12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 1-15 of 15 matches for query Yishai.

1. Cyprus resolute on natural gas plans despite geopolitical reactions

Minister of Energy, George Papanastasiou, affirmed Cyprus' commitment to proceed with its plans for transporting natural gas from the region, both for domestic electricity generation and for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, despite geopolitical reactions....

2. In search of an energy strategy

After President Christodoulides' visit to Israel and his meeting with Netanyahu, two key issues have emerged regarding Nicosia's energy strategy:...

3. Israel clinches deal with Lebanon, Cyprus still at bay

The eastern Mediterranean was on a roll this week after US mediation managed to get broad acceptance for an Israel-Lebanon maritime demarcation deal, but Tel Aviv still faces another challenge only weeks before elections as not everyone is at ease with similar arbitration efforts to resolve a dispute with Cyprus...

4. Israeli minister in Nicosia as gas bargain heats up

Israeli Energy Minister Karine Elharrar is visiting Cyprus on Monday to talk gas directly with her Cypriot counterpart, after companies tasked by the two governments to negotiate a joint reservoir failed to agree on a buyout deal...

5. Rumors about Israel-Lebanon gas pact as Cyprus sits out

America’s energy czar is purported to be mediating a secret gas arrangement between Israel and Lebanon, a Herculean task given delineation complexities but not farfetched given ongoing efforts to resolve similar disputes between Tel Aviv and Nicosia...

6. Cyprus-Chevron's Aphrodite tactics irk Israel

A gas field dispute between Cyprus and Israel over a tiny portion, with which the island nation hopes to buy out its neighbor, went in deep water this week after Nicosia and Chevron preannounced plans for Aphrodite despite a decade-long unresolved issue still pending between the two nations...

7. Cyprus energy hub hopes hanging by a thread

Nicosia is eagerly awaiting news any day now that could potentially revive the island’s hopes in the energy game, with all eyes on whether a UK-based company with contracts in Israel could find enough gas to bypass red tape and send some of it to a friendly neighbor’s hub...

8. Israel sets deadline in gas dispute with Cyprus

Israeli Energy Minister Karine Elharrar has told companies in her country they have until next month to settle a gas dispute with Cyprus, otherwise the states will step in to put an end to the prolonged discussion between the two neighbors...

9. Cyprus sees glimmer of hope with Chevron

The government of the Republic of Cyprus says Chevron and Noble Energy have reaffirmed the importance that the two companies attribute to the development of Aphrodite gas field...

10. Cypriot-Israeli dispute out in the open

The Republic of Cyprus says development of Aphrodite’s natural gas reservoir will go forward as planned, after reports said a letter from Israel called on energy companies to halt operations until the two countries settled all pending issues...

11. Israel eyes 5% claim of Cyprus' Aphrodite gas field

Energy Ministry Yuval Steinitz told Cypriot leaders that Israel is demanding 5% or more of the production from the joint Aphrodite-Yishai natural- gas field in disputed Mediterranean waters...

12. Cyprus, Greece, Israel recommit to a way forward

President Nicos Anastasiades says a ‘code of conduct’ has been established between Cyprus, Greece, and Israel, following the completion of a trilateral meeting in Nicosia that yielded a long declaration and paved the way for another meeting before the year is out to discuss an ambitious EastMed pipeline...

13. Cyprus and Israel need gas-sharing deal to tap East Med riches

An ownership squabble over Cyprus' main natural gas field is threatening to delay multi-billion dollar plans to turn the eastern Mediterranean into a major energy hub...

14. Cyprus summit to discuss gas pipeline to Italy

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that Tuesday's summit to Nicosia with the leaders of Cyprus and Greece will focus on the possibility of building a gas pipeline to Italy...

15. Cyprus and Israel move to end dispute over Aphrodite gas

Israel and Cyprus will take their disagreement over the distribution of gas in the joint Aphrodite reservoir to international arbitration, according to a report published by Globes...