the countries’ presence in the EU are what protect against Ankara's rhetoric and provocations....

105. Valuable ally, you said?

I have been trying for a long time to understand exactly what various Western officials mean when they monotonously repeat that “Turkey is a valuable ally.” Turkey is obviously a large, strategically important country at a critical geopolitical crossroads. No great power can ignore it....

106. Anastasiades: 'Turkey’s positions are the epitome of revisionism'

Turkey’s stance on Varoshia is the epitome of revisionism, President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades has said when invited to comment on recent statements by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglou....

107. Palestinian leader drops by Nicosia

The Palestinian leader embarked on an official visit to the Republic of Cyprus this week, just days after Washington restored a line of communication with him and while energy talk in the region continues...

108. 'Turkey continues to distort reality to create regional tension'

The Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday Turkey is escalating rhetoric and distorting reality with a view to creating tensions in the region....

109. Greece on alert, bracing for all possible scenarios

Athens is reportedly on full alert even for the most extreme scenario on the part of Ankara, given that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is under pressure domestically and resorting to increasingly incendiary rhetoric....

110. Turkish opposition backs Erdogan over Greek island claims

The Turkish opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has expressed its agreement with the recent government escalation vis-à-vis Greece and indicated that it would support President Recep Tayyip Erdogan if he decided to go through with a threat to challenge the sovereignty of Greek islands in the eastern Aegean....

111. Greece on high alert after Turkish provocations

Greece’s armed forces in the Eastern Aegean have been placed on high alert due to Turkey’s continued threats, expressed in recent days by high-ranking officials of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government....

112. Turkey 'not bluffing' over Greek islands

Greece must withdraw its military from the Aegean islands or Turkey “will take matters further,” Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu warned on Thursday, adding that Ankara is prepared to challenge their sovereignty....

113. Ankara using migration to turn up the heat on Athens

Turkey on Monday resumed its practice of allowing boats packed with migrants to depart from its coast for the Greek islands in the eastern Aegean. It was the first instance in some time that such a large number of migrants tried to enter Greek territorial waters from the Turkish coast....

114. Putin justifies Ukrainian invasion, blames West in Victory Day speech

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his Victory Day speech before a military parade in Moscow's Red Square, defended his ongoing invasion of Ukraine as the "only right solution," without mentioning the neighboring country by name....

115. Op-ed: Turkey antagonizing Greece at every opportunity

Turkey is trying to reach out to most countries in the region in a quest for a new, smoother and ultimately more beneficial – to Ankara itself – modus vivendi....

116. War in Ukraine: Russia's elite allegedly want Putin out, successor in mind

Russian elites are allegedly planning to remove President Vladimir Putin, according to Ukrainian intelligence, with a successor already in mind....

117. Could another war be on the horizon?

Greece is calling on its allies to condemn Turkey over recent aggressive rhetoric from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has hinted at the possibility of open conflict as tensions rise between the two countries....

118. Op-ed: The new Cold War has begun

With almost the same arguments of those who had mobilized Bulent Ecevit on July 20, 1974 to invade Cyprus, Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine on the morning of February 24....

119. EU poised to announce wide-ranging sanctions against Russia over Ukraine

Russia’s defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, the commanders-in-chief of the Russian air force and the Black Sea fleet, leading state “propagandists” and 351 Duma deputies are expected to be targeted in EU sanctions announced on Wednesday....

120. Kasoulides: 'We need to save Varosha even at a dear price'

Instead of sanctions, we will present Confidence Building Measures, foreign minister Ioannis Kasoulides said in an interview with "K", clarifying that we have already reviewed the policy of sanctions, which until recently was a key issue for Nicosia....