The mayor of Limassol has expressed concerns over the ''Pay As You Throw'' program. Oh, for heaven’s sake. Personally, I believe Limassolians should pay double what everyone else pays—and without complaints. ...
For anyone worried that Trump’s election might throw off our strategic ties with the U.S.—those essential space collaborations and our participation in the Star Wars program—the Presidential Palace has assured us that a ''close associate'' of Trump recently reached out to our very own Nicos!...
European leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron, have cautiously congratulated Donald Trump on his claimed U.S. election victory....
US President Donald Trump said on Friday that he and his wife Melania had tested positive for COVID-19 and were going into quarantine, upending the race for the White House...
US President Donald Trump hailed his country's "extraordinary" relations with Greece as he welcomed Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the White House on Tuesday...
With a May 12 deadline looming for Trump to decide on restoring US economic sanctions on Tehran, Macron said he spoke to Trump about a “new deal”...
Trump would have been married to his wife, Melania, during both the alleged extramarital relationships...
Clifford and Trump had an intimate relationship that lasted from the summer of 2006 well into 2007...