12° Nicosia,
23 September, 2024


Displaying results 2161-2190 of 2471 matches for query economy.

2161. Greek PM in charm offensive aiming to ease primary surplus targets

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is planning a series of trips abroad toward the end of this month and next, hoping to convince Greece’s creditors of the recently elected government’s commitment to reforms and to lay the groundwork for reducing demanding primary surplus targets agreed under the country’s post-bailout agreement....

2162. Trump’s yuan move makes a China deal much harder

The decision to label China a currency manipulator boxes in Donald Trump and Xi Jinping. The U.S. Treasury Department made the move after Beijing allowed the yuan to slide below the key level of 7 to the dollar. It’s the first such designation for the People’s Republic since 1994. The sudden escalation will make it harder for both sides to reach a trade truce...

2163. Stella Kyriakidou: Climate change and gender equality a priority for the EU

There have been many who have questioned the EU because of the economic crisis that has emerged in recent years. Today we are coming out of this crisis and we realize that the EU still has a lot to offer....

2164. Trump hits China with more tariffs, sharply escalating trade dispute

U.S. President Donald Trump vowed to impose a 10% tariff on $300 billion of Chinese imports from Sept. 1, sharply escalating a bruising trade war between the world’s largest economies and jolting financial markets. ...

2165. Central Banker mulls bridging framework on foreclosures

The Central Bank will present recommendations aimed at rectifying the foreclosure framework it was announced on Thursday...

2166. The first visits to Washington and Jerusalem

It’s only three weeks since Nikos Dendias took over the foreign affairs portfolio, but he has already sent a pretty clear signal regarding the new government’s foreign policy priorities...

2167. Dombrovskis: The EU leads the world in the battle against climate change

This year, millions of young people across the world joined an international movement for climate change. They demanded action instead of mere talk, marching to fix the planet before it is too late. ...

2168. Britain begins escorting all UK vessels through Hormuz Strait

Britain has started sending a warship to accompany all British-flagged vessels through the Strait of Hormuz, a change in policy announced on Thursday after the government previously said it did not have resources to do so. ...

2169. Stepping into power, Johnson seeks more diverse cabinet

Taking over as prime minister on Wednesday, Boris Johnson is expected to unveil a more diverse top team in a government to be tasked with delivering Brexit by the end of October, with or without a deal. ...

2170. Foreclosure legislation deemed unconstitutional

Finance Minister Haris Georgiades said on Tuesday that "a legislative framework must be effective, it must not change frequently, in order to create a trustworthy framework that will enable us to manage this last remaining problem of non-performing loans.'' ...

2171. Boris Johnson set to become next UK PM

Boris Johnson is expected to be elected leader of Britain’s governing Conservative Party and the country’s next prime minister on Tuesday, tasked with following through on his “do or die” pledge to deliver Brexit in just over three months time. ...

2172. The ‘public interest'‘public-interest

Greece can really take off. The economy has already reached its lowest point and is now poised for a spectacular rebound. The country’s human capital is unlimited in all sectors and for the first time in a long time we have a government that understands the notion of entrepreneurship and wants to move dynamically in the field of investments. ...

2173. Talent shortages costing European private businesses €414 billion each year€414-billion-each-year

European private businesses’ biggest challenge is the increasingly growing skills shortage that is preventing them from hiring the right talent for growth. A PwC survey across 31 European countries shines a spotlight on a wider, ongoing issue across the region. PwC estimates that the skills shortage is costing the region €414 billion annually in lost revenues - just from private businesses. That’s around 2.6%of European GDP and is more than the combined annual GDP of Greece and Portugal. ...

2174. Cyprus parliament suspends foreclosures

The House of Representatives voted in its last plenary before summer recess an amendment to the foreclosure law that foresees a freeze in foreclosures and suspension for loans eligible for the ESTIA loan relief plan...

2175. First parts of Russian S-400 system delivered to Turkey

Turkey’s purchase of the Russian defense systems, which Washington says are not compatible with NATO’s defense network, is one of a series of issues which have put the allies at odds. ...

2176. Cyprus aims to be among the first to regulate blockchain technology

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and more specifically, Blockchain, can offer endless possibilities in many different fields, according to speakers addressing the Cyprus Blockchain Summit, on Wednesday, in Nicosia. Finance Minister Harris Georgiades said that Cyprus aim to be among the first countries to regulate aspects of DLT. The creation of the regulatory framework should be flexible, so that it will promote innovation and provide legal certainty and protection for both consumers and investors, House President Demetris Syllouris noted from his part...

2177. Mitsotakis, expectations and the need for unity

The coming weeks will naturally see an emphasis on New Democracy’s proposals on all the major issues, from the economy and security, to education and health. At the same time the new prime minister will have to strike a balance between the rival forces within his party’s ranks, combining the new with the old. ...

2178. Labour would back remain in second Brexit referendum

Britain’s Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn challenged whoever becomes the country’s new prime minister to test their Brexit plan with a second referendum on European Union membership, saying his opposition party would campaign to remain. ...

2179. Eurogroup rules out any talk of primary surplus target reduction for Greece

Discussion on Greece was brief at Monday’s Eurogroup, but the council of eurozone finance minsters sent a clear message to Athens that creditors are ready to cooperate with the new government while warning that the handouts announced in May by the previous administration are putting growth and fiscal targets at risk...

2180. Mitsotakis sworn in as PM amid east Med tensions

Conservative politician Kyriakos Mitsotakis was sworn in as Greece’s new prime minister on Monday after storming to victory on a pledge to create jobs and lure investment to the economically stricken nation...

2181. Two women at the top of EU decision making

Under the deal, Ursula von der Leyen, a close ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will replace Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm...

2182. Warnings over new foreclosure legislation

A total of five bills concerning a new foreclosure legislation are expected to be discussed on Thursday at a meeting of the House of Representatives Finance Committee...

2183. When necessity becomes history

2184. Johnson and Hunt fight for British PM job

2185. Lira falls as Washington weighs sanctions against Turkey

2186. Chinese Ambassador to Cyprus: No one stands to win in a trade war

2187. The Cypriot company that feeds the world with coal

Carbo One Ltd is one of the biggest players in the world coal market with an almost 20 year experience, circulating more than 75 million tons of the good...

2188. Fiscal Council: Implement reforms and maintain surpluses

2189. Bank culture should change Central Bank Governor says

2190. Greek-American leaders: AKEL's Kyprianou wrong about US' east Med policy