12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 811-840 of 1513 matches for query Talks.

811. Greek, Turkish ministers stand their ground

Greek and Turkish foreign ministers Nikos Dendias and Mevlut Cavusoglu hailed the relaunch of exploratory talks between Athens and Ankara and called for a de-escalation of tension, but both stood their ground on key issues dividing the two sides in an unusually frank press conference following their meeting in Ankara on Thursday...

812. We are committed to seeing EastMed through

Israel's cooperation with Egypt and the strengthening of relations with other Gulf states contribute to peace, while enabling Israel and Cyprus to work together with other friendly nations, Sammy Revel says in an interview with Kathimerini...

813. Leaders will break bread in Geneva at 5+1

The Geneva meeting on Cyprus 'is going ahead in person,' United Nations officials said during Monday’s Q&A session following a noon briefing in New York...

814. Cyprus mounting efforts to get Sputnik V vaccine doses

Deliberations between Cypriot and Russian health authorities are moving along as the island is scrambling to ensure that it will get the desired sum of 100,000 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine as soon as it gets the thumbs up from the European Medicines Agency...

815. UK Minister talks Cyprus problem in Nicosia visit

The UK Foreign Minister for the European Neighbourhood Wendy Morton reiterated in a visit to Nicosia on Wednesday the UK’s full support of the upcoming UN talks on Cyprus. ...

816. EC head taken aback as Erdogan and Michel snap up the chairs

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was taken aback to find her fellow top EU official taking the only chair available next to Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan when the duo visited Ankara, and her spokesman made that clear on Wednesday....

817. Michel says EU will be active observer in Cyprus peace talks

The EU remains committed to the resumption of Cyprus peace talks and is looking forward to the informal meeting set to take place in Geneva later this month, where it will participate as an active observer, European Council President Charles Michel said Tuesday after meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara....

818. Anastasiades: Cyprus won't hesitate to veto EU-Turkey customs union

819. Top EU officials head to Turkey in bid to improve ties

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council chief Charles Michel are headed to Turkey on Tuesday on an official visit aimed at improving ties between Brussels and Ankara....

820. Anastasiades sends message to Turkey via Michel

President Nicos Anastasiades called on Friday on the President of the European Council Charles Michel, who is set to visit Ankara next week, to convey to the need for Turkey to show political will that will allow the resumption of substantive talks on Cyprus....

821. Contentious TV drama airs on EOKA Day

A new series about ethnic warfare in Cyprus from a Turkish Cypriot point of view was launched in the north on Thursday, a national holiday for Greek Cypriots in the south, eliciting comments from the leaders of both communities on the divided island...

822. Cyprus, Greece mount pressure for revision of EUCO conclusions

Cyprus and Greece mounted pressure on Wednesday for a revision of the draft European Council conclusions on Turkey, arguing that they should better reflect the stance taken by the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in his recent report....

823. Cyprus rejects EU draft on Turkey which seeks to deepen trade ties

Cyprus has rejected a draft prepared for a summit of EU leaders this week which seeks to deepen trade ties with Turkey, describing it as “totally unacceptable.” ...

824. Gloves are off in EU-China relations

The United States, the European Union, Britain and Canada imposed sanctions on Chinese officials on Monday for human rights abuses in Xinjiang, in the first such coordinated Western action against Beijing under new US President Joe Biden...

825. US supports Greece, Cyprus, Israel power initiative

The United States is “supportive of connecting distribution grids of mainland Europe to Cyprus and Israel via the EuroAsia Interconnector,” a spokesperson for the State Department said on Thursday, after Ankara on Monday formally protested a memorandum of understanding signed last week between Israel, Greece and Cyprus for the construction of a 2,000-megawatt undersea electricity cable....

826. EU will be present in Cyprus issue negotiations, senior EU official says

The EU will be present at the conference on Cyprus to be convened by the UN in Geneva in late April and at the formal negotiations that may follow, a senior EU official said at a press conference in Brussels ahead of the forthcoming Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) of Monday....

827. Cavusoglu to meet Dendias in Turkey in April

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Wednesday he would meet his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias in Turkey on April 14, after the NATO members resumed talks to seek common ground in a decades-old maritime dispute....

828. Greece, Turkey resume preliminary talks on maritime dispute

Greece and Turkey began another round of exploratory talks in Athens on Tuesday, seeking common ground on a long-standing maritime boundaries dispute before a European Union summit later this month...

829. UK concerned over Varosha, reiterates call for flexibility

The UK continues to follow the situation in Varosha “with concern”, Foreign Minister for the European Neighbourhood Wendy Morton stated in response to a question by Conservative MP Matthew Offord....

830. Blinken says US fully engaged on Cyprus

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says American diplomacy will be “fully engaged” on the Cyprus issue, with Washington calling out aggressive actions in the eastern Mediterranean but also supporting positive developments...

831. Minister points finger at north over barbwire

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris has fired back at critics in the north over the south’s decision to install barbwire near the UN buffer zone to halt illegal crossings, blaming the need for a fence on lack of action on the part of Turkish Cypriot authorities...

832. Critics slam 'Trump-like' fence installed in Nicosia suburb

The government came under fire on Tuesday over a decision to lay razor wire along a section of the Astromeritis buffer zone in the Nicosia district....

833. Athens sees Ankara games ahead of summit

Not only did Turkey continue to ignore Athens’ proposals for the next round of exploratory contacts between the two countries on Monday, its Defense Ministry once again revisited the issue of demilitarization of the Greek islands of the eastern Aegean, going as far as denouncing the presence of Greek warships at Kastellorizo....

834. Anastasiades, Greek PM discuss Cyprus issue

The Cyprus issue was the focus of a telephone conversation between Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades on Monday morning....

835. Borrell: ‘Cyprus problem is clearly an EU problem’‘cyprus-problem-is-clearly-an-eu-problem

The European Union’s top diplomat Josep Borrell reiterated the bloc’s support for the resumption of talks on a peace settlement for Cyprus, while stressing that the division of the island “is clearly an EU problem.”...

836. Merkel calls for broad-mindedness, compromise in Cyprob talks

German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed her full support to the informal five party conference on the Cyprus issue, stressing that broad-mindedness and willingness to compromise from both sides are needed in order to make progress....

837. EU foreign chief pops in for a visit

EU’s foreign affairs chief visited Cyprus on Friday where he is meeting with leaders on both sides of the divided island as well as UNJ officials ahead of the latest attempt to revive peace negotiations...

838. Borrell: Cyprob solution must come from Cypriots

"The European Union fully supports the resumption of a settlement process under UN auspices, as soon as possible," and stands ready to provide whatever assistance both parties and the UN would find most useful, the EU’s Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell said Thursday....

839. Coming period packed with Cyprus Problem diplomacy

EU and UN officials are expected in Cyprus in the coming days ahead of the informal conference on Cyprus that will take place April 27-29 of in Geneva and this month’s European Council summit, during which EU leaders will discuss Turkey`s European course. ...

840. Analysis: The Cyprus issue today

Over the past 30 years, Turkey, and its friends in the society of nations, sought, and partially succeeded, in obscuring the importance of the Cyprus issue’s international dimension, that is the Turkish invasion and the illegal occupation of the island. The aim was to present the Cyprus issue as a one-dimensional, internal affair that exclusively concerns the relations and the rights of the two communities, Greek- and Turkish-Cypriots....