In a groundbreaking move, the industrial heart of Agia Varvara in Paphos District is poised to witness the commencement of construction for Cyprus's inaugural crematorium within the first half of 2024....
The Vatican has modified its stance on the storage of cremated ashes, now allowing a small portion to be kept in a place of significance for the deceased, in contrast to previous guidance stating ashes must be kept in ''sacred places.''...
A funeral home in Cyprus has obtained a permit to build the country’s first cremation facility, years after legislation paved the way despite strong resistance from the Orthodox church...
California will begin offering the option of human composting after death thanks to a bill recently signed into law that aims to tackle climate change....
Back in January 2021, Covid created such a backlog of bodies at L.A. County morgues that the local air quality agency lifted air pollution limits on crematories so they could work extended hours....