12° Nicosia,
26 June, 2024


Displaying results 301-330 of 600 matches for query black.

301. Nameless pay-as-you-go phones under scrutiny

Police and intelligence officials in the Republic of Cyprus are pushing again for a ban on anonymous pay-as-you-go phones hoping it will help reduce crime, but critics and phone companies are not buying the argument...

302. Zelensky warns of world food crisis as Russia blocks 4.5m tons of grain leaving Black Sea

The Russian army bombed a grain warehouse in Ukraine and tightened its blockade on Black Sea ports, sparking fears of a new global food crisis....

303. Russia deploys trained dolphins at Black Sea naval base, according to satellite images

Russia has deployed trained military dolphins at its naval base in the Black Sea – possibly to protect its fleet from an underwater attack – according to a new analysis of satellite images....

304. Cashing in: No payment problems for Russian tourists in Turkey

Turkey is trying to attract more Russian tourists by expanding the usage of the Russian Mir payment system in Turkey as it seeks to bypass the payment bottleneck created by Western sanctions....

305. Europe scrambles for natural gas solution as Putin squeezes supply

The European Union is racing to find alternative suppliers of natural gas after Russia's Gazprom cut flows to two EU nations, sparking fears that others will soon follow....

306. Putin warns West of lightning retaliation

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned of lightning-fast retaliation if countries interfere in Ukraine as European leaders accused Russia of 'blackmail' over its cuts to gas supplies...

307. Claims abound as Kremlin’s flagship sinks

Russia's guided missile cruiser Moskva has sunk in the Black Sea while it was being towed due to damage, with Kiev saying the flagship was attacked in a military operation and Moscow pointing to an explosion caused by fire on board...

308. Russian chemical weapons in Ukraine could see NATO troops deployed

The UK's under-secretary for the armed forces, James Heappey, has revealed that "all possible options are on the table in terms of how the west might respond" if it is confirmed Russia used chemical weapons on Ukraine....

309. US tourists flock to Greece

Indications are growing that tourism from the US in Greece this year will approach the levels of 2019, and even exceed them if the international geopolitical uncertainties are lifted....

310. Global food prices rise to highest ever levels in March

Global food prices rose to their highest ever levels in March as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UN has reported....

311. Nuland: New pipelines will be needed in the eastern Mediterranean

New gas discoveries and pipelines will need to be made in the eastern Mediterranean, US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said after her meetings in Turkey, adding that "it is in our interest to have strong relations between Turkey and Israel....

312. €12.9 million in revenue collected from gambling sector in 2021€12-9-million-in-revenue-collected-from-gambling-sector-in-2021

The betting sector in Cyprus has rebounded, reaching pre-COVID-19 levels in the fourth quarter of 2021, according to financial data released by the National Betting Authority (NBA) on Tuesday....

313. EC calls on EU governments to end golden passport schemes

The European Commission called on EU governments on Monday to end national programs to sell citizenship to investors, also known as golden passports schemes and urged them to suspend the sale of visas to Russians and Belarusians....

314. US imposes fresh sanctions on Russia while providing an additional $1B in humanitarian aid$1b-in-humanitarian-aid

The United States will expand its sanctions on Russia in response to the invasion of Ukraine, targeting members of the country’s parliament and the central bank’s gold reserves, the White House announced Thursday....

315. New Russian asset tracker platform launched by non-profit

A nonprofit reporting network launched on Monday the Russian Asset Tracker, a database to track the assets of prominent Russians who have links to Vladimir Putin....

316. Op-ed: 'The new cold war'

Sometimes important news is overlooked. I read in Bloomberg on Tuesday that China and Saudi Arabia are negotiating oil sales in the Chinese yuan, rather than in dollars....

317. Ukraine and Russia draw up neutrality plan to end war

Ukraine and Russia have made significant progress on a tentative 15-point peace plan including a ceasefire and Russian withdrawal if Kyiv declares neutrality and accepts limits on its armed forces, according to three people involved in the talks....

318. Where have wealthy Russians disappeared to?

It stretches into the Persian Gulf from Dubai. The man-made archipelago in the shape of a huge palm tree is full of luxury hotels, apartments and villas....

319. Time to lift 'unjust' sanctions on Turkey's defense industry, Erdogan tells Biden

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan told U.S. President Joe Biden in a phone call on Thursday that it was past time to lift all "unjust" sanctions on Turkey's defense industry....

320. Study: Certain blood types may be more or less vulnerable to covid

Blood type doesn’t affect much in our daily lives. In fact, most people don’t even know whether they’re Type A, B, AB, or O. But the seemingly-banal detail might be a factor in who comes under the thumb of 2020’s worldwide tyrant—that is, coronavirus....

321. US, French joint drills off Greece

With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine raging relentlessly, a flurry of activity is expected off the western Greek coast in coming days as the USS Harry S. Truman and the French Charles de Gaulle aircraft carriers conduct joint exercises in the Adriatic and Ionian with units of the Hellenic Navy and Air Force....

322. Cypriot MP reveals secret blacklist in state media

A House representative in the Republic of Cyprus says she had to deal with blacklists when she worked in state media, saying during a budget session on Thursday that she felt compelled to respond to colleagues who defended a move to keep political satire out of public television...

323. What you need to know right now about the Ukraine-Russia conflict

Russia's invasion of Ukraine entered its second week on Thursday with its main assault force halted north of the capital Kyiv and several cities enduring heavy Russian bombing....

324. At least five oligarchs have bank accounts in Cypriot banks

In Cyprus, five oligarchs from the EU list What emerges from the investigations of Cypriot banks for the lists of the European Council which includes 50 persons...

325. In historic shift, Germany ramps up defense spending due to Russia’s Ukraine war

Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Sunday announced a major boost to German military spending in the latest of a series of dramatic moves reversing decades of Germany’s post-Cold War foreign policy in just a few days....

326. Cypriot video game designer denies links to malware found before Russian invasion

A 24-year-old videogame designer who runs his small business out of a home next to an old Cypriot church in a quiet suburb of Nicosia now finds himself entangled in a global crisis following the Russian invasion of Ukraine....

327. Former chief of Greek Supreme Court named in blackmail claim

A political storm is brewing over an audio file that has surfaced suggesting that former Supreme Court President Vassiliki Thanou, who had been appointed to her post by the then SYRIZA government, blackmailed prominent businessman Andreas Vgenopoulos for money back in 2016....

328. Russian invasion begins, missiles rain down on Kiev

Vladimir Putin has ordered an invasion of Ukraine, describing it as a 'special military operation' and saying he wants to 'demilitarize', not occupy, the country....

329. EU poised to announce wide-ranging sanctions against Russia over Ukraine

Russia’s defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, the commanders-in-chief of the Russian air force and the Black Sea fleet, leading state “propagandists” and 351 Duma deputies are expected to be targeted in EU sanctions announced on Wednesday....

330. Cypriot town invites Greeks of Ukraine to relocate

A Cypriot mayor has issued an open invitation to Ukrainians of Greek descent to settle in his town under a new master plan, saying better educated and more civilized newcomers would assimilate easier than other refugee groups on the island...