12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 841-870 of 1071 matches for query Moni.

841. Cyprus holds steady with zero new cases

No new confirmed coronavirus cases were reported in Cyprus on Saturday, authorities announced, with a combined total number of cases remaining at 1093 on the divided island...

842. Health experts from both sides discuss developing Covid-19 situation

The developing coronavirus situation on both sides of the Cyprus divide was discussed on Wednesday by the bicommunal technical committee on health, which convened via teleconference with the participation of epidemiologists of the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot side....

843. Quarantine not on the table for now

Despite chatter over the possibility of reintroducing quarantine in the Republic of Cyprus for repatriated persons, sources describe the tough alternative as a “very unlikely” scenario...

844. Anastasiades discusses Turkey, EU role with top EU officials

President Nicos Anastasiades found mutual understanding with European Council President Charles Michel and EU Foreign Affairs Chief Josep Borrell regarding the role the EU must play in view of Turkey’s activities in the eastern Mediterranean....

845. Karayiannis: guarded quarantines might be required due to over-relaxation

The public must continue to show caution and to take all suggested personal protection measures, health advisory committee member Petros Karayiannis said Thursday, noting that the over-relaxation being observed in Cyprus must stop....

846. EU bird populations on decline for decades, Eurostat shows

Bird populations in the EU have been declining for several decades, data released by Eurostat on Friday, that marked World Environment Day, showed....

847. No new coronavirus cases leave total at 958

No new coronavirus cases emerged on Thursday when 1,996 samples were tested for the virus....

848. Racism, xenophobia rife in Cyprus, refugees say

A teleconference on Tuesday raised the multifaceted problems faced by refugees and asylum seekers on the island, such as racism and xenophobia, hardships during the coronavirus pandemic, and difficulties with integrating into Cyprus society....

849. EU top diplomat urges Turkey to respect Greece, Cyprus sovereignty

Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, on Tuesday urged Turkey to respect the sovereignty of Greece and Cyprus....

850. Some restrictions may be eased earlier than planned

The government and its health advisory committee discussed on Tuesday the possibility of relaxing certain restrictions sooner than anticipated, but final decisions are expected to emerge after the Cabinet’s meeting on Wednesday....

851. Cyprus enters second phase of GESY

After a long a protracted internal battle in the Republic of Cyprus, the implementation of the second and final phase of the country’s first and only General Health System begins on Monday...

852. Health services dealing with positive case at high school

The Ayiou Charalambous high school in the Paphos district Emba village, where a teacher had tested positive for coronavirus, remained closed on Tuesday while the premises were disinfected, and the state health services identified his possible contacts....

853. Return to lockdown not likely, Karayiannis says

The health advisory committee is keeping a close watch on the consistent crowding observed since restrictions on movement were lifted on May 21, but committee member Petros Karayiannis said lockdown measures won’t be reinstated unless Cyprus returns to a state where around 30-40 new coronavirus cases are announced over consecutive days....

854. Fire department furious over multiple fires

Fire fighters in Cyprus responded to multiple fires on Sunday, with officials saying the high number and different origin locations made it impossible to believe they were all caused by accident...

855. Students flock to schools, but many parents remain wary

As primary and middle school students returned to school classrooms on Thursday as part of the second phase of the relaxation of measures, Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou said that Cyprus as a whole has earned this ability to gradually return to normality, but reports signalled not all parents were thrilled with the idea of sending their children to school....

856. Nicosia police trying to solve nasty street fight

Two suspects have been released while three others remain in custody in connection with last weekend’s brawl in Kaimakli, when police officers were called to break off a fight...

857. Cyprus comes together to put out fires

Authorities on both sides of divided Cyprus were battling with fires over the weekend, with students in the north ordered to evacuate their dorms and residents in the south grabbing garden hoses to put out flames in their backyards...

858. Data shows Cyprus can move ahead with phase two of exit plan

Data collected so far on the island’s unfolding coronavirus pandemic indicate that the Cyprus government can move into the second phase of the gradual relaxation of restriction measures, member of the scientific group advising the government, Constantinos Tsioutis said Wednesday....

859. High school seniors back to school

Around ten thousand high school seniors returned to public schools on Monday, after almost two months away from their classes due to the restrictive measures to curb the spread of coronavirus...

860. As coronavirus lockdown eases, Cypriots still in limbo

Deniz Birinci had just hours to stuff her and her baby daughter’s belongings into suitcases and bin bags on March 16 before the two sides on the divided island of Cyprus imposed lockdowns to halt the spread of the new coronavirus....

861. Cyprus begins to emerge from lockdown

Economic activity in Cyprus was set to resume on Monday during an initial phase of easing coronavirus lockdown measures, but business is not as usual as the president of the Republic is calling on citizens to behave responsibly...

862. Greek government unveils plan for easing restrictions

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Tuesday unveiled a long-awaited plan for the gradual lifting of restrictive measures imposed last month to curb the spread of the coronavirus. ...

863. Conditions at migrant camps improving, but arbitrary detention issues remain

The UNHCR office in Cyprus said on Monday that it was pleased with the steps being taken to improve the living conditions of asylum seekers on the island, but expressed hope that additional measures will follow to tackle the multifaceted issues that emerged amid the coronavirus outbreak....

864. Turkish secret services target Greek refugee camps

Turkey has been conducting secret missions in refugee camps and other places in Greece to gather information about critics of the Turkish government and supporters of self-exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen, who have taken refuge in Greece, according to a publication by the Nordic Monitor website. ...

865. Israel’s Sheba declares curve ‘flattened out’‘flattened-out

The director of Sheba Medical Center says the coronavirus epidemic in Israel is under control, adding he is confident that Cyprus was on its way to beat the virus as well...

866. Lockdown weighs heavily on Orthodox Christians during Easter

867. Cyprus to prepare three-stage coronavirus exit strategy

The Cabinet on Wednesday approved the island’s lockdown exit strategy, which foresees the resumption of the operation of vital sectors of the economy in early May....

868. EU unveils virus exit roadmap, hoping to avoid more chaos

The European Union moved Wednesday to head off a chaotic and potentially disastrous easing of restrictions that are limiting the spread of the coronavirus, warning its 27 nations to move very cautiously as they return to normal life and base their actions on scientific advice....

869. World remains cautious over chloroquine

The US Food and Drug Administration is a step closer to a potential approval of chloroquine for treatment against Covid-19, while more doubts over the drug’s effectiveness and concerns over lethal side effects continue to pop up around the globe...

870. We will defeat our shared pandemic enemy and rise stronger in its wake

The story of U.S. leadership in the global battle against Covid-19 is a story of days, months, and decades. Every day, new U.S. technical and material assistance arrives in hospitals and labs around the world. These efforts, in turn, build on a decades-long foundation of American expertise, generosity, and planning that is unmatched in history....