12° Nicosia,
13 June, 2024


Displaying results 121-150 of 250 matches for query rhetoric.

121. New UK Minister for Europe supports bizonal, bicommunal federation

Chris Heaton-Harris, the recently appointed Minister for Europe in the UK government, has reiterated London’s support for the UN-led process to advocate a solution in Cyprus “in line with UN parameters based on the model of a Bi-zonal, Bi-communal Federation with political equality.”...

122. U.S. to send troops to east Europe to counter Russia

U.S. President Joe Biden has approved sending additional forces to eastern Europe, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Wednesday, as Washington reinforces its allies against what it describes as a Russian threat to invade Ukraine....

123. Pandemic to ‘spell end of tax privileges for billionaires’‘spell-end-of-tax-privileges-for-billionaires

Thomas Piketty is one of the most famous economists in the world. His weighty tomes on inequality and its dangerous consequences for global capitalism have been widely praised by other stars of the dismal science, like Paul Krugman and Robert Solow. ...

124. 'Moscow has no plans to invade Ukraine'

Moscow has no plans to invade Ukraine, said Stanislav Osadchiy, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Cyprus, adding that Russian troops are on Russian territory and “pose no threat.”...

125. Security Council expected to renew UNFICYP mandate

The UN Security Council is expected to approve a resolution on Thursday morning (New York time) that will renew the mandate of the UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) for six months, until July 31st, 2022....

126. 'Cyprus and Greece remain firmly committed to respecting international law'

Cyprus' Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides met on Wednesday, in Athens, with his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias, in the context of his first official visit abroad after assuming his duties....

127. Philippines' Duterte threatens unvaccinated people with arrest

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said on Thursday people who have not taken COVID-19 shots will be arrested if they disobeyed stay-at-home orders as infections hit a three-month high....

128. Video shows Turkey cadets swimming to islet of Tuzla, the equivalent distance from Turkey to Kastellorizo

Turkey’s military cadets swam the distance to the Greek island of Kastellorizo last week to demonstrate how close the Greek island is to Turkey....

129. From Menogeia to Limnes

Arriving in Cyprus on Monday, and heading to Nicosia, I saw queues of military trucks returning empty to their bases. ...

130. Turkish defense minister makes fresh accusations against Greece, Cyprus

Turkey has “problems” in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean because of Greece and Cyprus’ “expansionist-minded policies and claims,” Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar has told lawmakers in Ankara....

131. 'Time is not on the side of a solution'

While giving her perspective on the current challenges and opportunities in the Cyprus issue, Elizabeth Spehar warned of the passing of too much time and that "the more time passes, the greater the possibility that the divide will be entrenched". ...

132. North calls on Greek Cypriots to cooperate on migration

Turkish Cypriots say the north is in favour of working together with the south on the challenge of irregular migration, calling on Greek Cypriots to address the issue jointly in a 'spirit of cooperation' at a time when Interior Minister Nicos Nouris has been ramping up his rhetoric on drastic measures...

133. President Anastasiades attends COP26

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, along with 130 world leaders, is attending the COP26 climate conference being held in Glasgow, Scotland....

134. The cost of Erdogan’s behavior

Driven by arrogance and his neo-Ottoman ambitions, Recep Tayyip Erdogan behaves as if Turkey is some sort of unbound superpower which is immune to criticism...

135. Is America really back?

In a 1990 Atlantic Monthly piece, the most influential realist of a generation – John Mearsheimer – put forth a provocative title: “Why we will soon miss the Cold War.” ...

136. President Anastasiades addresses the 76th UN General Assembly

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, today addressed members of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York....

137. Athens and Istanbul can do their part

During one of the deepest troughs in bilateral relations in the fall of 1999 following the arrest of Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, Greece and Turkey went from being on the brink of war to a rapprochement, spearheaded by their foreign ministers, George Papandreou and the late Ismail Cem....

138. Turkey, West poised to dance a ‘violent tango,’ foreign policy expert tells K‘violent-tango-foreign-policy-expert-tells-k

A lot of Erdogan’s rhetoric focuses on making Turkey a great power. He sees that as challenging European hegemony....

139. Cypriot president points finger at UK and UN

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades says “Erdogan’s audacity” has been fueled by Great Britain and the UN’s special envoy to Cyprus, with the Greek Cypriot leader suggesting during an interview this week that a veto on the EU’s positive agenda with Ankara has not been ruled out...

140. ELAM throws hat in speakership race

Cyprus’ nationalist party ELAM says its president will seek the speakership of the House, following Sunday’s parliamentary elections that doubled the party’s seats while mainstream political movements lost ground...

141. Turkey sees Greek/Cypriot bias in EP report

The European Parliament has adopted a damning report on Turkey, calling among others for a formal suspension of accession talks, while drawing an immediate response from Ankara that says the report is not objective...

142. Borrell determined to carry out EUCO mandate on Turkey

President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades said clarifications about the EU’s role at the informal conference of Cyprus set to take place in Geneva in late April may arise after the visit expected to be paid to Turkey by EU officials....

143. Borrell: EU will never accept a two-state Cyprus solution

Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side must stay away from two-state solution rhetoric, because such a form of a settlement will never be accepted by the EU, the bloc’s Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell said Friday after meeting with President Nicos Anastasiades in Nicosia....

144. Oktay: Forget any bargaining over Varosha

145. US against two-state deal on Cyprus, Heather A. Conley tells Kathimerini

Heather A. Conley is no stranger to Greece as she has made a point of visiting the country every year and also participated in the 2019 Delphi Forum – the last that actually took place in Delphi. A Washington veteran, she is senior vice president for Europe, Eurasia and the Arctic and director of the Europe, Russia and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)....

146. Turkish minister says US behind 2016 failed coup attempt

Turkey's interior minister accused the United States on Thursday of being behind a 2016 failed coup that Ankara has blamed on a US-based Muslim preacher, the Hurriyet daily reported, at a time when Turkey is seeking improved ties with its NATO ally....

147. President lashes out at critics

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades in a televised address on Thursday rejected allegations of corruption within his office and administration, accusing the opposition and media of singling out his former law firm for being involved with golden passports and appealing on the political parties’ patriotism to support a new strategic plan to fight corruption...

148. Cyprus asked to clarify passport probe impasse

The Cypriot government says it will comply with a request from an international organization of audit institutions, which asked to hear the administration’s view over the golden passports probe impasse after the state’s auditor sought support from the global network...

149. Bomb goes off ahead of 5G auction

An explosion took place outside a CYTA branch in Limassol with media speculating the attack could be linked to an upcoming announcement this week over 5G contracts...

150. Cyprus President 'absolutely satisfied' with EC Conclusions

President Nicos Anastasiades expressed absolute satisfaction with the Conclusions of the European Council regarding Turkey’s activities in the Eastern Mediterranean....