12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 1081-1110 of 1432 matches for query protection.

1081. New Ministers of Justice and Defence sworn in

The new Ministers of Justice and Defence, Emily Yiolitis and Charalambos Petrides, were sworn in at the Presidential Palace on Monday....

1082. LIDL Cyprus donates masks to fight Covid-19

1083. Cyprus FM on 'short but important' visit to Israel

The “short but important” visit of Cyprus foreign minister Nikos Christodoulides to Israel on Tuesday, as his Isreali counterpart Gabi Ashkenazi described it in a tweet, is set to focus on ways to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. ...

1084. UNHCR report: One per cent of humanity displaced

A UN Refugee Agency report released on Thursday showed that forced displacement is now affecting more than one per cent of humanity – 1 in every 97 people – and with fewer and fewer of those who flee being able to return home....

1085. Interior minister presents bills for streamlining asylum procedures

The house legal committee discussed on Tuesday a bundle of four bills, submitted by interior minister Nicos Nouris, that seek to streamline procedures for the processing of applications filed by asylum seekers as well as appeal proceedings....

1086. North uneasy as coronavirus cases spiral in Turkey

After easing restriction measures on June 1, Turkey appears to be once again faced with the nightmare of soaring numbers of new coronavirus cases....

1087. Karayiannis: guarded quarantines might be required due to over-relaxation

The public must continue to show caution and to take all suggested personal protection measures, health advisory committee member Petros Karayiannis said Thursday, noting that the over-relaxation being observed in Cyprus must stop....

1088. Lidl committed to responsible corporate governance

1089. Protaras club ignores Covid-19 decrees, faces suspension of operation

Police on Tuesday are expected to request from the Famagusta District Court that it suspends the operation of a Protaras club that operated through the long weekend, stacking up several cases of violations of coronavirus decrees....

1090. Republic of Cyprus reopens airports

Flights resume Tuesday morning in the Republic of Cyprus, with government officials saying they are ready and optimistic about the bold move...

1091. Cyprus enters third phase of new normal

Swimming pools opened to the public on Friday in the Republic of Cyprus, marking the beginning of the third phase of a plan to ease restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic...

1092. Racism, xenophobia rife in Cyprus, refugees say

A teleconference on Tuesday raised the multifaceted problems faced by refugees and asylum seekers on the island, such as racism and xenophobia, hardships during the coronavirus pandemic, and difficulties with integrating into Cyprus society....

1093. Five new cases emerge but Cyprus still on track, Kostrikis says

Five new coronavirus cases emerged on Monday after 1,504 samples were checked for the virus....

1094. Communion ritual unchanged in Orthodox Church despite virus

One by one, the children and adults line up for the centuries-old ritual of Holy Communion, trying to keep a proper social distance. The priest dips a spoon into the chalice of bread and wine, which the faithful believe is the body and blood of Christ, and puts it into the mouth of the first person in line....

1095. Greece, Turkey exchange barbs over migrants

Greece on Thursday pushed back on criticism by Turkey that is violating the rights of refugees and migrants attempting to reach the country, saying Ankara has “instrumentalized human suffering”...

1096. New quarantine rules issued for repatriated persons

With the mandatory 14-day quarantine for returnees from abroad officially scrapped on Monday, the Health Ministry issued new guidelines whereby those being repatriated will only be required to stay in a quarantine hotel until their test results are out....

1097. Return to lockdown not likely, Karayiannis says

The health advisory committee is keeping a close watch on the consistent crowding observed since restrictions on movement were lifted on May 21, but committee member Petros Karayiannis said lockdown measures won’t be reinstated unless Cyprus returns to a state where around 30-40 new coronavirus cases are announced over consecutive days....

1098. All asylum seekers at Pournara locked in

Health ministry officials say going in and out of the migrant facility in rural Nicosia is temporarily forbidden due to a scabies infestation, with the government defending migration policies amid criticism over living conditions and restriction of freedom of movement at the camp...

1099. Despite progress, discrimination against LGBT community a reality

Recognizing that Cyprus has taken substantial steps toward institutionalizing equality and safeguarding the fundamental rights of the island’s LGBT community, Ombudswoman Maria Stylianou Lottides has highlighted that there is still work to be done in eradicating the reality of enduring acts of discrimination....

1100. Coronavirus picture remains positive as island braces for phase two

Cyprus maintained its streak of minimal new coronavirus cases on Tuesday, as just one new case was announced two days before the initiation of the second phase of the relaxation of measures that will see restrictions on movement lifted....

1101. Outdoor areas of restaurants, cafes to open Thursday

With the second phase of the easing of restriction measures set to be launched on Thursday, the Health Ministry clarified the food and beverage businesses we can expect to open their doors to the public....

1102. Greece assumes chairmanship of Council of Europe

Greece on Friday took over the rotating six-month chairmanship of the Council of Europe (CoE) from Georgia, in a ceremony that was conducted online due to public health precautions....

1103. President lets man who broke curfew walk free

President Nicos Anastasiades has issued a reprieve for a man sentenced to 45 days in prison for violating curfew, following outrage by legal experts who said the punishment did not fit the crime...

1104. AG mulling over intervening after man gets prison for breaking curfew

Attorney-General Costas Clerides said Wednesday that the Law Office of the Republic of Cyprus, in consultation with President Nicos Anastasiades, is considering to intervene in a case where a court imposed a 45-day prison sentence on a 35-year-old man who had broken curfew in late March to visit his girlfriend....

1105. North and south touch base on coronavirus

A bicommunal technical committee on health was set to convene on Wednesday to discuss the situation pertaining to the coronavirus outbreak across Cyprus, while it was not clear whether meeting would include discussion on re-opening checkpoints...

1106. Companies in Cyprus ready for the new norm

CFOs in Cyprus appear more pessimistic in the second round of the survey conducted by PwC on the effects of COVID-19 on businesses and the wider economy...

1107. Teachers refuse to livestream their classrooms

Public school teachers in the classroom remain firm on their refusal to live stream lessons online, saying it would be unproductive and dangerous, while reports point to a fear over internet memes...

1108. Man gets jail for breaking curfew to visit girlfriend

The Famagusta district court on Tuesday sentenced a 35-year-old man to 45 days in prison after he was caught on the streets after curfew, with the man claiming he was visiting his girlfriend....

1109. Confirmed cases go over the 900 mark

Confirmed cases went over the 900 mark in the Republic of Cyprus on Monday after three new cases were confirmed....

1110. New rules issued for food and beverage establishments

With all restrictions on movement to be scrapped on May 21, when gatherings of groups of up 10 people will be permitted, the Health Ministry on Monday issued new instructions for cafes, restaurants and bars....