Papachelas makes public, for the first time, all 38 recorded minutes of the critical war council meeting held during the tense hours of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus on July 20, 1974.
Eleven bizarre tales that will blow your mind. ‘Einstein’s scary secret: bizarre stories’ by Andreas Kapandreou is definitely a page turner. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat while you delve into stories of the occult, metaphysics, parapsychology and the uncanny.
The effects of the Covid-19 disease pandemic on the quality of life and mental health of students in Cyprus are recorded in a study published in September 2021 by the Frederick University Mental Resilience Research Unit....
Daily cases continue to rise in the Republic of Cyprus with officials pleading with the public to adhere to health protocols, but a local expert in the private sector says the government is doing it all wrong...
EY Firepower 2021: life sciences M&A falls to one of lowest totals since 2014, as biopharmas refocus on alliances and bolt-on deals...
A 77-year-old coronavirus carrier died on Monday, raising the death toll in the Republic of Cyprus to seven, while 16 more tested positive bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 230....