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27 July, 2024


Displaying results 91-120 of 146 matches for query gas dispute.

91. Amid tensions with Turkey, Greece in joint manoeuvres with France

Amid ongoing tensions with Turkey over disputed waters in the eastern Mediterranean, the French military conducted training exercises with Greek forces on Thursday off the southern island of Crete, including in the maritime area reserved by Turkey’s Navtex earlier this month for seismic exploration....

92. Turkey issues yet another Navtex as vessel moves into Greek EEZ

Turkey has responded to a Greek navigational telex (Navtex) issued earlier Monday with an advisory saying that three Turkish research vessels are “conducting seismic survey in Turkey’s continental shelf… in accordance with international law.”...

93. Regional tensions flare up anew as Turkey issues new Navtex

94. Athens open to talks but not so fast

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias has welcomed a recent move from Turkey towards de-escalation in the region, saying Athens was open to dialogue but not on all things...

95. Greece ‘overreacted’ to Turkish research mission, Erdogan spokesman says‘overreacted-to-turkish-research-mission-erdogan-spokesman-says

Ibrahim Kalin, spokesman of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said Thursday that Greece had “overreacted” to plans by Turkey to proceed with an oil-and-gas research mission south of Greek islands in the Eastern Mediterranean....

96. Cypriot president in Paris for talks

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades is set to meet French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Thursday, as the two leaders get together amid heightened rhetoric over the eastern Mediterranean...

97. Cyprus, Greece issue counter-Navtex voiding Turkish advisory

Greece and Cyprus have issued a Navtex in response to the advisory published by Turkey’s navy on Tuesday for seismic surveys in an area of sea between Cyprus and Crete....

98. Excellent relations with Russia, China will not be disrupted, Cyprus President says

The excellent relations Cyprus has with Russia and China will not be disrupted, President Nicos Anastasiades said on Thursday, commenting on a US decision to include Cyprus in its military education and training program....

99. EU top diplomat urges Turkey to respect Greece, Cyprus sovereignty

Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, on Tuesday urged Turkey to respect the sovereignty of Greece and Cyprus....

100. Greek forces use tear gas to repel migrants

Greek riot police and troops used water cannon and tear gas on Wednesday against hundreds of migrants as they made another attempt to cross the border from Turkey into Greece....

101. France stands by Greece and Cyprus, says French Defense Minister

France will stand by Greece and Cyprus, supporting both in their disputes with Turkey over maritime zones in the Mediterranean, French Defence Minister Florence Parly was quoted saying in a Greek newspaper on Sunday....

102. Amid tension, Greece, Turkey hold military-to-military talks

A delegation of Turkish military officials is due in Athens to resume confidence-building talks amid tension between the two NATO members over maritime oil-and-gas drilling rights....

103. Cavusoglu slams Akinci after comment that Turkey-north annexation would be 'horrible'

“I’ve never worked with a more unreliable politician,” the Turkish Foreign Minister Melvut Cavusoglu said on Monday, referring to the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci in response to an interview where Akinci said the prospect of Crimea-style annexation with Turkey was “horrible”....

104. Charles De Gaulle to dock in Limassol, demonstrating fortified ties

The flagship of the French Navy, aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle, will be docking at Limassol port at the end of February, prior to the wrapping up of its Eastern Mediterranean mission, Ambassador of France to Cyprus Isabelle Dumont told the Cyprus News Agency on Tuesday....

105. Turkey blocks Cyprus from Geneva conference

Turkey has blocked a request from the Republic of Cyprus to take part in the global Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, as an adversarial relationship between the two countries is growing more intense...

106. Libya blames maritime tensions on Greece

Libya has slammed Greece in a recent letter to the United Nations, accusing Athens of refusing to play fair, while US State Secretary Mike Pompeo says he is taking on a new initiative to de-escalate Greco-Turkish tensions over maritime borders...

107. Turkish military drone lands in Cyprus

A military armed drone landed in the northern part of Cyprus on Monday after flying a five-hour mission from its naval base in Turkey...

108. Erdogan points to drilling spots off Crete

In an interview on Turkish television, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has indicated where Turkey plans to conduct research for hydrocarbons but also drilling, using a map to indicate the location east of Crete...

109. Turkish drones in the north ready for takeoff

Turkish drones were due to arrive in the northern part of Cyprus where they are expected to begin flying missions on Monday over drilling ships in search of natural resources in the eastern Mediterranean...

110. Athens denounces sea border deal to UN

Greece’s objections to the “legally invalid” maritime boundary deal between Turkey and Libya are meticulously outlined in two letters it has sent to the United Nations, which also call on Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to bring the matter before the Security Council...

111. Cypriot-Israeli dispute out in the open

The Republic of Cyprus says development of Aphrodite’s natural gas reservoir will go forward as planned, after reports said a letter from Israel called on energy companies to halt operations until the two countries settled all pending issues...

112. EU fails to launch membership talks with Balkans hopefuls

European Union leaders failed Friday to agree on launching membership negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia in an embarrassing climb-down that could risk inflaming the volatile Balkans region....

113. Anastasiades to broach EEZ during Tusk visit

European Council President Donald Tusk is meeting on Friday with Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades to discuss Turkish activities in Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ)...

114. Pompeo opts for diplomacy over Cyprus EEZ

The new defense deal signed between Athens and Washington will contribute to Greece’s security, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Kathimerini in a recent interview, while staying firm on diplomatic efforts regarding Cyprus' EEZ...

115. Turkish ships disturb Cypriot waters

Nicosia and Athens are calling on Turkey to back off following Ankara’s decision to send more ships off the southern coast of Cyprus...

116. Yavuz on its way to a new well

Turkey is sending an oil and gas drilling ship to waters off southern Cyprus where Greek Cypriot authorities have already awarded exploration rights to Italian and French companies, according to Turkish statements on Thursday....

117. Attracting investments, relations with Turkey: A new chapter?

On a diplomatic level, the main event was Mitsotakis’ meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The two leaders discussed all the major issues. Aside from the chronic Cyprus dispute, where the situation has become even more complicated following the discovery of gas deposits, one of the most pressing issues at the moment is migration. ...

118. Anastasiades responds to Akinci’s hydrocarbons proposal

In a letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres President Anastasiades responded to a proposal by Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci regarding the co-management of natural gas affairs. ...

119. UK opposes Turkish drilling plans off Cyprus, calls for de-escalation

London opposes Turkish drilling plans off Cyprus and calls for de-escalation, noting that disputes such as this are resolved through dialogue...

120. Second Turkish drillship arrives off Cyprus

A second Turkish drillship arrived on Monday off the coast of Cyprus just south of Karpas peninsula...